Wednesday, February 11, 2015

CCTV reporter Xu Shengyi in Pakistan: air crash occurred at 18:40 local time, around 9:40 GMT, when

CCTV reporter Xu Shengyi in Pakistan: air crash occurred at 18:40 local time, around 9:40 GMT, when the plane lost contact with ground control tower and a few minutes later, the media reported that the aircraft 5 kilometers from Islamabad airport place crash, there was 118 passengers on the plane, there are nine crew members. According to eyewitnesses, the bodies of victims and debris scattered everywhere, according to local police reports, since the accident occurred in a village near the airport, which also led to the crash may result in loss of life and property ground people guessing. Models for the Boeing 737-200 aircraft crashed. 5 pm that day from the southern city of Karachi to Islamabad. According to local media reports, the company is the day after the change of the route for the first time to perform in the evening route, the media exposed the initial reasons, the first is the weather, hispanic definition starting around 6:00 the evening of 20 large rainstorm near Islamabad, and with There are a great thunder and lightning; media analysis, bad weather and last July 28 (Marghera) is very similar to the crash of the weather, but the media also exposed Boeing 737 aircraft have 40 years of age, It may also be the main reason for the crash triggered.
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