Friday, October 31, 2014

@ Dennis

There are two articles mentioned by Dennis on his blog discussing the EU and finances / financial. russell wilson ethnicity It is worth to read, the article by Paul Krugman in particular. As everybody knows, Germany is funded russell wilson ethnicity by the EU for most so far - though not a full heart joy caused, no doubt. russell wilson ethnicity Within Germany itself, however, is a Federal Republic, revealed significant differences between the 16 established comhstát (Bundesländer) of the wealth of. For example, poverty is comhstát russell wilson ethnicity Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (the brown-yellow above state in the northeast) unemployment rate is about 13% currently. Some years ago there was an unemployment rate of nearly 20% that even. Meck leaves russell wilson ethnicity significant numbers Pom - so-called - each year; and state the problem russell wilson ethnicity of emigration is so. In addition to this amount, debt is pushing down on the gcomhstát also and it would not be viable in the context of the German standard of living without the money it receives each year from the federal government in Berlin. Meck Pom from the Chancellor Merkel. (Not might expect that a stronger understanding her attitude russell wilson ethnicity towards poor countries?;-)) In fact, only four chomhstát to have the ability to survive on their own. As well as those of the constituent earned a share of the surplus the federal government russell wilson ethnicity on the other constituent. Some of the other constituent that even under the auspices of the Department of Finance in his budget Feidearálaí a result of financial difficulties. For Berlin, on cathairstát it, the debt is so great that it paid only the interest on them in recent years. So that it is, therefore, the three chomhstát south of the country (Hessen, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria) funded most of Germany. And a pillar of the EU by those, with, as a result. Pillar relatively small, however, considering it .. By the way, the better the article by Steven Erlanger think that it utilizes an old chlisé: "if Germany speaks for Europe's industrial largely Protestant russell wilson ethnicity north, France rested with feather Combined Agricultural north and south. " Maybe it is true but that in southern Germany, the region containing russell wilson ethnicity the three chomhstát located above the strong economic and long, that there is a significant majority Catholic. russell wilson ethnicity (It is only in the interests of accuracy I state the item, not the religion most cases compete with me!)
Thank you for all of the following internal system we explained the German. russell wilson ethnicity Germany failed twice in the last century russell wilson ethnicity empire building in Europe. May succeed in this century - at last. ;-) Reply Delete
By the way, my friend sent me this question after the Erlanger article to read: "What is the language spoken by Sarkozy russell wilson ethnicity and Merkel when they are talking together officially? And non-official, as friends (as well)? "Reply Delete
@ Dennis & Aonghus "What language spoken by Sarkozy and Merkel when they are talking together russell wilson ethnicity officially? And non-official, as friends (as well)? "" Question hAllagar good for Leaders, russell wilson ethnicity Dennis. " I sought the answer ... and it has found one here: Here is an excerpt from an interview by the newspaper Die Welt on Merkel in 2007: " Merkel: MIT Wladimir Putin spreche überwiegend ich Deutsch, Weil er spricht Deutsch als ich Besser Russisch - obwohl ich ihn auch verstehe, WENN Russisch spricht er. MIT Nicolas Sarkozy unterhalte Mich ich immer mit Dolmetscher, Denn er spricht Kein Deutsch und ich Kein Französisch. George Bush spreche und ich mit Englisch meistens. Zur Sicherheit bei allen politischen ist in der Regel EIN Gesprächen Dolmetscher dabei. " "With Sarkozy always speak through an interpreter, as there is no German and no French to me." By the way, it seems sometimes giving them whisper to each other and such without an interpreter to be there. English is by Merkel and Sarkozy few piece of English, of course. Merkel said that a few test piece held by the French - but exert a bad pronunciation on Sarkozy! Putin speaks German with her, although she could understand Russian potential, she says. She spoke English with Bush. But if there is a political matter russell wilson ethnicity it discussed, an interpreter is always present - just in case. (Fóir me! How fhormáídítear comments?) Delete Reply
3 hours ago
How many zombaí? - A 'quiz' for 'Halloween' russell wilson ethnicity (Halloween) - (a Róislín) You might Remember a previous blog (Counting russell wilson ethnicity People russell wilson ethnicity in suits Halloween (vampires, ghouls, etc.) That gave the Irish for work schedule russell wilson ethnicity typic ...
Court Poetry - government of November 2014 - Believe it or not, is short

It is a group that is also Feargal received a total of RFID educated Irish, Labhraí not have dreams

