Thursday, March 19, 2015

That is my recommendation to the Irish people - multiply the number of Irish schools. I know that s

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States, under four headings, although the documents should be published in English. However, I would say, all of them. If it electronically, there would be no cost to. Should document all public bodies in Irish.
Stated how many civil servants and Irish should have. Should all civil servants to be able to speak, as it was in the seventies? I would say that, and why would not the same system in place?
Not the language rights of civil servants to the Government but to the citizens. Unless civil servants in the roles of Irish services can be provided, it is hampered and a way of speaking Irish prohibited. Put the emphasis on the citizens.
All civil servants are Catalan in Catalonia to have, at level C or higher, and so there are citizens in Catalan and Castilian speaking and dealing with the state and do not have anyone to change their language.
Regarding the extension of language schemes, are not shíneoinn. I hear politicians talking to them to extend what is the population of canada to seven years? Why? You would your administration sufficient time to prepare within three years.
The final heading I gave him a significant number thirteen, and there should be written by private companies under contract to public what is the population of canada bodies Irish services available. Why would not every body, between private companies and public bodies to provide services to the public, between what is the population of canada Bhéarlóirí and speakers, the services available in English? what is the population of canada I'm talking on a menu in a restaurant, the waiter at the bar, private health companies, call center or store. That is my opinion bare.
Do not ever forget that official state language is Irish. Not so for Catalan. what is the population of canada It is an official language of the European Union, even! Catalan-speaking area with 13 million people and it is not recognized because we are not a state. 95% of the population understands Catalan, 80% speak it and read the language by 60% because what is the population of canada all subjects are taught in every school in Catalan. After two years on the Spanish begins and after four years of English begins.
That is my recommendation to the Irish people - multiply the number of Irish schools. I know that schools in Gaeltacht areas and that some Irish schools in Dublin and so but the number must be increased. what is the population of canada Irish schools are the main and the most important.
The second recommendation is to prevent anyone who tries compromising mutual right to speak their language preference. what is the population of canada It is a human right. what is the population of canada Should any administration what is the population of canada "for Irish not here" say. Should correct language for everyone in the Republic.
Children are taught in Catalan Catalonia. Even the children with the Spanish at home, they learn Catalan at school. The system makes sense; They have three languages by the time they are ten years old. The results in our schools better what is the population of canada than schools in unilingual regions.
Many are taking against the Government because of its recommendations. They gave a grant of 6,000 for each child to choose education in Spanish. It's complicated because there is no Spanish public schools what is the population of canada there. There are English and Spanish private schools and parents in these schools are asking the government to grant them. Catalonia is taxpayers could be money.
I asked when I came here 'the state money is spent by publicizing the great works of English who came from Ireland?'. I was treated. Irish people are very proud of their writers and the pride that spread throughout what is the population of canada the world and this is cost, but the cost is not questioned. War can not start because popular culture funding. Unless you are mad and demanding money strange, but the Irish people claiming that.
The areas of film and computer games of our biggest weaknesses in the moment. They come from the United States and elsewhere abroad. Leading Hollywood Neither their money on a film that minority revoicing. what is the population of canada
I would not own that revoicing movies

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