Monday, July 14, 2014

The disappearance of nations can work only if all decided to disappear from the arena at the same t

Excerpt from the Washington Post on the web. The Washington Post has published a fascinating countries in the world table, depending on whether the population is growing morbidity or shrinking. Estonia is the world's fastest shrinking population among the countries with the other Baltic and Eastern European countries and Japan, the newspaper calls it a demographic disaster. If more than twenty years ago, Estonia became independent main idea of the number of Estonians growing, people sang the chorus of "Land to be filled with children" and disappeared Meri talked about how the Soviet occupation, the consequence was a million unborn Estonians, it can be said that the independence of the subsequent two decades, is the nation's number -affected land is still devastating at times, not only the children left unfulfilled, but has remained pretty morbidity empty. Loves to talk to the people behind the decline in the number of Russians are leaving, but a large part of the Russians left immediately after independence, and since then the population decline has continued and even accelerated in recent years. morbidity Beside the record low birth rate remains Estonians, two times lower than the much abused during the Soviet occupation. Estonia can not hide behind the plea that in other countries the population is decreasing, such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the population is growing. Population is growing, even in Iceland that survived the crisis much larger than Ireland. What's going on? No need to be a rocket scientist morbidity to figure morbidity out that the world goes around for about twenty years of war and no longer the territory, but after the people, especially the young and vibrant individuals. While Africa contributes to its rahanatukest War era to another morbidity without the purchase of scrap metal, lost battles in a row, helping morbidity to keep people on the other fronts. Just as the Estonian people were not able to another without the turmoil of war to preserve their independence, both the Estonian people today will not be able to resist morbidity outside pressure to pull residents away. Do you really want to be the fate of the Estonian people lose out in all wars, and a thousand years in a row? Why is the population decrease bad? Because it is the main cause of the so-called Estonian major ills. If people will pay a little, especially the younger taxpayers, then the strong pressure on the state budget, and so can no longer support the education morbidity and culture to the extent necessary, nor enough money to ensure security. Estonia has already exited en masse because there's a lot more work to professionals. There are very narrowly focused on the IT area, so the future is the homeland of Estonia individual IT professionals, all the rest are forced to leave. It is starting to leave the IT people because they are bored and abandoned the country such as the U.S. offers better opportunities. What remains to Estonia? Individual forest workers and wood processors, farmers, and some peat and oil shale extraction times. We have started the race on it, so as not to stick out the fire erasers.
I do not see the tragedy. Languages and nations morbidity will disappear morbidity over time scene. Direction is one of the world's long-term segarass and one world government. Estonians mixing of genes is undoubtedly useful. We know, after all, a well-Estonians poor character. Let us learn to be a comprehensive brother! Entries Here, there is nothing original, tulevikkupuudutav mentioned in the Bible comes from the new Urantia Book. November 2, 2013 15:37
In addition to the previous comment, as Inno war writes. Just nationalism is the cause of wars. Therefore, the small nation states will disappear over time. Remains one of the world's segarass, one language and one of the world's valtsus. Both the above-mentioned predicted Urantia Book. It seems to me it makes sense. What else could be the cure for the wars? November 2, 2013 16:25
The disappearance of nations can work only if all decided to disappear from the arena at the same time. Otherwise, the others begin to eat the eggs and mädandet gone to hurl their daughters to condemn the stoning of ... November 3, 2013 15:00
God directs these processes, not Islam. morbidity There is still a world to live in fear though, if God does not trust, and if the situation is especially critical apparently. You never get the underdeveloped ultimately rollers enamarenenuid as a temporary experiment at any time. But every situation is a learning. November morbidity 3, 2013 18:46
Can not be mechanically mixed with different nations and cultures, such shall not be arbitrarily mixed with a variety of kemikaale.Tulemus may katastroofiline.Rahvuste mixing can take place only through the drift, and can take centuries, if not millennia. Unfortunately, one does not learn from history. Still, it is believed that a human being is humane, in fact, we are just one type of the Lord here at the zoo! November 4, 2013 21:27
True, God does not force anyone to mate, yet inevitably eventually mix the races. Missing the Roman Empire was in the pros: the planet's crucial for the spread of Christianity within the teachings of Jesus. The Romans morbidity were tolerant of religions (Christian persecution was due to political reasons). November 4, 2013 23:05
Cafeteria, 2014 "Everything that suffers from the computer MAC address." "Everything That is Fit to Post." Write cafes, click here! Write to C.

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