This week Highlanders attacked two of my good people of this town aithneantais. Martin Muilleoir one of them and the author of this book Feargal Mac Ionrachtaigh saudi arabia population the other person. Martin saudi arabia population fisicúil attacked by those unaware, aintoisceach being urged by politicians biogóideacha and Feargal attacked with verbal abuse by an eminent television was present when Feargal gave a talk at a festive event of the community. The man attacked it relentlessly over from that it was Feargal dhánaíocht the harm done by colonialism in Ireland for grassroots culture and language to define the audience.
The man was furious that Feargal side showing execution saudi arabia population of marginalization and the Irish did not come with the attitude of "happy clappy" of his own on the language and he accused saudi arabia population Feargal he was pulling into the Irish politics and essays using a tool wars. Is a great man of peace is the same man abródh not 'boo' saudi arabia population to anyone you feel but showed a different side to the character when he met a person who did not reveal consistent view their own perspective.
But who is the Feargal Mac triggered angry man of television itself. Republican saudi arabia population in the dtaobhán and man who believes in grassroots interest above all else. Family deserves it to be so or dignitaries who were his family and steeped poblachtaithe suffered a lot for the ordinary people of his time and his son was killed by a defective saudi arabia population part that is outside loyalists and advocate women and children. saudi arabia population
It is a group that is also Feargal received a total of RFID educated Irish, Labhraí not have dreams, we are near here, on another one of them as well. From Nursery to Primary to secondary school and University, all through the medium of Irish, where he excel in his language saudi arabia population and where he wrote poetry and short stories in the language. That revolution itself. So talented man and this book comes as a result of his work as a PhD student. The first doctorate was awarded to former pupil of Belfast College for my information and I am sure that both family and school proud.
I was involved with the establishment and development at Belfast College started life over two decades saudi arabia population ago. I had known something many of the students who entered the first few years but as the school grew too large not know I had them and not to their final year in school that I remember Feargal see.
When Tony Blair came to power he sent a man named John Mc Faul, then Minister of Education, coming here and did not post much when he asked to come on a visit to Belfast Secondary and fell on my chrannsa in the principal company Fergus O'Hare is escorted around the school. At the end of his visit, he asked to speak to the sixth year and asked for them, the person had no interest in politics. One boy put his hand up and asked the man for what party he would support. "OI 'm Do not fussed" said the boy "a ship from the anti ITS Brit party" involved in a westerly direction from McFaul and he went away without a word.
Feargal Mac Ionrachtaigh was the boy that McFaul has silenced and the person saudi arabia population I got to know him later and Development is working saudi arabia population with Belfast. He is chairman of Voice of the turf, a group who wants the medium to promote the public interest to do whilst in the Upper Springfield. Somehow, Feargal and his group is a successor of another group of Highlanders who have done great work in the same area for the Irish and the public interest over forty years ago as a lecturer Foreigners James Napier, Kieran Keane, Aonnraí Keane, John Johnston and Denis Broderick Ui but they did it during a bloody saudi arabia population war to proceed. saudi arabia population
In 1969, I happened to work at Comhaltas Uladh here and I requested to speak as many people as possible to get people's views on promoting the language among the ordinary people .. I talked to a graduate of the University of France was doing PhD on Irish League at the time but when I asked why he was interested in the language. He said that he had no interest in the language but that it was studying the Treaty as a social saudi arabia population phenomena at work among the common people to see their lives change.
He was interested in a social revolution which took place at the contract and not the language per se. In that same year burned Bombay Street and Highlanders that was interesting that the people who took up the haththógala and created Whiterock Industrial Estate deliberate public interest to do exactly as did

Thursday, October 30, 2014

State Minister joy before this extra 250míle his Department! chicago population 2012 - *

