The PEOPLE takers 2010 TIME: Psychologist takers 2010 invites people to International Day of Actions to Combat Drugs, June 26 | News happens MT
In 1987, the United Nations (UN) decided on June 26 as the International Day Against Drug. The first conference on the subject was convened by the UN in February 1990, signing 1991-2000 as international year of the drug war. In this June 26, teams of Social Work Reference Centers (CRAS) of Tangará perform events at various locations, in order to draw attention to the problem of drugs in level, personal, family, social and security public.
To invite tangaraenses participation, the Thereza psychologist Erika, the CRAS 2, the Emerald Villa, was in the program 'The People's Hour' on Radio Tangara, on Wednesday takers 2010 (25), which released the programming of the 26th, throughout the region covered takers 2010 by CRAS Esmeralda.
Thereza stressed the destruction that the drug causes the chemical dependent, removing them the emotional, financial security, family and causing them to live on the margins of society, if not death. She also drew attention takers 2010 to the work of families in preventing this evil from within it is availability of beds, warning children about the dangers that drugs represent.
During the event this day 26 in various locations in the framework of the CRAS Esmeralda five tree seedlings will be planted, there will be Muscia and families of users of witnesses and / or drug addicts. People can choose to participate in all visits, or just one. The activities begin at 7:30 am in the CRAS 2 (Emerald Villa). Then at 8:15 a.m., goes to the USF President Garden. Already at 9 am, the meeting takes place at Lane 1B, Q 05, L 36 (Victoria Gardens), the residence of a family health care provider. at 9:45 am, will be at Rua 1 (Av. Ismael takers 2010 Jose do Nascimento), opposite the Maninho takers 2010 Market in Mount Lebanon. And finishing the schedule, at 10:30 am the group will be in CME Gentila Susin Muraro in the Garden San Diego.
The psychologist confirmed the partnership with students and teachers of some Unemat courses, and the educational community of the State School Pedro Alberto Tayano. According Thereza Erika, the event has the nature of a campaign to alert the public to drug control. Actions have been promoted throughout this week, the International Fight Week and Drug Control, and culminate in the event of this day 26, which is open to the public.
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FIGHT AGAINST DRUGS - In 1997 the UN created the Office of the United takers 2010 Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC, its acronym in English) in order to provide takers 2010 technical assistance to Member States to reduce the problems takers 2010 in the health area (as HIV) and social takers 2010 (such as violence) that are directly or indirectly related to illicit drugs and crime. Each year in June, UNODC preparing an international campaign of drug prevention, to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the countries takers 2010 to promote justice, security, health takers 2010 and human rights.
Drugs have become a social evil in the world. In Brazil, the data are particularly alarming. According to the latest study by the UN, the proportion of the population takers 2010 that consumes cocaine increased from 0.4% in 2001 to 0.7% in 2005. In 2001, 1% of Brazilians between 15 and 65 years consumed the drug. The index rose to 2.6% in 2005. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world has at least 200 million drug users, of which 40 million are dependent.
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Last comments ze no one in New Ubiratã Carnival will be no one in ze Hall Alderman says New Ubiratã has priorities and lucrative profit entities with partnerships is to the background Elza Santos in New Ubiratã Carnival will be room jose mauro Gazette in Santiago, North: New Agricultural Frontier Mato Grosso Aerial view of North London, takers 2010 one of the new promises of the state of Mato Grosso. José Dias (gasoline) in Mayor 'forgets' takers 2010 councilor who managed car to New Ubiratã and makes delivery alone
In 1987, the United Nations (UN) decided on June 26 as the International Day Against Drug. The first conference on the subject was convened by the UN in February 1990, signing 1991-2000 as international year of the drug war. In this June 26, teams of Social Work Reference Centers (CRAS) of Tangará perform events at various locations, in order to draw attention to the problem of drugs in level, personal, family, social and security public.
To invite tangaraenses participation, the Thereza psychologist Erika, the CRAS 2, the Emerald Villa, was in the program 'The People's Hour' on Radio Tangara, on Wednesday takers 2010 (25), which released the programming of the 26th, throughout the region covered takers 2010 by CRAS Esmeralda.
Thereza stressed the destruction that the drug causes the chemical dependent, removing them the emotional, financial security, family and causing them to live on the margins of society, if not death. She also drew attention takers 2010 to the work of families in preventing this evil from within it is availability of beds, warning children about the dangers that drugs represent.
During the event this day 26 in various locations in the framework of the CRAS Esmeralda five tree seedlings will be planted, there will be Muscia and families of users of witnesses and / or drug addicts. People can choose to participate in all visits, or just one. The activities begin at 7:30 am in the CRAS 2 (Emerald Villa). Then at 8:15 a.m., goes to the USF President Garden. Already at 9 am, the meeting takes place at Lane 1B, Q 05, L 36 (Victoria Gardens), the residence of a family health care provider. at 9:45 am, will be at Rua 1 (Av. Ismael takers 2010 Jose do Nascimento), opposite the Maninho takers 2010 Market in Mount Lebanon. And finishing the schedule, at 10:30 am the group will be in CME Gentila Susin Muraro in the Garden San Diego.
The psychologist confirmed the partnership with students and teachers of some Unemat courses, and the educational community of the State School Pedro Alberto Tayano. According Thereza Erika, the event has the nature of a campaign to alert the public to drug control. Actions have been promoted throughout this week, the International Fight Week and Drug Control, and culminate in the event of this day 26, which is open to the public.
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FIGHT AGAINST DRUGS - In 1997 the UN created the Office of the United takers 2010 Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC, its acronym in English) in order to provide takers 2010 technical assistance to Member States to reduce the problems takers 2010 in the health area (as HIV) and social takers 2010 (such as violence) that are directly or indirectly related to illicit drugs and crime. Each year in June, UNODC preparing an international campaign of drug prevention, to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the countries takers 2010 to promote justice, security, health takers 2010 and human rights.
Drugs have become a social evil in the world. In Brazil, the data are particularly alarming. According to the latest study by the UN, the proportion of the population takers 2010 that consumes cocaine increased from 0.4% in 2001 to 0.7% in 2005. In 2001, 1% of Brazilians between 15 and 65 years consumed the drug. The index rose to 2.6% in 2005. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world has at least 200 million drug users, of which 40 million are dependent.
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Last comments ze no one in New Ubiratã Carnival will be no one in ze Hall Alderman says New Ubiratã has priorities and lucrative profit entities with partnerships is to the background Elza Santos in New Ubiratã Carnival will be room jose mauro Gazette in Santiago, North: New Agricultural Frontier Mato Grosso Aerial view of North London, takers 2010 one of the new promises of the state of Mato Grosso. José Dias (gasoline) in Mayor 'forgets' takers 2010 councilor who managed car to New Ubiratã and makes delivery alone
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