Europeans discovered America, searching for a way that they could bring Indian spices. Sugar in a sense, brought African slaves to Brazil, and coffee - people from around the world. Writes Toussaint-Samat Maguelonne, population the influx of labor for plantations "contributed to the extraordinary palette of Brazil races and skin colors, only this type of blend in the world, resulting from the intersection of Black with White, Yellow with Red".
Coming to this country each group, whether slaves population or immigrants is changing the ethnic composition of its population. Today's statistics illustrate the distribution of the population in this vast country also in terms of its ethnic origin and we can observe that it is largely associated with the historical process of colonization population first colony, and then you independent state. It may be noted that the North, as the region is still relatively difficult, inhabited by the largest proportion of the indigenous population. population The largest proportion of the population of African descent and mixed race is in the north-eastern area, which formerly imported the most slaves. In contrast, south of the country, as settled by European immigrants, has the highest number of white residents. Also, South-East is characterized by a large proportion of the white population, but it is not quite as uniform as regards the ethnic origin of the inhabitants and noon. Although metysażu can therefore distinguish certain clusters. At the same time the expansion and flourishing of big cities always attracted people from the interior, population hence the great importance of internal migration in Brazil, which make the metropolitan centers inhabited by people of all manner of origin. Cities population such as Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and especially Brazil, are in terms of the composition of the population of the whole country in miniature.
Population population distribution of different origin also has an effect on the development of regional cuisines and the image of Brazil. Specialists distinguish population them until nine. These are the kitchens north, north-east, bahijska, midwest, coastline, mineira (ie, the state of Minas Gerais), metropolitan, provincial and south. Culinary map of the country shall appoint a sense of both natural conditions (eg, in the south is possible to grow wheat), as well as historical and social facts (the settlement and internal migration). According to Mary Salles Simon, researcher and propagatorki Brazilian culinary, kitchen north is one of the truest, most authentic population regional cuisines of the country. Uses are a lot of cassava and exotic ingredients - regional fruit and fish. Closeness cassava is here and in the north east so strong that often it is still grown by traditional methods. This is the region most associated with the roots of Indian cuisine, and there also lives most Indians. In the state of Bahia while under the influence of African slaves and they brought the ingredients and spices created original afrobrazylijska kitchen. The food, well seasoned and sophisticated represent Brazil abroad. Menu Midwestern cuisine is considered to be a patchwork of regulations from different regions, brought here a little of the newcomers from the north of the country, by bandeirantes (group of adventurers, explorers breaking in between into the country), and then, and other settlers. Interesting in terms of the kitchen is the area Sudeste (south-east), where every truth prevails white population, however, echoes the tradition of the ancient inhabitants of the earth and the memories of the history of colonization are visible in kulinariach; eg kitchen paulista - the state of São Paulo - based on a combination of ingredients indigenous and imported by the Portuguese, and later was enriched by the Italians who settled here in large numbers. More can be said about the kitchen of Minas Gerais, which is considered one of the best in the country. This state is the largest producer of milk and cheese. Queijo de Minas (Minas Gerais cheese) in Brazil is considered the best, and the local milk is famous because of its quality. This state is second in the country supplier of beef, because it is here too much meat. These features kitchen mineira can be described as elements related to European settlement, but also is used in her dishes, population many indigenous ingredients, such as cassava (mainly upstate, adjacent Bahia), beans, corn (formed with the famous bread flour broa hereinafter), and African quiabo. Often eaten as river fish. You can therefore observe the fusion of elements of different origin.
Special climatic conditions in the south-east and south of the country meant that adopted here the cultivation of wheat. In these regions (especially in the cities population of Curitiba, Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo) eats up too much of the grain, which was influenced by the dietary habits of European immigrants. South, which is the largest cattle also
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