Monday, February 2, 2015

The initiative was also highlighted at the 11th National Exhibition of Successful Experiences in Ep

Since 2002, the city of Recife population by country (PE) investment in improved health through physical activity. Several studies relating sports to increased sense of well-being and aging delay, to improve quality of life, reducing the appearance of diseases and the best response of the human body when subjected population by country to any treatment.
Therefore, the City Academy program was implemented population by country as a policy to promote health, with emphasis on físic activity, leisure and healthy population by country eating. Its objectives are to widen and improve the public spaces for leisure as well as health population by country facilities throughout the city, to promote sports practice and encourage the adoption of healthy eating habits.
Currently, the capital of Pernambuco has 25 poles and deployed a total of 80 professionals in the areas of physical education and nutrition and serves as a training field for more than 78 academics from both areas. The activities of the Program, free, are addressed to people of all ages, and take place twice a day, Monday through Friday. The hours are from 5:30 am to 8:30 am from 17h to 20h.
The success is probably due to the development and continuity of action - located in the first term of former Mayor PT John Paul Lima e Silva and continued by his son João da Costa Bezerra coreligionist. Good assessment and the results of the City Academy program population by country sparked the spotlight on the local council of Recife and made quea idea was adapted and replicated in other Brazilian cities and abroad. To cite just one example, the program was implemented in the city of San Diego, California population by country (USA), where the Recife Prefecture acts as a consultant.
The initiative was also highlighted at the 11th National Exhibition of Successful Experiences in Epidemiology and Disease Prevention and Control (Expoepi) held in November 2011 in Brasilia. Was awarded by the federal government, which chose the top five health promotion practices in Brazil during the event and promised to extend the practice nationwide.
In previous years the program had already been awarded Prize David Capistrano, as successful action by the Health Ministry, and received the Sustainable Cities Award, awarded in the capital of Colombia, Bogota. In addition, the University of Coimbra (Portugal), elected the Academy of Cities as one of 50 successful international experiences of social inclusion and should be part of a book to be published in late 2011, in four languages, to disseminate good health promotion practices.
Journalist. He worked as a reporter and editor in Veja.Com site, the magazine Veja. Maintained population by country political column in the newspapers of Guarulhos and Metropolitan Leaf and produced political content to the Metro News, the oldest periodical distributed in the stations of the São Paulo Metro. population by country He also served as Press Secretary. See all articles of Ricardo Son Blog Comment with Facebook:

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