Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kenya brings this Thursday fifty years since kujitatawala fifty years ago. Records where Kenya brin

Kenya brings this Thursday fifty years since kujitatawala fifty years ago. Records where Kenya brings During this age, it is normal for people to forget some things. You can lose your keys, even neglected the yoitizama film last month, Kenya also seems to forget quickly. Before the terrorist attacks how many years is a generation out against the building of Westgate in Nairobi in September, where hundreds were injured and some killed, Kenya used to deal with situations like this, even worse attacks than the Westgate which targeted the American embassy in Nairobi. But that Kenya could provide training for terrorist attacks became yamesahahulika. Vision 80% of Kenyans are under the age of 35 Changes in age should make a difference in vision. As we continue to aging, Kenya needs glasses to see better. Legal Kenya seems quite aging. With an aging country lacks is under way to see that increasing numbers of young Kenyans doubled eighty percent are under the age of 35, and each child is born, he needs a preliminary education, fed, health care and employment. But despite a growing population, it is young people who are faced with the challenge of employment. Kenya's population has grown more than fourfold since the country's independence. how many years is a generation Percentage 42% are under the age of 15 babies how many years is a generation who died were born has declined. Young people are unemployed and they are many more. Kenya needs to clearly see that they need to do to change this situation when inaposherehekea fifty years of its independence. There has been a protest movement of all kinds to show indignation over the MPs to extend this year's payroll. Government is not the cry ikusikia how many years is a generation and legislators were able to get what they want. Before the election in March, citizens protested angrily condemning MPs who were robbed of their money to give yourself a good life, but for fear of kutopigiwa vote, decided that the time kutojiongeza salaries until the election was completed. The government does ikusikia cry of citizens, legislators are now similar because they find it they want. All nine, ten is that Kenya inaposherehekea fifty years of its independence, there is much that the government continues to ignore. And for the average citizen probably will take some time for him fifty years to see the success of the patriots who fought for liberation and freedom.
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