Sunday, May 25, 2014

The longitude is the downward lines on a map or globe. ethnic groups It gives direction to the east

The diagdig consists of crust, the hard and rocky part of the planet. Its thickness ranges from 30 to 65 kilometers (km) deeper into the continent. But in the ocean, it has a thickness of only 5-7 km. Under the crust is the mantle, a layer of fiery stones so soft and melting parts of it. The innermost part of the earth is called the core made of metals such as iron and nickel.
The world has called plate or large masses of solid rock. Not remain the plate in position. Instead, they are moving somewhat balsang inaanod the mantle. The motion of the plate occurred is very slow, it takes only 5 centimeters (2 inches) per year.
The geography is a subject that has immense scope. The term "geography" is derived from the greek word that geographia. Geo means "earth" while graphein is "write". Therefore gaining, geography means writing about or describing the earth ground
The geography is the study of the physical features of the world there are also examples like the physical environment, water, climate, the rain forests, fisheries, mining, salting, abakahan, sugar, coconut, and pasture. ethnic groups
The geography lesson about the world: The call scientific world locations. Ita focused on the distribution of natural resources and human ibawbaw land. The geography is the study of the world and all happening here. The geography of the world is made of 1/4 seems to be ground and 3/4 of the world seems to be water.
The longitude is the downward lines on a map or globe. ethnic groups It gives direction to the east or west. The longitude is used to specify the time in every part of the world. Each one degree longitude away have distansiyang 111.32 km. Polo converging meridians. Each degree of longitude is divided into 60 minutes. The latitude are the horizontal lines on a map or globe. The location provides latitude north or south of the equator. It also used to define the line climate in one part of the world. There are 3 main latitude sphere: Ecuador (0) Tropic of Cancer (23.5) Tropical Kaprikorn (23.5)
The Earth is the only planet in the solar system that can keep a life. A large part n gating planet with pleasant atmosphere and ample sunlight, heat, and water to meet the needs of plants and animals on earth.
Important role of climate. The climate is the atmospheric condition or conditions common in the large region or area in a long time. Major factor in the variations of the climate deaigdig is the incoming sunlight an area depending on latitude and panaho, distance from the ocean, and the height from the sea level.
Asia is the largest continent and covers approximately one third of the world. Has an area of 49,694,700 square miles (mi 2). It is separated from Europe by a machinery thousands of lines passing from the Ural Mountains towards the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea (Black Sea). The borders dividing ethnic groups Africa and Asia are the Suez Canal and the border between North America and Asia are the Bering Strait. TO the north of Asia and the Arctic Ocean on the south, the Indian Ocean. The Pacific Ocean in the east Asia and the western Ural Mountains found it, Caspian Sea, Black Sea and Sea EGEO.
This continent is the largest continent in the world and called pinagsibulan one of the great civilization that changed and shaped the thoughts and beliefs of people in the world we ito.Ilan the known civilization that came here in Asia is the civilization of China, India, Mesopotamia, Persia and civilization Armaiko with two branch Israel and Arabic. Asia also found the Indian ethnic groups Ocean, South China Sea (the largest sea in the world), the Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean. Europe is its adjoining continent separated only by the boundaries of the highlands of URAL, Caspian Sea, Black Sea and the mountains of Cawkasus. The Suez Canal is also the border before it came to this country a continent ethnic groups Africa Egypt. The volume of racial people, ethnic groups Asia is still the leading and continuously flourishing in its emission towards other countries and also this influx of another race of people from the continent of Europe, America and Africa.
Europe is one of the seven continents of the world. Located in the east of Europe and Kawkaso the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Dalu

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