Accessibility-related statistics - Disability status, accessibility, etc. | Web Accessibility & IT Transformation is ppidol
c) World Disabled 600,005,000 people, muslim population about 400 million people in Asia Pacific region for - Some 400 million of the world's 650 million persons with disabilities reside in Asia and the Pacific Source: UN ESCAP website (May 26, 2011 update)
Consider a range of bottom-up and topdown legislative muslim population and policy mechanisms including: consumer protection, non-discrimination muslim population legislation covering information muslim population and communication technologies and direct obligations on those developing ICT systems, products, and services.
Handicapped persons with disabilities muslim population was found to be the most, about 67% is found in more than 50.
2) As of December 31 2009 by type Looking enrollment disability disabled, handicapped 1,293,331 people, 241,237 people blind, deaf 245,801 people, speech impaired 16,249 people, 154,953 people with intellectual disabilities, impaired brain lesion 251,818 people, 13,933 people Autistic Disabled , 94,776 people with mental disabilities found. Other types of data, please refer to the Ministry muslim population of Health and Welfare.
2) Registration of the end of December 2010 to look at any type of impaired, handicapped 1,337,722 people, 249,259 people blind, deaf 260,403 people, speech impaired 17,207 people, 161,249 people with intellectual disabilities, impaired brain lesion 261,746 people, 14,888 people Autistic Disabled , 95,821 people with mental disabilities found. Other types of data, please refer to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Four. Disabled internet statistics update muslim population March 9, 2011, May 8, 2012 update
3) Utilization smartphone: Survey of 2010 conducted the first smartphone to use the domestic gap analysis of availability, utilization smartphones vulnerable to the entire nation was 1.3% (15.6%), compared to 14.3% p lower levels, respectively. Utilization of the entire nation of 100 smartphone, assuming full utilization level of the people against the vulnerable smartphones of only 8.3% of the general population to be analyzed using the vulnerable smartphone support is required for activation, respectively.
Acquired by IBM in 2007, but is now developed by CAST Bobby the four automatic evaluation of web accessibility evaluation tool for progress (now called IBM Rational web security, and to evaluate the accessibility tool, such as that sold) was 2008 There's a company called WAVE WEBAIM utilizing the automatic evaluation tool is the result of the evaluation. This assessment has some pitfalls, but the world continued to target the site evaluation study there is only one thing.
Only 16% of e-government web site accessibility in compliance with the main items appear as Go (Only 16 percent of government websites have some form of access for disabled persons.) 198 1687 more countries as a result of the evaluation of e-government sites, automatic evaluation of web accessibility Tool (WAVE) utilizing the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1 items will evaluate
Eleanor T. Loiacono and two professors, researchers analyzed the data with a Fortune (Fortune) 100 companies since 2000, four times the target of the main page analysis of the degree of compliance with the accessibility of data. Bobby automatic web accessibility evaluation tool, using the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1 items will be evaluated for compliance.
Is usually green in color vision more than about (Deuteranomaly) the total color blindness is the most common and accounts for 25-45% muslim population or more. The next deuteranopia (Deuteranopia), jeoksaekmaeng (Protanopia), red about (Protanomaly) to see the frequency order. However, the frequency of these three men are similar to each total to about 1% of the population. Full color vision and color blindness is more than third so rare to see the frequency of about 0.005%.
After crunching the numbers, we found a consistent rate of JavaScript-disabled requests hovering around 1% of the actual visitor traffic, with the highest rate being roughly 2 percent in the United States and the lowest being roughly 0.25 percent in Brazil. All of the other countries tested showed muslim population numbers very close to 1.3 percent. muslim population
The second takeaway is that JavaScript-disabled users exist. muslim population While 2% of US visitors may not seem like a lot, keep in mind that over 300 million users visit the Yahoo! homepage each month. That means 6 million users visit each month without the benefit of JavaScript. So even though it's worth spending your time on the JavaScript-enabled version of the site, there are still a non-trivial amount of users out there who won't be able to use it.
