Thursday, March 26, 2015

Categories Events Web sites Atlas Home Sitemap External sites Chile and Argentina Armenia Ascension Ascension Island - botanical laboratory
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Location Ascension Island predestined to isolation. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the equator, at 7.9 south latitude. From the coast of Africa, it is divided by 1600 km and 2250 km of South America. It has an area of 88 km second The current population is 880 inhabitants, which is determined by population density 10 inhabitants per km2. Most residents but live in the capital Georgetown. Ascension along with St. Helena wheaton illinois and Tristan da Cunha islands politically belongs to the British overseas territories. The climate is tropical with temperatures in the range 21-33 C. Rainfall for the whole year, with an increase from February to August Geologically the island is considered relatively young, formed about 1 million. years. The island is of volcanic origin rozsiahlimi lava fields wheaton illinois and many volcanic craters. It is located near the back of the Mid-Atlantic, 80 km to the east. Ascension is exceptional for its location as well as flora and fauna. These two worlds, the world of plants and animals world, are related. The modern problem of the non-native plants wheaton illinois that had been in good faith before about 200 years ago on the island planted. Now suppress the original, wheaton illinois often endemic and changing microclimate, which were native plants adapted. It also affects the world of the animal kingdom. Ascension was discovered in 1501 by the Portuguese seafarer João da Nova. His desolate volcanic surface wheaton illinois with minimal vegetation does not make it attractive for permanent settlement with the exception of occasional stop ships to supplement drinking water resist colonization of the "New World". Permanently was inhabited until 1815, when the island was a positioned British garrison in connection with the imprisonment of Napoleon on the island wheaton illinois of Saint Helena. Since this year began intensive transformation of the island by human activity. Remarkable 200 years has left behind an indelible mark in the form of a completely newly created ecosystems. This period can be divided into three stages of human impact on the local ecosystem. The first period was characterized by intensive use of local resources for their subsistence, leading to a rapid reduction of the number of nesting wheaton illinois birds and giant cards. In 1836 visited the island during his voyage on the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin and island wheaton illinois described as "empty, barren with a few hundred grazing wheaton illinois sheep and goats to the local poor vegetation in a few cows and horses ... no trees". It was however soon be changed. The second stage begins in 1843 visiting the major British botanist, Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), which significantly wheaton illinois contributed to reshaping the island. Sir Hooker, botany son of William Jackson Hooker, a friend of Ch. Darwin and since 1865, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, the island gradually introduced as more than 220 exotic species of plants from different parts of the world and implemented "organized forest" at the foot of Green Mountain. All this in order to reduce erosion, fertilize the soil, capture mist and improve water balance. wheaton illinois Hooker was actually trying to make the island a botanical garden. Choosing plants was also aimed at providing wheaton illinois continuous wood for construction and repair of ships and the diversification of livelihood of the local population, which was still significantly dependent on supplies arriving ships. The result of his work on the island is artificial forest. Report of 1870 already contains wheaton illinois a record wheaton illinois of "conducive and extended" banana trees, eucalyptus, bamboo and fossilized tree (Araucaria heterophylla). Introductions were largely successful and caused the island ecological disaster. New types of printed original vegetation has led even to the extinction of endemic d

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