I was in Berlin for two days and on the airplane yesterday in Bherliner Zeitung article drew my attention which interviewed a journalist chicago population 2012 who is currently in Libya. Attendance is only a very small number of journalists into the country. The most significant thing she said is: (Was wollen die Demonstranten?) chicago population 2012 Jedenfalls keine Demokratie. Es geht of Machtverteilung, the Alte Rechnungen, the Rache. Ich habe keine einzige getroffen Person, die von Demokratie chicago population 2012 redete. chicago population 2012 Was auch sollte Besser Werden, WENN sich für die Wirtschaft Ausländer öffnet? Privilegien chicago population 2012 Die, die der Wohltaten Subventionierungen Sind SIE los Dann, müssen die Frauen haben Angst, DASS fundamentalistischer es wird.
In any event it is not democracy (they need.) Is concerned with a distribution of power, compensating folktales, revenge. I have not met anyone who was speaking on democracy. Who are the things that would be better, if the economy accessible to foreigners? Privileges, good actions of the subsidy system: they would all end, (and) must be of concern to the women that he would be more bhunchreidmhigh. Interesting ...
Democracy did not always have. And it seems that the system remains strong tribes. Adenauer is not like any of these countries. chicago population 2012 Blood is easily cultivated and democracy in the West, and I doubt that it can easily thrasphlandáil the locals. I am not aware of any dictatorship turned a democracy without sacrifice, and struggle. And not in the intervention assistance from abroad in order to strengthen democracy. chicago population 2012 In particular, the intervention that is stained with a flowing under the dictator. Delete Reply
"Is not it true?" Not likely; the new capitalist mode of growth, from the 70daí forward. Capitalists abandoned the hierarchical method chicago population 2012 (Fordism) of production and management developed a new method to recognize chicago population 2012 the independence chicago population 2012 and initiative of workers in the place of work. In this way the capitalist stole the socialist clothing; occupation by the leftist rhetoric of self-management of the workforce. Coming out was "socialism" of the day was hierarchical, chicago population 2012 bureaucratic and conservative. The new capitalism presented himself as a libertarian revolution was the working class ever. We live today impacts '68. That is why the claim did not survive anything created in 1968 me laugh. chicago population 2012 Delete Reply
Sure: influences of historical events always. But none of those goals completed '68: indeed, they confirmed the system and are using. Unlike '89, by transformation of Europe. Delete Reply
Regarding Libya, I have to say that I have very little information about the country. But undoubtedly influenced by the unemployment chicago population 2012 rate is running at about 30% of the rebellion? In common with the spirit of revolution is under way in the region, and the fact that the country's resources are privatized by large multinational companies chicago population 2012 from the US and Europe? Delete Reply
"... And the fact that the country's resources are privatized by large multinational companies from the US and Europe?" This is to keep the state in Libya share of 51% when foreigners invest in a large company. It is a particular case of Libya. Unknown to me to be honest, but perhaps it is (was) the capacity of the dictatorship of money to some of the community because only a small group to be in charge of the state . Unlike in caipitlceach democracy in which those over the top of the pyramid sucking into the money themselves, which means that only a little chicago population 2012 left to the public. If you Libiach and courses in the West if you know, what would you prefer: the lack of freedom in addition to - recite chicago population 2012 it like this - fair pecuniary, or political freedom - whatever chicago population 2012 that term means a day today - in addition to economic slavery? Delete Reply
14 hours ago
What's Wrong? chicago population 2012 Discussing Illnesses in English: What do you need? Disease? Illness? Another thing? - (A Róislín) share publicly Working on the last FEW blogs about "Ebola virus disease" and illnesses in General, I Got to Thinking - Why do we have for this work schedule for terms of ...
Court Poetry - government of November 2014 - Believe it or not, we soon Oireachtas this year, readers, and, thanks to the organization of my friend, Frank a'Bhaird, Sheriff, * ahem, * Míghn .. .
State Minister joy before this extra 250míle his Department! chicago population 2012 - * "I will me making a strong case for additional resources in the coming weeks to ensure that all the tools available at the Department's ...
Peace process - Ahead Again ... - Israel is the terrorist in self-defense once again, and as always, chicago population 2012 the same people are standing with the sceimhlitheoi

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3% 70 dólares of Petroleo poderia Ser realidade Futura Briten definition of population weniger Sorg