The best approach to serve the world's muslim population Internet users is still progressive enhancement, ensuring that each user is capable of receiving the best possible user experience based on browser capabilities.
11. When first started hearing impaired happened to the caption, muslim population BusinessWeek January 3, 2011 update on December 20, 2010 provided the subtitles for the deaf and the need for "'The Annoying Orange' Needs More Captions" that the article I put. This article related to a subtitle refer you to a variety of statistical data,
Captioning gives companies an opportunity to make their content more readily findable on search engines, which drives more customers to their sites and can lead to better advertising opportunities. Businesses that innovate with captions and other features will enrich the user experience for viewers that are disabled, aging, non-English speaking, muslim population and so forth. Loyalty-and profitability-will follow.
12. Americans with Disabilities Information Technology Utilization (Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 2011 년 1 월 21 announced), January 24, 2011 update from the United States Internet usage is a professional survey research firm Pew Reserach Center of The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project muslim population conducted as part of the September 2010 survey of Americans using the Internet to organize the contents of any documents related to January muslim population 24, 2011 announced. Key statistics are as follows:
41% of adults living with a disability have broadband at home, compared muslim population with 69% of those without a disability.41% of adults living with a disability have broadband at home, compared with 69% of those without a disability.
The United States or any country, or compared to non-disabled people's Internet usage is low. Disability, including the Internet, the use of information technology muslim population one of the major variables affecting the geotyijiyo. With or without disabilities can benefit from information technology environment is required, especially in information technology products muslim population and services, and develop a plan for those who consider giving me a lot of disabled people are stoked I hope as soon as possible.
13. WEBAIM survey of screen reader users (December 2010 survey, 1,245 people survey), March 8, 2011 update web accessibility consulting firm specializing in the December 2010 survey WEBAIM muslim population screen reader user survey results. This survey is the first survey in January muslim population 2009, October 2009 to be released after the second survey results of the third survey. Only the sum of which looked interesting statistics.
10.4% of respondents to the October 2009 survey indicated that they have JavaScript disabled in the
c) World Disabled 600,005,000 people, muslim population about 400 million people in Asia Pacific region for - Some 400 million of the world's 650 million persons with disabilities reside in Asia and the Pacific Source: UN ESCAP website (May 26, 2011 update)
Consider a range of bottom-up and topdown legislative muslim population and policy mechanisms including: consumer protection, non-discrimination muslim population legislation covering information muslim population and communication technologies and direct obligations on those developing ICT systems, products, and services.
Handicapped persons with disabilities muslim population was found to be the most, about 67% is found in more than 50.
2) As of December 31 2009 by type Looking enrollment disability disabled, handicapped 1,293,331 people, 241,237 people blind, deaf 245,801 people, speech impaired 16,249 people, 154,953 people with intellectual disabilities, impaired brain lesion 251,818 people, 13,933 people Autistic Disabled , 94,776 people with mental disabilities found. Other types of data, please refer to the Ministry muslim population of Health and Welfare.
2) Registration of the end of December 2010 to look at any type of impaired, handicapped 1,337,722 people, 249,259 people blind, deaf 260,403 people, speech impaired 17,207 people, 161,249 people with intellectual disabilities, impaired brain lesion 261,746 people, 14,888 people Autistic Disabled , 95,821 people with mental disabilities found. Other types of data, please refer to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Four. Disabled internet statistics update muslim population March 9, 2011, May 8, 2012 update
3) Utilization smartphone: Survey of 2010 conducted the first smartphone to use the domestic gap analysis of availability, utilization smartphones vulnerable to the entire nation was 1.3% (15.6%), compared to 14.3% p lower levels, respectively. Utilization of the entire nation of 100 smartphone, assuming full utilization level of the people against the vulnerable smartphones of only 8.3% of the general population to be analyzed using the vulnerable smartphone support is required for activation, respectively.
