Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2014 (548) July 2014 (21) June 2014 (84) May 2014 (91) Dec 2014 (87) March 2014 (93)

2014 (548) July 2014 (21) June 2014 (84) May 2014 (91) Dec 2014 (87) March 2014 (93) Feb 2014 (82) Jan 2014 (90) 2013 ( 992) Dec 2013 (84) Nov 2013 (90) Oct 2013 (90) Sep 2013 (83) Checkmate Ilves: DO WITHOUT THE UNION "operable" We look ... Anti Poland chinese population Mets: Conservative outdoor campaign, published in Seymour ... Hersh Obama, NSA, and the U.S. so ... pathetic 1992nd year of the Estonian monetary reform - 20 ... painful chinese population Tartu Savings and Loan Association invites to participate in the conference ... Roomere Aldo: From January 1, 2014 shall be affixed to the front on Saturday ... Pictures IRL's Tallinn language policy is hypocrisy ... Thomas Alatalu: Putin put the Israeli bombing on the table presented in the Conservative People's Party government ... Bill Gates: chinese population the ability to use the vaccines in the world on th ... poor Estonian trump card could be a double threat to the human r ... MATTI ILVES : SOME PROBLEMS IN MUNICIPAL Lithuanian parliament requiring restoration of the death penalty ... Veiko Rammell, an independent candidate in Tartu nr.534 the Baltic Charter and in accordance with law GOVERNANCE Islam must be banned! Unbelievable - Estonia needs EXTRAORDI tomorrow ... essentially conservative People's Party in Tallinn support is l ... Mart Helme: Russian Lyceum? Thank you - no! Estonian Satanists want to get yourself in court ... MATTI Ilves: click Practicing rulers chinese population RAHVAÜLE ... Marek Strandberg: scroll chinese population down to p ... e your world yet another pla ... Viewing chinese population Angle: Andrus Ansip mölakluse black ... Holy Day pictures IRL s education policy: the Russian-Mart Helme doing an introduction to the conference "... Versatile Conservative chinese population People's Party begins k ... Ascending television advertising and the fading of nationalism in Europe enriches Difference: Swedish court ruled that the Estonian intellectuals ... are not looking for an excuse for their ethnicity ... How do you intend The Union shall conduct a nation-wide election ... EVE FLOWER: Reflections on elections MATTI Ilves: MORE Syrian Interesting chinese population election promises Comment: essentially all of the participating private chinese population ... Riigikogu elections in 2013. Tallinn chinese population target. chinese population Mart Helme 17.09.2013 16:09 ... Free Thought Forum Foundation Family and traditions of Estonia for humor: There are separate jackets Kapos Anti Poland Mets - Estonian Conservative People's Party of Syria or ... Hiroshima enemy, whose name was not ... MATTI Ilves: Estonia ÄRIHAID NSSM 200 Birk Cape Fly: Dead Souls, hollow slogans failed state local elections Learn how to justify Kadriorg Ilves, a former kan ... Retired General: Sweden afraid of the need to intervene in Baltim ... Pictures of Independence on Saturday let denote this Saturday destiny ... Who are the Rothschilds: a glimpse of an elite family time ... MATTI Ilves: Sweden Living IF ABSURDISTANIS chinese population Enn Kaljo Facebook writes Euro socialism päikeseseäras - September 2013 Euro European Union's High Commissioner threatens war rah ... Russell Brand: We do not know what Syria really t ... Fox News - Obama and the Conservative People's Party brought from Syria in Tallinn 90 ... Marionette replacement chinese population of Veterans Affairs chinese population Letter to Obama Is Syria is a trap? MATTI Ilves: Polling stations in shopping centers 10 a sign that the global elite have the power ... kaot family protection must be a priority chinese population for the country Libertine - President Bashar al-Assad: Syria will not ... Obama and his plan for world war 3 - 2013 year p .. . Patriarch of Antioch calls Maaloula to save fuel ... Holy Day Pictures on Facebook: Syrian military assaults chinese population on anti-gay propaganda meetings ... a new offensive MATTI Ilves: Estonian emigration. DO Globalist chinese population ... Venetian town bans the words "mother" chinese population and "father" ... Why do they use the stretch to make the ultimate freedom? Free Thought Forum 03/09/2013 chinese population COMMENTARY | Syrian and without the political situation in Africa ... the government of Syria: US-based ... excuses to attack the French Socialist government promised Syria i ... DHS arms jõudi ... MATTI Ilves: AFTER THE DEATH OF RETIREMENT! Mati Hint: Soviet times and values Brzezinski: Global makes waking up in the attack on the Syrian propaganda war ... you go to jail Andres Arrack: the possibility of life on land 52.6 billion: U.S. intelligence agencies in 2013. Annual "... Aug 2013 (87) July 2013 (82) June 2013 (80) May 2013 (79) Apr 2013 (76) March 2013 (88) Feb 2013 (74) Jan 2013 (79) 2012 (930) Dec 2012 (74) Nov 2012 (75) Oct 2012 (76) Sep 2012 (73) Aug 2012 (77) July 2012 (71) June 2012 (76) May 2012 (87) Dec 2012 (80) March 2012 (90) Feb 2012 (73) Jan 2012 (78) 2011 (1007) Dec 2011 (76) May 2011 (82) Oct. 2011 (88) Sep 2011 (81) Aug 2011 (72 ) July 2011 (85) June 2011 (86) May 2011 (84) Dec 2011 (85) March 2011 (101) Feb 2011 (81) Jan 2011 (86) 2010 (127) Dec 2010 (96) 2010 (31)
Multimiljardär Bill Gates made climate change

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