"Probably in the moment there is no better investment you can make is in your education. definition of population Rate of return in the order of 10 to 15 percent. And then think about what other investments you can make these days when you get a similar rate of return, "he says. But statistics are only half the story. Vere points out that for anyone considering a new degree, relevance to career goals as a clear necessity. "It's more than just getting a credential," he says. "The reason is that what is valuable as you learn some kind of marketable skills. So, I think the main focus should be on 'OK, what I want my career path, and that much is going to help me achieve this goal? 'Rather than just step on his own behalf. "In the US, for example, the return on a college education definition of population for men 12.3 percent (calculations looked at men and women separately). That compared definition of population with about 6 percent return in the stock market. To measure this return, the sum of the financial costs - such as teaching, lack of earnings while studying and a higher tax rate to go along with an increase in income - were compared against the amount of benefit, definition of population which is the rise income and greater security against unemployment. Stage the most highly rewarded in the United States, even after the high costs taking into account. The report finds that the lifetime net benefits going to college in the US amounts to $ 365,000 for men. Although still rank good investment in other countries, is nowhere on the many advantages also in higher US tax rates lower the return in some countries, says Schleicher. In Denmark, where tax rates are some of the highest in the world, a college degree will only help a man to get an extra $ 73,000 for a lifetime. "You can see that in northern Europe, there is more wage compression. It is the government basically taking the money away from those who are really highly skilled and earn a lot, "said Schleicher. In places like South Korea and Japan, male workers can expect about an additional $ 150,000 from going to college. These countries lag behind the United States but because employers are not in the habit of dishing out fat paychecks, according to Schleicher. However, the rate of return is greater than most financial investments, and the benefit seems to be increasing as a result of the financial crisis, according to the report. "No more premium on skills better. And the people who pay the price for this is the low-skilled, because the work is getting outsourced, digital receipt, getting automated. And the crisis has amplified that, "Schleicher said. Read more: Best job to have in 2013 is the explanation of why a college degree is more valuable definition of population during the financial crisis on the way companies narrow definition of population down job applicants, says James Vere, an economist at the University of Hong Kong, researched earnings definition of population mobility. During the crisis, there are many more applicants for vacancies, and when the company has faced many applicants definition of population with only one or two vacancies, they use filtering rules to filter out candidates, says Vere. "And one of the rules is the very first screening of 'Are you the stage?' And so if the economy is in crisis and you do not have the degree, you will not even make it to the interview definition of population a lot of times. "The global definition of population financial crisis has made college degrees are more important definition of population than ever to raise personal income, a new study has by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development found. The difference in earnings between the low and high-skilled expand 2008-2011, according to the report, which looked mainly to OECD member countries. For those wavering on the pursuit of a college degree, the data is clear, says Andreas Schleicher, the OECD education directorate.
3% 70 dólares of Petroleo poderia Ser realidade Futura Briten definition of population weniger Sorgen on Chrysler definition of population Finanzen podsjeća poly milijuna vozila Eurostar ಫ ಲ ಟ ಬ ಳ ಯಲ ಸ ಟ Lagren tum högre upp Posten territorium Man. City concordar taxa para Man City winger Navas accetta tassa per Navas ala Man City honorarios acuerdo por extremo Navas akkoord vergoeding voor Man City Man City winger Navas to redevance pour l'Accord ailier Navas einig Gebühr für Man City Man City Navas Flügelspieler er enige gebyr Navas scinn for Man City enige om er gebyr for vingen Navas kanat oyuncusu Man City Man City Navas Kabul ücreti sopia maksu laita

Monday, October 20, 2014

Marital Status (aged 15 and over, 2010 data) About 89% of men aged 24-20 are unmarried, compared