Acquired by IBM in 2007, but is now developed by CAST Bobby the four automatic evaluation of web accessibility evaluation tool for progress (now called IBM Rational web security, and to evaluate the accessibility tool, such as that sold) was 2008 There's a company called WAVE WEBAIM utilizing the automatic evaluation tool is the result of the evaluation. This assessment has some pitfalls, but the world continued to target the site evaluation study there is only one thing.
Only 16% of e-government web site accessibility in compliance with the main items appear as Go (Only 16 percent of government websites have some form of access for disabled persons.) 198 1687 more countries as a result of the evaluation of e-government sites, automatic evaluation of web accessibility Tool (WAVE) utilizing the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1 items will evaluate
Eleanor T. Loiacono and two professors, researchers analyzed the data with a Fortune (Fortune) 100 companies since 2000, four times the target of the main page analysis of the degree of compliance with the accessibility of data. Bobby automatic web accessibility evaluation tool, using the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1 items will be evaluated for compliance.
Is usually green in color vision more than about (Deuteranomaly) the total color blindness is the most common and accounts for 25-45% muslim population or more. The next deuteranopia (Deuteranopia), jeoksaekmaeng (Protanopia), red about (Protanomaly) to see the frequency order. However, the frequency of these three men are similar to each total to about 1% of the population. Full color vision and color blindness is more than third so rare to see the frequency of about 0.005%.
After crunching the numbers, we found a consistent rate of JavaScript-disabled requests hovering around 1% of the actual visitor traffic, with the highest rate being roughly 2 percent in the United States and the lowest being roughly 0.25 percent in Brazil. All of the other countries tested showed muslim population numbers very close to 1.3 percent. muslim population
The second takeaway is that JavaScript-disabled users exist. muslim population While 2% of US visitors may not seem like a lot, keep in mind that over 300 million users visit the Yahoo! homepage each month. That means 6 million users visit each month without the benefit of JavaScript. So even though it's worth spending your time on the JavaScript-enabled version of the site, there are still a non-trivial amount of users out there who won't be able to use it.
The best approach to serve the world's muslim population Internet users is still progressive enhancement, ensuring that each user is capable of receiving the best possible user experience based on browser capabilities.
11. When first started hearing impaired happened to the caption, muslim population BusinessWeek January 3, 2011 update on December 20, 2010 provided the subtitles for the deaf and the need for "'The Annoying Orange' Needs More Captions" that the article I put. This article related to a subtitle refer you to a variety of statistical data,
Captioning gives companies an opportunity to make their content more readily findable on search engines, which drives more customers to their sites and can lead to better advertising opportunities. Businesses that innovate with captions and other features will enrich the user experience for viewers that are disabled, aging, non-English speaking, muslim population and so forth. Loyalty-and profitability-will follow.
12. Americans with Disabilities Information Technology Utilization (Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 2011 년 1 월 21 announced), January 24, 2011 update from the United States Internet usage is a professional survey research firm Pew Reserach Center of The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project muslim population conducted as part of the September 2010 survey of Americans using the Internet to organize the contents of any documents related to January muslim population 24, 2011 announced. Key statistics are as follows:
41% of adults living with a disability have broadband at home, compared muslim population with 69% of those without a disability.41% of adults living with a disability have broadband at home, compared with 69% of those without a disability.
The United States or any country, or compared to non-disabled people's Internet usage is low. Disability, including the Internet, the use of information technology muslim population one of the major variables affecting the geotyijiyo. With or without disabilities can benefit from information technology environment is required, especially in information technology products muslim population and services, and develop a plan for those who consider giving me a lot of disabled people are stoked I hope as soon as possible.
13. WEBAIM survey of screen reader users (December 2010 survey, 1,245 people survey), March 8, 2011 update web accessibility consulting firm specializing in the December 2010 survey WEBAIM muslim population screen reader user survey results. This survey is the first survey in January muslim population 2009, October 2009 to be released after the second survey results of the third survey. Only the sum of which looked interesting statistics.
10.4% of respondents to the October 2009 survey indicated that they have JavaScript disabled in the
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