Acre Alagoas Amapá United Brasileiros Amazonas Bahía Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Mato Grosso statistical significance Mato Grosso do Sul Minas Gerais Pará Paraíba Paraná Pernambuco Piauí Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Rondônia Roraima Santa Catarina São Paulo Sergipe Tocantins
World Afeganistão Africa do Sul Alemanha statistical significance Albania Andorra Angola Antigua e Barbuda Argentina Armenia Arabia Saudita Argelia Azerbaijão Australia Austria Bahamas statistical significance Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgica Barein Belize Benin Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Botsuana Burkina Fasso Burundi Cabo Verde Butão Camarões Camboja Canada Chile China catar Cazaquistão Chade Colombia Comores Congo Chipre Cingapura Coreia do Norte Coreia do Sul Costa Rica Costa do Marfim Croácia Cuba Dominica Dinamarca Djibuti Egito El Salvador Equador statistical significance Eritreia Emirados Baths States United States Eslováquia Eslovênia da Espanha América Estonia Fiji Philippines Finland França Ethiopians Gibeah Gambia Gana Georgia Greece Granada Guatemala Guiana Guiné Guiné Equatorial Guiné-Bissau Haiti Honduras Holanda Hungria Iemen Ilhas Ilhas Marshall Iraque Salomão India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japão Islandia Jordania Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Laos Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Letônia Lituânia Líbano Luxemburgo Macedonia Madagascar Malasia Malauí Maldivas Mali Malta Mauritania Marrocos Mexico Mauricio Mianmar Moldávia Micronesia Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Nauru Moçambique Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Noruega Nova Zelândia OMA Palau Panamá Papua Nova Guiné Paquistão Paraguai Perú Polonia Portugal Quirguistão Quênia Kingdom Reino Republica Democratica Centro Africana Republica Dominicana Republica Republica do Congo Tcheca Romenia Ruanda Russia Samoa San Marino Senegal Santa Lúcia Serra Leoa Seychelles Somalia statistical significance Sri Lanka Suazilândia Sudão Sudão do Sul Suica Suriname Sao Cristovao Suecia Nevis Sao Tome e Principe São Vicente e e Granadinas Servia Syria Taiwan Tanzania Tadjiquistão statistical significance Tailândia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad statistical significance e Tobago Tunisia Turcomenistão Turquia Ucrânia Tuvalu Uganda Vanuatu Vatican Uruguai Uzbequistão Zimbábue Vietna Venezuela Zambia
2,000,000 BC - The stone tools - axes, knives and spear-headed statistical significance rustic invented two of the earliest ancestors of the human genus, Homo habilis and Homo erectus, is considered the oldest inventions. How did the technology - It is possible that the ancestors of some people, the australopithecines, which lived about 4 million years, use of crude tools even more than those of habilis and erectus. Just so that chimpanzees are unaware of stone chips to open them with a knife or ax. But ask the stone floor of the forest that fit well in the hand and can be used as a hammer to break the coconut. As the australopithecines are very similar to chimpanzees, can be produced using the tool "natural" statistical significance as theirs. Thus, the distant ancestors prepared the ground for the emergence of real technology, two million years later. 500,000 BC - The first species to make use of fire Homo erectus, an ancestor of mankind relatively large brain. He measured 75% of the volume of the brain of Homo sapiens, a species that belongs to the people now. 40,000 BC - Homo sapiens chipped stone tools creates more accurate than those existing today. Among the "new technology", with scrapers made of leather (in the form of chipped stone blade) statistical significance and small arrowheads and polished. 20,000 BC - Around this time instruments are made of wood, bone and shell. It is also the date of the earliest evidence in the use of bow and arrow. The oil lamps, the lamps in the beginning, this is the time. 12,000 BC - the probable source of livestock in Africa and Europe. All indications are that the first domesticated dogs and goats. 7000 BC - Date safer for the invention of ceramic equipment. They may be older than this, but this time, is still known disseminated and used in different parts of the world. Nobody knows how is the discovery that burning certain kinds of clay makes it waterproof. Is it possible that the prehistoric man learned to make baskets in the first and then noted that the clay-lined basket has the advantage of retaining the water. 6000 BC - whether they are common fabrics made from flax, a plant located in different regions. Twisted branches of vegetable fibers found durable and flexible, good for weaving. Light, fresh, washable fabrics revolutionize the clothing, so now made of leather. 5000 BC - City region in what is now Iraq (perhaps that of Egypt also) create irrigation systems statistical significance for
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