Home General population of malaysia news local and from the municipal government and the Knesset problem of infiltrators News Video Real Estate population of malaysia Sports Polls subject infiltrators problem of infiltrators review of the activities of articles Gallery planned population of malaysia activities cultural and entertainment events entertainment family fashion art music dance entertainment theater what neighborhoods community events group forms Sycamore educational population of malaysia and cultural movements Youth religious articles and Jewish Law and real estate Medical Technology and Nutrition Sites Gallery population of malaysia in Tel Aviv Photos ornamental Regent South TA criminal Diary
At the end of 2011, the population of 7.8366 million people of Israel: Jews are 5.9075 million (75.4%), 1.6109 million Arabs (20.6%), population of malaysia and about 318 200 others (4.0%) - Most of these immigrants and their families population of malaysia who are not registered population of malaysia as Jews in the Population Register. all other Jews, the largest group of origin is found in Israel (39%). In 2011, there were about a thousand -2204.1 population of malaysia private households. In 2011, approximately -166.3 thousand born babies, died about -40.8 thousand and 16.9 thousand emigrated to Israel newcomers. since the state increased 8 times the population density, the density at the time of statehood was 43 people per square kilometer. Came crowding population of malaysia in 2011 to 347 persons per square kilometer, compared with a density of 247 people per square kilometer in 1990 (excluding the population and area of Judea and Samaria). The balance of migration of the inhabitants of Israel (excluding immigrants) in 2010 is negative population of malaysia and is about 5.4 thousand people. Rate of 0.7 per thousand inhabitants, which is the lowest rate in thirty population of malaysia years. At the end of 2035 and will appoint other Jewish population population of malaysia from 7.7 to 9.9 million (of which the Jewish population population of malaysia - from 9.3 to 7.4 million), the Arab population will number 2.3 to 2.9 million people. population of malaysia
Population growth in 2011 In 2011, Israel's population grew by 1.8% - the addition of about 141,500 people, and at the end of the year population 7.8366 population of malaysia million people. The total increase approximately 125,500 persons were added to natural increase (births minus deaths) and -16 600 - balance of international migration (the number of immigrants population of malaysia minus the number of immigrants to Israel from Israel). The rate of increase in population of Jews and others was 1.7%, similar to the increase in the Jewish population (1.8%). Arab population growth rate was 2.4%. The continued decline in the growth rate among the Muslim population. In 2011 the rate was 2.5% compared with 3.8% in 2000 The growth rate of the total population in 2011 reflects the stability in the growth rate over the past decade and a similar rate of increase in the 80 - years when immigration rates were among the lowest in the history of the country. In the 90s the growth rate was about 3% per year.
Distribution of Population by Age and Gender Israel's population is relatively young in other Western countries. This is reflected population of malaysia in the high percentage of children aged 0-14 (-28.2% in Israel as compared to 18.5% on average in OECD countries) and a low percentage of the adult population aged 65 and older (about 10.3% nationally versus 15% on average in the OECD). One of the main reasons is the high fertility rate in Israel. Israel's population is heterogeneous, and religious groups of the population and are different in different stages of aging, some of which are considered even very young populations. The Jewish population is the oldest population population of malaysia (26.3% aged 0-14 years, 12.1% were aged 65 and over), and the Arab population is very young (aged 0-14 years 36.5%, 4.0% aged 65 and over). Israel population of malaysia 978 men for every 1,000 women. Among the Jews and other men there are 967 women per thousand, while among the Arabs there are 858 men for every thousand women.
Marital Status (aged 15 and over, 2010 data) About 89% of men aged 24-20 are unmarried, compared with 72% among those aged women. The percentage of never-married men aged 39-35 in the stands at approximately 16%, while among women the 13%. The percentage of vacant non-singles from the general population was 6.4% of men and 10.7% women.
Population density in Israel Israel's population density (number of residents living in the area with reference to the square kilometer) continues to increase with population growth. Came crowding in 2011 to 347 persons per square kilometer, compared with a density of 247 people per square kilometer in 1990 (not including population and area of Judea and Samaria). population of malaysia since the state increased 8 times the population density, the density at the time of statehood was 43 people per square kilometer.
Tel-Aviv District had the highest density - 7522 people per square kilometer. Higher density was also recorded in the Jerusalem District and the Central District, population of malaysia and -1463.8 1483.7 people population of malaysia per square kilometer, respectively. In contrast, the lowest density was recorded in the periphery: 79.1 persons per square kilometer in the southern region and 291.6 people per square kilometer in the northern region.
Geographical dispersion of the population About 96% of Israel's population of malaysia population in 2011 lived in the six provinces of the country and another 4% live in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. About 41% of the total population and 48% of the population of Jews and others living in the center of the country population of malaysia (central region and Tel Aviv). Approximately 43% of the Arab population lives in the northern region compared to about 10% of the Jews. The natural increase (births minus deaths) is the main source of growth in all the districts.
Localities population about 91% of Israel's residents in 2011 lived in urban settlements -239, 148 Jewish settlements (including eight communities involved) and other 91 Arab localities. About a quarter of Israel's residents live in the six largest localities numbering over 200 thousand residents (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Rishon Lezion, Petach Tikva and Ashdod) ;. about 43% live in the 14 largest localities numbering at least 100,000 residents. 9% of the population population of malaysia lives in 952 rural communities (including approximately 57 thousand people living outside localities).
Population by country of birth and origin population of malaysia (Jews and others) two-thirds (70.2%) of the population of Jews and others were born in Israel in 2011 and one-third (29.8%) were born abroad, there

