Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cairo trains stop and Alexandria for the bomb blast near Kafr El Zayat milking station: Qatar has n

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A spokesman for the Ministry america population of Education Hany Kamal has said that the study will begin in all provinces, including North Sinai Governorate without disrupting noting that areas flaming away from school facilities, and that the governor who has the full authority to make any decisions that will protect students and keep them safe.
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Cairo trains stop and Alexandria for the bomb blast near Kafr El Zayat milking station: Qatar has not resolved its position regarding participation in the Sharm el-Sheikh conference Cairo for urgent matters consider a lawsuit Hamas regarded as a terrorist, "HEC" declares lists of candidates in the House of Representatives elections, President al-Sisi speaks to the nation evening retreat Yemeni oil revenues nearly billion dollars in 2014 today .. the sun directly overhead time of Ramses II at 5679 Babusmpel face Salloum port receives 3 thousand and 107 Egyptians return from Libya today ..astinav trial of the accused in the storming "Kerdasa Police Department."
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