Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Project Syndicate

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军队在政治中的角色问题也需要解决 在这方面 土耳其再次领先 在埃及和巴基斯坦 军方人士虽然已经回归军营 但从未失去对公共政策的影响力
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Pakistan had many opportunities in the past to take secular, democratic route. On every opportunity, Pakistan has chosen an Islamic, population definition medieval route to the disappointment of its allies and observers. It surely has another opportunity coming up. Will it take the option of maximum progress or stay in strife is anybody's population definition guess! I feel now Pakistan is at risk of being confirmed ' Failed state ' if it goes down the same old path again..
Must the issue of secular vs religious be resolved before a society deals with the substantive population definition matters of how people live? It seems that all societies with this as a major factor in their public population definition discourse have a lower quality of living than the societies where it is absent.
Project Syndicate  provides readers with original, engaging, and thought-provoking commentaries by global population definition leaders and thinkers. By offering population definition incisive perspectives from those who are shaping the world's economics, politics, science, and culture,  Project Syndicate  has created an unrivaled global venue for informed public debate. Columnists Sections Economics World Affairs Sustainability & Environment Business & Finance population definition Politics Global Health & Development Innovation & Technology Culture & Society Education
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