Sunday, October 19, 2014

New City

And the skies are clear)
In. Borders of Israel and Israel's borders
Border ceasefire
2 Population Growth
Minority population
2 new types of localities in Israel
- The establishment of Tel Aviv and the citrus colonies Environment (private equity) in front of the settlement in the valleys define demographics and in the Negev) define demographics national capital (
C.. Processes of change in rural and urban space.
- The reasons for the establishment of new towns in Israel and implementing urban design principles
Social structure - Economic M stn h
New City
Comparative analysis of the distribution of the main economic sectors employed in Israel
B.tmorot agriculture components define demographics and characteristics define demographics
Traditional industries manufacturing 1
Knowledge (Kiryat Gat)
Centralized control
Production information from maps of Israel's water sources
Other solutions: education and savings in water solutions use shared define demographics water resources traversed by borders,
Surface water
National Carrier define demographics
Changing needs
Suggestions issues and teaching centers define demographics
And buildings)
Points in time
1 Population growth and rising standard
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Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies is an independent

Elections for the 18th Knesset were held in -10.2.09. 33 lists competed in the elections, 12 of them have passed arce ine the threshold. The distribution lists passed the threshold by clumps indicates that the right-wing bloc (Likud, Israel Beiteinu, National Union, Jewish Home) received 40% of the vote, the Center Party (Forward) received 22%, the Left (Labor, Meretz) and ultra-Orthodox parties (United Torah Judaism, Shas) were at a similar rate - 13% and 12%, respectively, and the Arab parties (Balad, Taal, Hadash) were 8%. Terms of the distribution of votes in Jerusalem show that the support for the right bloc of Jerusalem (41%) is similar to Israel (40%). Support for ultra-Orthodox parties in Jerusalem - 34%, is almost 3 times the rate of those parties support Israel (12%). The reason for this is that Jerusalem large Orthodox populations, which is estimated about 30% of the Jewish population. Left voting rate in Jerusalem (9%) lower than those voting in Israel (13%). Arab voting rate was 1%. It should be noted that the Arab population of Jerusalem is a permanent resident status, and it does not have the right to vote for the Knesset. Center Party won 11% of Jerusalem, compared arce ine to 22% nationally. Support for right-wing parties in communities in metropolitan Jerusalem exceeds these parties support Jerusalem - Efrat, a settlement is the most religious population, the majority of votes (93%) were recorded right-wing parties. High voting rates were also right-wing parties in Ma'ale Adumim arce ine (74%), Givat Ze'ev (62%) and in Beit Shemesh (48%). Religious parties gained support very high-Orthodox Beitar Illit communities (90%) and Kiryat fooling arce ine (87%) and in Beit Shemesh (41%). Left-wing parties gained support in Har Adar relatively high (30%) and Mevasseret Zion (22%) and Tsur Hadassah (22%).
Website of the Jerusalem Institute website in English Jerusalem Statistical arce ine Yearbook of Jerusalem in 2014 over 2014 publications Ntoneich Jerusalem Center for Environmental Policy arce ine Publications Publications Publications Center for Conflict Management Innovation Center Research Center Haredi arce ine society
G 2014 (12) September (2) Logo August (2) Logo July (4) Logo June (1) March (2) Holocaust survivor (1) G 2013 (8) April level (1) March (1) February (1) Holocaust survivor arce ine (5) G 2012 (38) G in December (4) Logo November (1) October (3) September (2) Logo August (4) Logo July (5) Logo June (3) Logo May (3) G April level (3) G March (3) February arce ine (2) Holocaust survivor (5) G 2011 (51) December (3) Logo November (4) October (4) September (7) Logo August (4) Logo July (6) G (June 4) Logo May (5) April level (3) G March (3) February (4) Holocaust survivor (4) G 2010 (38) G in December (4) Logo November (6) Logo July (2) Logo June (5) Logo May (5) April level (3) G March (5) February (4) Holocaust survivor (4) 2009 (71) G in December (4) Logo November (6) October (4) September (5) Logo August (4) Logo July (5) G (June 6) Logo May (7) G April level (5) March (9) Numbers city community gardens Jerusalem city numbers: Tourism in Jerusalem - the number of visitors to the park ... Conference: Israel and the Occupied city control numbers: YM which colleges Seminar Jewish public attitude towards the Christian presence in the city ... the numbers: home demolitions in East Jerusalem Diary Activity for February Conference: arce ine Golda Meir - a different kind of leadership the city numbers: Elections for the 18th Knesset February (6) G (January 10) G 2008 (113) G in December (10) Logo November (1) October (2) September (4) Logo August (9) Logo July (5) G (June 9) Logo May (12) G April level (6) March (11) February (5) G (January 39) G 2006 (8) Holocaust survivor (8)
The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies is an independent academic research institute for Policy Studies arce ine on Jerusalem, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and environmental policy, innovation and growth. The focus is on the unique challenges of contemporary Jerusalem, and policy makers used research and academics, arce ine as well as the general public went to the official website of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies View my complete profile

