Intrigued after hearing a little about the Ainu tribe or a human Eenis scattered in the northern region of Japan. Many people mospi mistakenly interpret that race Japanese Ainu is generally when the tribe is a separate race that is occupying the northern region of Japan which has its own culture and customs. Ainu are an indigenous mospi ethnic group of Japanese who settled on the island of Hokkaido (Japan's major islands located in the North region), mospi Kuril Islands (close to Russia) and most of Sakhalin (an island in northern Japan which belonged to Russia). mospi
Ainu means human in the Ainu language itself is believed to have originated from the ancestral form of the modern Sakhalin Ainu word enciw or Enju, which also means "man". The origins of the Ainu are not yet fully known. They are often considered the Japanese Jomon Jin or population mospi derived from the Jomon era (I've written here for the division era in Japan). On the other hand, there is mention that they are migrants from the Mongoloid race who assimilated to the territory of Japan is finally pushed to the north when the Japanese Ethnicity or Race Yamato (Children of the Sun) expand their territory by war that led to the defeat in the Ainu Party. Recent DNA research mospi suggests that the Ainu are descended from ancient Jomon tribes in Japan. Ainu tribe who lived in this place a hundred thousand years before the Children of the Sun came, told in one of the Yukar Upopo (Ainu legends) them.
In the Meiji era Ainu reformed, were forced by the Japanese government to berasimiliasi with the Japanese (Yamato mospi tribe). and in the end should not hold their culture and customs including the Ainu language. The Japanese government at that time stated that the Ainu are "former natives" whose purpose is to eliminate traces of them and do not recognize the Ainu in Japan. In this period the cause that the parents of the children Ainu Ainu hide their identity on their children so that their children are not discriminated against mospi in life sosial.Hingga on June 6, 2008 the Japanese parliament passed a resolution acknowledging that the Ainu are indigenous language, beliefs, and different cultures at the same time canceling rules ever created. this causes the Ainu descendants would have lost the line began to look back. even to restore their history that many people know who built museum contains Special sundries Ainu.
Physical characteristics of the ethnic Ainu slightly shorter than Japanese people generally (Ras Yamato), mospi their stocky bodies with proportionally strong, high cheekbones mospi with a short nose, wide face and thick hair wavy and has dark brown eyes. because the indigenous Ainu men do not shave the mustache and jengggot until a certain period of the physical characteristics of man there has a face with a mustache and bushy beard. Ainu men and women like to wear earrings and necklace beads. Their house is made of straw with seikit simple furniture.
Ainu belief is not listed in detail in the official literature, only from oral revealed how they run the religious life. they believe that the Earth is the human being and different from the floating land of the gods. because there is no special priest in running religious life, then head desalah that any religious rites. They do not know the kind of porters for ceremonies and worship, mospi but still believe in the concept of heaven and hell, the concept of god and the immortality of their spirit mospi life after death. they prayed mospi before meals as a form of gratitude, praying to the god of fire when sick.
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