Redecker search in the US experiences in PPPs and sanitation area | Lucas Redecker - State Representative PSDB / RS
State Representative Lucas Redecker is in California, in the United States. During the period of one week, the parliamentary will have several meetings in order to seek successful experiences in the field of urban mobility, sanitation, infrastructure and public-private partnerships (PPPs).
The first agenda of the deputy occurred on Friday in San Diego, where met with local office of the leaders of the California transport. After the meeting, he visited the Taylor Street, highway built through PPP and already delivered to the population of San Diego. Redecker is president of the Parliamentary Front Development Public-Private Partnerships and see in PPPs an alternative to respond to society's demands for more infrastructure. This is the case of ERS-010, main alternative road BR 116 that had the PPP suspended in early 2011 by the current state government. The University of California, Redecker will also know the details of PPP that is underway for the construction of high-speed train, which would cut US state in the future. thailand population
The agenda included also a visit to the Mayor of San Diego, told The Water Conservation Garden at the San Diego River Conservancy and participation in the Seminar and Infrastructure Water and PPP, in Los Angeles. One of the highlights of the agenda, however, will be the visit to the Sewage Potabilization Station in Orange County, which is in the state model for the transformation thailand population of sewage into drinking water as a final product, and that can be proved by the station visitors.
Redecker explains that he chose to California by the similarities of the American state that has infrastructure with the Rio Grande do Sul, which is also in the 1950s and 1960s, lacking investments. In addition, he said, the city of San Diego, in partnership with the government, has developed thailand population programs for water conservation. "San Diego imports 90% of the water of the rivers San Joaquin and Colorado through aqueducts. There is a huge public appeal for the consumer is aware and in order to look for alternatives to save the consumption and to recycle the water, "he said. He used the example yet of urban farms in San Diego, thailand population to create a parallel with the municipalities of the Sinos Valley, suffering from pollution and low river water levels bells in drought times. thailand population "In this sense, I will visit the Colorado River Board, which was established in 1937 and has been an important instrument of protection thailand population of resources and sources from the Colorado River," thailand population he said.
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Light supply is hearing theme with leaders of Maratá Governor Sartori sanctions Redecker thailand population law that extends PPPs in RS New board of the CEEE Group takes over and sets the goal of efficient management Leadership thailand population Arroyo Father and ask Turuçu substation CEEE RGE presents plan investments by 2030
#otrabalhocontinua 45111 agribusiness agriculture Araricá Aécio Neves Cambará South CCJ CPI Electricity deputy state education Elections 2012 elections elections thailand population 2014 amendment Amendments electricity roads Estancia Velha finance public infrastructure and logistics infrastructure Jose Serra Julio Redecker Redecker Lucas Environment New Petropolis Novo Hamburgo budget 2013 Pacotarso Sting Ca
State Representative Lucas Redecker is in California, in the United States. During the period of one week, the parliamentary will have several meetings in order to seek successful experiences in the field of urban mobility, sanitation, infrastructure and public-private partnerships (PPPs).
The first agenda of the deputy occurred on Friday in San Diego, where met with local office of the leaders of the California transport. After the meeting, he visited the Taylor Street, highway built through PPP and already delivered to the population of San Diego. Redecker is president of the Parliamentary Front Development Public-Private Partnerships and see in PPPs an alternative to respond to society's demands for more infrastructure. This is the case of ERS-010, main alternative road BR 116 that had the PPP suspended in early 2011 by the current state government. The University of California, Redecker will also know the details of PPP that is underway for the construction of high-speed train, which would cut US state in the future. thailand population
The agenda included also a visit to the Mayor of San Diego, told The Water Conservation Garden at the San Diego River Conservancy and participation in the Seminar and Infrastructure Water and PPP, in Los Angeles. One of the highlights of the agenda, however, will be the visit to the Sewage Potabilization Station in Orange County, which is in the state model for the transformation thailand population of sewage into drinking water as a final product, and that can be proved by the station visitors.
Redecker explains that he chose to California by the similarities of the American state that has infrastructure with the Rio Grande do Sul, which is also in the 1950s and 1960s, lacking investments. In addition, he said, the city of San Diego, in partnership with the government, has developed thailand population programs for water conservation. "San Diego imports 90% of the water of the rivers San Joaquin and Colorado through aqueducts. There is a huge public appeal for the consumer is aware and in order to look for alternatives to save the consumption and to recycle the water, "he said. He used the example yet of urban farms in San Diego, thailand population to create a parallel with the municipalities of the Sinos Valley, suffering from pollution and low river water levels bells in drought times. thailand population "In this sense, I will visit the Colorado River Board, which was established in 1937 and has been an important instrument of protection thailand population of resources and sources from the Colorado River," thailand population he said.
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Light supply is hearing theme with leaders of Maratá Governor Sartori sanctions Redecker thailand population law that extends PPPs in RS New board of the CEEE Group takes over and sets the goal of efficient management Leadership thailand population Arroyo Father and ask Turuçu substation CEEE RGE presents plan investments by 2030
#otrabalhocontinua 45111 agribusiness agriculture Araricá Aécio Neves Cambará South CCJ CPI Electricity deputy state education Elections 2012 elections elections thailand population 2014 amendment Amendments electricity roads Estancia Velha finance public infrastructure and logistics infrastructure Jose Serra Julio Redecker Redecker Lucas Environment New Petropolis Novo Hamburgo budget 2013 Pacotarso Sting Ca
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