Saturday, May 3, 2014

The most important stops of my work should be considered delimiters source of the favelas in Brazil

I chose a topic related to fawelami (poor neighborhoods) in the region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This topic can now be seen as being at the time in relation to the upcoming World Cup Championship Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.
In his doctorate while I want to focus on all the activities of the European Union with respect to the tourism sector. I want to explore these activities in relation to the global economic crisis. An example of the test will be Greece, which is the most affected by the crisis and where the tourism sector is the most developed.
I believe that the topic of tourism on the basis of political science and European studies is a very interesting area of research that has not yet been discovered. Therefore, I have written a paper on favela moving well, albeit to a small extent, the issue of poverty population of saudi arabia tourism. I think that the elements of this issue will be useful for me in my doctorate for comparative analysis.
The most important stops of my work should be considered delimiters source of the favelas in Brazil. Number population of saudi arabia of books available in the market population of saudi arabia in Polish and English is quite small. I do not speak Spanish or Portuguese. I personally have never been in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro. That is why the work had to be based on the relations travelers visiting fawele and a few books and movies available in Poland on this topic, or moving the issue indirectly.
Federative Republic of Brazil - the largest in terms of area and population of the state of South America and the fifth-largest country in the world. population of saudi arabia It occupies more than 47.5% of South America, has more than 193 million inhabitants. [1]
According to the census in 1970 Brazil population of saudi arabia had about 93 million inhabitants. In contrast, already in 1974, this number has exceeded 100 million, thus putting Brazil in eighth place in terms of population in the world ranking. [1] The Portuguese language, enriched by elements of the languages of the immigrant population of saudi arabia population and the indigenous languages is the official language population of saudi arabia of Brazil. While Catholicism is the dominant religion. [2]
"When I first heard about the favelas, population of saudi arabia I thought it was the Portuguese word comes from the Italian favoli, the" fairy tale ". Life in the favelas I associate with the sun, the colors of paradise, coconut trees, carefree and happiness. "[1]
Fawela is a district population of saudi arabia located population of saudi arabia mostly on the outskirts of the city, which was inhabited by the poorest people. Fawela name is derived from the flower (favela) growing on the hills of Rio de Janeiro, where the first buildings were created with cheap materials. The most famous fawele are found in Rio de Janeiro, where there are currently up about 800 [2] Approximately residents of Rio de Janeiro live in favelas. Each of fawel has about 30-50 thousand inhabitants [3]
The first recorded fawela was built in Rio de Janeiro in the late nineteenth century by the war veterans, who at that time became unemployed and impoverished. population of saudi arabia For the next thirty population of saudi arabia years opened new fawele, becoming the districts for the life of the Brazilian poor. The situation deteriorated housing crisis forties, which forced many residents to erect new favelas. Another gradually emerged into the seventies. The eighties are beginning operations of drug gangs and their struggle population of saudi arabia for dominance in the favelas. Currently, the existing fawele in Rio de Janeiro from the end of the seventies [1] In the narrow streets are able to move only the residents themselves. [2]
"District is a labyrinth of alleys and narrow thousands go if its map to draw a view akin to one big web of lines and curves. By fawelę not lead no roads, so you can not here enter armored cars. It remains to storm the foot, the steep stairs up the hill, expecting series of shots from every window, every gate and grenades falling from the top. "[3] population of saudi arabia
"We go inside the house offering a duh. Everywhere mass of mosquitoes and other vermin, population of saudi arabia smells rotten food and garbage is terribly loud, almost every house playing loud music or TV is turned on. In the store right before our eyes shopkeeper removes the hen out of the cage on a dirty stump cut her head and gives the client. The streets full of rats, which did not bother to play with children. " [4]
Jobs for the workforce are common in Brazil. It is only required check-in. Unfortunately, living in the favelas does not give rights population of saudi arabia of reported data. They have since officially streets. [1] The aliens and can enter the favela only if you put it to her resident. [2]
Criminal population of saudi arabia activity in the favelas is huge, centered around a gang of the area and to gain a monopoly on the production and distribution of drugs. These types of organizations operate throughout Latin America, but it is in Brazil, the situation is worst. Especially in Rio de Janeiro. [4]

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