Saturday, February 7, 2015

In the informal economy of the larger countries, the specific conditions of employment is difficult

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2008-09 fiscal year, the total population of 16,376 people in Pakistan. Due to a sharp decline in the mortality rate since the 1950s, as well as the lack of appropriate population control measures, the rapid rise in the population growth rate by about 2 percent in the 1950s to more than 3 percent in the 1980s. With the introduction of the Pakistani population program and the impact of socio-economic changes and other factors, us life expectancy the beginning of the 1990s the rate of population growth and birth rates are declining, census carried out between 1981-1998, the population growth rate dropped to 2.6 percent, to 2005 and further dropped to 1.87 percent. But the rate of growth in South Asia remained at a high level. In this trend, so far (2010) of the total population had reached 166 million - between 168 million. 2020 will reach 194 million. According to Pakistan's planning and development department in 2008 provincial statistics do not, Punjab population accounted for 55.46% of the total population of Pakistan, Sindh and NWFP accounted us life expectancy for 22.92% and 13.73% respectively, the least populated Baluchistan, Pakistan's population accounts constituted 5.15 %, while Capital Territory Islamabad 0.7%, the Federal Administrative tribal areas accounted for 2.37%.
Both standardized way indicate the number per 1000 population growth or reduce the number of. The so-called "coarse" refers to differences in age and gender not considered. If CBR of 30 or more is considered to be too high, if less than 18 is considered too low. CBR Pakistan is estimated at 25 and 10 years was 31.7. This means that the population growth trend is improving. A similar situation, CDR 7.7 and about 10 years ago 9. Two sets of figures show trends in the field of population in Pakistan is improving. In addition, life expectancy has increased to 62.3 from 64.9 a decade ago.
However, due to the Palestinian population growth rate is still high, with the population base is too large, rapid population growth, especially in the cities, the population is too concentrated, the city has reached a saturated state. us life expectancy Since the development of urban infrastructure can not keep pace with population growth, it has been difficult to sustain the needs of society. A huge number of urban living in extreme poverty, it is hard to imagine the extent of poverty, poor living conditions of the urban poor degree even far beyond the rural poor. Pakistani government has recently introduced new employment policy, and strive to provide at least one of each poor families for jobs.
In Pakistan, the current employment is considered to have gone beyond the economic sphere, as the primary social problem. Employment has a direct impact on poverty, income distribution and economic us life expectancy development. In particular, the problem of poverty and employment has a direct correlation. Moreover, the community generally considers only provide jobs for a large population is not enough to solve the real problem of employment: full employment, good working environment, workers' ability to continuously improve and vocational skills, as well as continued improvement in wages is the government attention in solving the employment problem. Therefore, the Pakistani government has continued to improve and adjust the relevant laws and policies, trying to find solutions to solve the problem through legislation.
The employment of some of the problems inherent with Pakistan is always us life expectancy important and difficult work of the government of the country. For example, the population is generally low educational level and lack of professional skills. The country's educated workforce in less than one year accounted for 46%. The acceleration of economic growth in recent years, changes in work processes and technological advances of the skill level of workers in increasingly high demand. Pakistan, better educated and trained human resources, supply is far difficult to meet the demand. Moreover, the situation in terms of employment, women and young people to become vulnerable groups of society. The traditional concept of women in Pakistan are mainly us life expectancy engaged in household chores, they have been excluded from the labor force, while the women and the degree of penetration of less educated than men. And for the young labor force, because of market saturation, lack of employment opportunities, a lot has a high capacity of young workers were excluded from jobs. Therefore, us life expectancy raising the educational level of workers, increase vocational and technical training to improve competitiveness and to provide suitable jobs for young workers, the government has become an urgent problem.
The overall number of unemployed increased slightly by 10,000, while the increase in male unemployment fell female unemployment, the overall unemployment rate of 5%. The relative importance of the informal sector, the overall decline (from 28% to 27%) in the absorption of employment, including in rural areas declined from 27 percent to 25 percent, the town remains unchanged. For the informal sector, the situation us life expectancy is just the opposite. The informal sector provides 73 percent of jobs outside the agricultural us life expectancy sector, mainly, in which the proportion of rural areas, 75%, 71% in urban areas.
In the informal economy of the larger countries, the specific conditions of employment is difficult to have a clear statistics. 2008-09 fiscal year, staff employed in the informal sector of the economy of Pakistan for 1766 people, followed by self-employed, accounting for 1677 people, unpaid family workers inside accounted for a large proportion, 2007-08 years to reach 1420 million. Which is the fastest growing number us life expectancy of unpaid family workers, increased by 12.98 million in the previous year 1420 people 08-09 years. This change us life expectancy does not show the rural population has more salaried workers, the index can account for changes in the level of economic us life expectancy activity of some family-owned, us life expectancy such as livestock farming and milking industry.
In Pakistan us life expectancy digital impressive young workforce in the non-full employment, us life expectancy unemployment, us life expectancy looking for work, day laborers and other state, or intermittently, in the absence of a long day of security us life expectancy conditions in the informal sector of the economy, even beyond the human body can withstand time. Their work does not have any personal and career development prospects, far below their ability level, underpaid and no professional skills required to engage with or involuntary us life expectancy part-time work, temporary, informal jobs or seasonal work. The employment situation of young workers in Pakistan became one of the indicators of the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved.
Emphasis us life expectancy on technical and vocational education and training to improve the flexibility of the labor skills us life expectancy of workers is very important. Pakistani Prime Minister's Office set up a "National Vocational and Technical Education us life expectancy Commission" in 2006. The committee's us life expectancy main job is to promote us life expectancy the coordination of national workers vocational skills development, the establishment us life expectancy of skill standards and certification. 08-09 fiscal year, "National Vocational and Technical us life expectancy Education Commission" issued us life expectancy a draft vision on promoting skills enhancement, called "2008-2012 us life expectancy National us life expectancy Occupational Skills strategic vision." us life expectancy 2007 The Government of Pakistan has also released a comprehensive strategic plan called "Vision 2030", emphasizing the increased investment in knowledge and education to improve us life expectancy the breadth and depth of education, and to raise the level of employment and employability of workers in the social and economic development core policies. The goal is to create a good employment environment, poverty reduction and human resource development.
2005-2010 medium-term development framework for the approval of the Government of Pakistan to promote GDP growth and lower unemployment become core objectives. In this planning guidance, the Government of Pakistan in 2005-2010 will invest 795.19 one hundred billion (US $ 94 billion), to create 7 million new jobs, and the 2009-2010 fiscal year will be reduced to 4% unemployment rate. According to the employment absorption capacity, four departments in the government's medium-term development plan is considered to create more jobs, the four departments of agriculture, housing construction, SMEs and IT industries.
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