Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Third factor, as a result of the first two factors, the brutality of the crisis pumaparalisa many w

At first glance, everything seemed favorable for the explosion of anger of the working class. Obviously there is no crisis and survive here. Fraction of the population is believed finish despite daily assertions to the contrary. The entire planet seems to be in a very difficult situation: the war, barbarism, famine, plague, destruction of the environment population of georgia and health in the name of profit.
With all of this in our front yard, it's hard to think that we do not feel the anger rise. Hard to imagine that still believe in tomorrow under capitalism. But still not fully masses travels the path of struggle. Can you say that the game is up, terrific crisis, not really rise above the demoralization caused it? Major difficulty
The first, and most crucial, is the proletariat is not conscious of its own, which lost its 'class identity'. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 1990s saw a massive propaganda campaign to convince population of georgia us that we have witnessed historic failure of communism. The loudest - and most commentators are stupid, have announced further that 'the population of georgia end of history', and the complete victory of peace and democracy. With the stir of communism and the decayed Stalinist barbarism, outran that of the ruling class to undermine any perspective that aims to overthrow the capitalist system. Not satisfied to erase any possibility of revolutionary change, described it any class struggle of the working class to a 'cultural memory', population of georgia such as dinosaur fossils or cave-paintings at Lascaux.
More importantly, repeatedly asserted that the working class bourgeoisie in its classical form has disappeared from the social and political population of georgia stage [1]. The sociologist, writer, politician and philosopher proud sowed the idea that disappeared types in society, disappeared without form magma of 'middle forces'. The bourgeoisie always dreamed of a society in which the proletariat will look at themselves as 'citizens', split into a series of socio-professional categories - white collar, blue collar, with employment, contractual, unemployed, etc. - all separated into different interest only released political demands by voting in elections. And true to the noise about the disappearance of the working class, unremitting itinambol from books, newspapers, TV and the Internet, has served to prevent many workers find themselves among the working class, especially as an independent social forces.
Second, the loss of class identity is especially hard for the proletariat to establish his own struggle population of georgia and its historical perspective. In this context the bourgeoisie itself has no perspective to provide other restrictions-belt, every man for himself population of georgia and the scramble to escape, the ruling class took advantage of the lack of class consciousness through manipulation exploited one squabble ' t-one, divide them and block any concerted response, by driving them to despair. population of georgia
Third factor, as a result of the first two factors, the brutality of the crisis pumaparalisa many workers fear fall in absolute poverty, fear that they will not feed their families and live just on the street, alone and exposed to repression. Although some of them, nasandal to the wall, is pushed to openly show their anger, like 'Indignados' in Spain, they still see themselves as a class struggle. Despite the relatively wide and bulky nature of this movement, it limited their capacity to fight the mystification and trap created by the ruling class, to learn the experience of history, for retreat and deep draw the lessons.
Have long been four important reasons that explains the current difficulties of the working class to advance its struggle against the system: the full arsenal of the control of the bourgeoisie, it is expressly repression, such as the police, or the more deceptive and more effective such unions. On the last point in particular, still not overcome the fear of battle outside the control of the union, despite being down to the number of workers with deep illusion capacity population of georgia of unions population of georgia to defend their interests. And this physical controls powered by ideological control which trained the unions, the media, intellectuals, left-wing parties, etc.. <

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