Friday, July 11, 2014

What is the role of immigrants and their place in Europe? The European Commission calls on all Memb

What is the role of immigrants and their place in Europe? The European Commission calls on all Member States and Croatia, 27 colleges of art, graphics and communication profession students to reflect minimum wage in washington on the contribution made by immigrants in European societies.
Pan-Prize competition, you should students create artwork that expresses their understanding of the role that immigrants play in our lives. The Commission wants to promote constructive discussion and debate on the situation of migrants in Europe and gives the budding talent a chance to express their opinion on this matter.
The competition is open to all students who are over 18 years old and who are registered in an EU Member State or institution of higher education in Croatia in the arts, or graphic minimum wage in washington communication profession. Entries must be submitted by 21 June 2013 in three different categories: poster, photo and video.
Each school may submit one or more of the work in one or more categories. Entries will be assessed first, and then sent to a national jury of 10 of the best from each country to assess the work of the jury who will select 30 finalists and the winner of each category. This jury includes renowned art, communication and media experts, and representatives of immigrants.
The selected 30 finalists will be invited to Brussels for EU-wide awards ceremony, which is open to the European Commission, Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström. In addition, the website indicated below, based on the results of the vote over the audience prize.
2011th year of the world's population surpassed seven billion, 20.2 million lived in the EU foreign citizens. [1] Their share of the EU population (502.5 million) is approximately 4% of the total number of migrants in the world (estimated 214 million) of 9.4%. By comparison, lives in Canada, 3.4% of the total number of migrants in the world (7.2 million people who make up 21.3% of the state population), and 20% in the U.S. (42.8 million people who make up 13.5% of the state population).
Useful links Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on Twitter Website Internal Affairs Directorate General, DG Internal Affairs website Twitter minimum wage in washington prize "Migrants in Europe 'website
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