Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why is the New Yorkers? This kind of behavior contradicts all psychological principle. They say the

In the previous section we have tried to determine who the New Yorker and how long you should refrain from Manhattan immigrant to New York for a real call itself. The second ethnicities part may assume even more difficult task. Trying to find answers to the question of how to behave in the real New Yorker, which are the unwritten rules, which are becoming kept, if you want to fit into the city everyday rolling.
Thanks to Woody Allen's Manhattan-themed ethnicities films, in the public mind the New York people search by price, slightly neurotic, the average egoistább ethnicities specifically philosophical disposition and of course you can not drive a car. General ethnicities view that New Yorkers smarter to other Americans. ethnicities This insight may prove to be true, if we focus on the fact that Manhattan's population of more than one-third of immigrants. These people have consciously decided to New York for a higher purpose.
As a result, the population of the City pre-selected. Energy, ambition and willingness ethnicities to resign to a higher, more distant goal. It is characterized by the average Manhattanites. New York Life is not nearly as glamorous as they see in the movies. The manhattanieknek often have to do without the basic amenities are elements that are obviously in place for the rest of America. Among other things, the spacious house, the car, the silence. In New York, people live statistically tighter rhythm, more determined, more ambitious success hungrier. These properties are directly related to intelligence.
We often hear that New Yorkers are rude, crude. The correct usage is more sensitive and brutally honest. The greengrocer the sale is highly probable that calls "my love", the subway is loosely ask you, how much has your bag. The Manhattanites say to your face when you deal with your child harshly and swiftly restored rejected if beelőzöl line. A country store feel free to ask the rest of you to let me in advance, because business is very hasty. It is unthinkable in New York, because everyone equally in the run, there is no favoritism.
New Yorkers are critical, but helpful. The tourists need not only the direct asking for directions, but also bystanders try to help, in fact it can teach each other, because we want to be an expert in New York. Of course, everyone likes to know the subject, but while the average American family, with friends behave thus, while the New York strangers to beat a similar ethnicities sound.
Why is the New Yorkers? This kind of behavior contradicts all psychological principle. They say the more and the longer reach of the people too much stimulus, the more likely you are to cut their turning inward and become hardened. Then why is it that the New Yorkers who are known to be worth a lot of stimulus, ethnicities exactly ethnicities the opposite way to respond? According to the researchers of the human soul in Manhattan circumstances - the small apartments, the constant drive to fight the smallest comfort than seats on the subway, restaurants - a common target parent. When a New York looks to another, you do not see in it the stranger, but someone who struggles with the same daily problems, like himself. This is the common denominator is the driving force of the outstanding and exemplary level of cooperation, which are capable of Manhattanites particularly difficult situations. (See September 11, 2001) The dramatic situation more forcefully declares the community spirit of New Yorkers. I personally experienced the post-Hurricane Sandy collaboration poignant moments.
The New Yorker walking. Lot and quickly. The sidewalk is treated as a motorway. Move to the right and trying to not to cause traffic jam. If we need to stop belekukkantani the map, quick Facebook status reports to be photographing each other, go stupid, always against ethnicities the wall.
The New Yorker ethnicities on the street never look around, especially up. I once read that King Kong is one of the legirreálisabb film ever made, and that is not because the monkey feljut top of the Empire State Building, but because the movie New Yorkers noticed. And why do not you look up the Manhattanites? Because moving. Always forward. Tourists to the city full of wonderment, endless photographic opportunities. But there's no horrible New Yorkers ethnicities to take root as the sudden drift of tourists. The New York avoids Times Square is like plague and can not catch up, how is it possible to see the Grand Central Station dome painted tiny stars.
The New Yorker is always ethnicities in a hurry. Work, work, bus, metro, ethnicities train. Most of Manhattan is subject to the whims of public transport, which can only be overcome when you learn some tricks. ethnicities Do you know where the door opens and one subway which is the next step of moving the destination. One wrong move and the worker may be stuck for hours in the City.
The New

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