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Before the 20th century, there were no people lived through a doubling miami population of the world population. Today, however, there are people who have seen a three-fold increase in the human race. United miami population Nations miami population Population Division estimates that will be born sometime in the 2011th year of the last seven months, billions of people to Earth.
In humans it took to reach the first billion, roughly speaking, 250,000 years - it's a round number came true in 1800. Around the year. To reach the second billion miami population took just over a century, and third in just 33 years. However, further multiply the people already "like flies" - the 1974th year of us here on the planet for four billion and five billion to achieve the 1987th time in 13 years went. Six billion came true just 12 years later.
National Geographic writes that the demographic explosion is not yet finished. In addition to the fact that people are living longer, miami population the world now has about 1.8 million miami population women of childbearing miami population age. Although each woman gives birth to fewer children on average today than his mother at the time, the world population is still growing, at least in the next few decades. By 2050, we could have been 10.5 billion, but it may also stop the growth of eight billion us. United Nations demographers suggest that the reality is somewhere between these two numbers, and predict nine billion outturn 2045. Was. "If the Ukrainian population density would be as big as New York's city center, fits into the entire current population miami population of the Earth. When 2045. Resided in the six inhabited continents of nine billion people, the average density of the Earth would be only slightly higher than today's Lithuania."
Given that each year about the German-born into this world full of people, it's hard to ignore the future. Around the world, the problem of groundwater miami population depletion, soil erosion, melting glaciers, and ever emptier pulled aboard the fishing nets. Nearly a billion people go to bed hungry every day not knowing if tomorrow you can eat. A couple of decades after the Earth has to be able to feed two billion extra mouths and mainly in poor countries. Of course, do not want the poor to stay poor forever - several billion people in grinding poverty wants claws protrude from rabelda. When choosing a well-trodden path of the rich countries, which are hemmed cleared forests, burning coal and oil, and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides poison, they also press a deep impact on the Earth's natural resources. Population growth slows
Industrialized countries, the number of generations of time, the birth rate would fall to a level where the population is not declining, but does not grow particularly well. The same trend can be seen today in other parts of the world, but a slowdown in population growth in developing countries will be significantly faster. When another half-century ago, Chinese women had an average of six children, it is now a mere 1.5. Partly it can "thank" China's miami population one-child policy, which has been in force for over thirty years. However, thanks to Iran's miami population Islamic regime thirty years the birth rate has fallen to 70 percent. During the same period the corresponding figure miami population of the Catholic Brazil reduced by half.
Average sündivusindeks ie the expected number of children per woman has fallen in the world for a long time. This means that families are getting smaller and the population growth is slowing - the acceleration phase is nearing its end, and population growth will continue to slow. Each takes to reach the next billion back more and more time, because after years already read half the world's population lives in countries or regions where the total fertility ratio is 2.1 or less. The survival of the population or the regeneration fertility rate must be at least as large. Fertility rate was 1.63 in the previous year.
The UN estimates that have a high birth rate problem, only 16 percent of the Earth's population - mostly in Africa. Sub-Saharan women have an average of five children, as many as seven in Niger. However, the region's 17 countries, where people's life expectancy is less than 50 years and they are still at the beginning of the demographic transition. World-wide, however, family size has decreased dramatically in recent decades. The UN predicts that by 2030ndaks birth rate drops to a level where the "mothers can only have so many children to replace themselves when the need is," or population growth slows and the "explosion" subsides.
The bad news is that 2030 is still two decades away from the history and the largest number of young people are entering the fertile age. Even if everyone sirguvatest women give birth to two children, a growing world population is still healthy inertia quarter of a century. While demographers are generally confident that the second half of this century, the world population will begin to decline gradually, the question is whether it is perhaps not too late. Planning miami population a Family Planning or consumption?
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