Friday, October 17, 2014

Book search book content mumbai population Layers Music Book

Read title - Arab Society in Israel: Population, Society, Economy - Volume 1
Book search book content mumbai population Layers Music Book
Arab Society in Israel: Population, Society, Economy Volume 1 Description: Arab Society in Israel: mumbai population Population, Society, Economy is an essential research tool and foremost, prepared by the Arab-Israeli researchers. It provides comprehensive statistics and in-depth studies, and re rectangle civil status hearing foundations of the Arabs in Israel. The book allows to recognize the unique complexity of the Arab population, replacing the usual generalizations and reflects the reality of the lives of the Arabs in Israel, accurately and reliably. The book focuses on four themes: demography; Work; Standard of living; Higher education. In the first statistical tables are presented in detailed and organized in categories according to new settings. The second part features four articles by Israeli-Arab authors, Ahmed S. Halihal, Aziz Haidar, Khaled Abu-Asba and Ramsis Gera, seeking to provide historical background and socio-economic context of political-wide statistics. Arab Society in Israel: Population, Society, Economy is the first in a series of books that will deal with various aspects of Arab society in Israel. The book is the result mumbai population of the work of a team of researchers mumbai population from various fields of social sciences, history, education, psychology, and head Aziz Haidar. The book is intended mumbai population for analysts, academic mumbai population researchers, policy makers and the general public. By: Editor / A. Aziz Haidar Name: Arab Society in Israel: Population, Society, Economy of the series: Arab Society in Israel: Population, Society, Economy Year: - 2005 Month: Issue Number: Ages: High school and up Grade: Target audience: Topics: Religious minorities, minorities, Number of pages: 242 Type: Book review
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Thursday, October 16, 2014

First, by simulation, the main beneficiaries are (except Lieberman, too) Hadash, United Arab List a

Who benefits from a high turnout? | Minority opinion
(CBS from voting percentages presented do not usually consider Israelis who lived in the country population of england during the election period, and the real percentages are higher, although population of england the same trend). Upcoming elections in the country appeared initiatives that aim to increase voter turnout elections, such as the Facebook group "80% Voting. "According to the group page on Facebook:
Why there is a 80% vote in Israel? The past decade has seen an alarming and dangerous trend in Israeli democracy - decision not to vote in elections. To illustrate - in the 1999 elections, the voter turnout was 79%. A decade later, in the last elections in 2009, voter turnout was 65% only! Democratic population of england implications of e-voting are dramatic population of england and makes the entry of relatively impossible population of england not represent the real division in Israeli society. Whole sectors of the population will have unprecedented power in the Knesset, out of all proportion to the power and true to their population, while others remain fair representation. Therefore population of england we decided to try and combat this alarming phenomenon by running an Internet campaign, try to move as many of the citizens of Israel go out to vote and to correct the distortion of democracy. The campaign is a private enterprise and not be involved in any political or commercial entities. The entire campaign is based on the goodwill of volunteers who wish to participate in this campaign, a short but incredibly important.
Simulation of one hundred percent voting turnout in Israel vary by region and different population groups. Haredim traditionally have higher than average voter turnout, whereas the Arabs are lower than average. population of england To examine who benefits from an increase in the percentage of voting accurately, I decided to use detailed data about the level of ballot elections to the 18th, which I downloaded from here. My calculation is quite simple: I calculate the percentage of the vote in any polling, population of england and checks how many votes each party receives was he had a 100% voting population of england ballot, for all polling stations in the country, assuming that the distribution of votes was maintained in all the cards. population of england For example, let's population of england say at the ballot box Msoimmt registered 100 eligible voters, of whom 50 voted, 30 workers and 20 - Likud. Voter turnout is 50%. I divide the number of votes in the percentage of the vote, and get to work and 60 votes - 40 votes Likud for that ballot. The calculation can be seen in the attached Excel file here. The main assumption in the calculation population of england and the most problematic, is that the distribution of votes in each ballot has been retained voting percentage was increased to 100%. That is, in each voting area in the country, the views of those who did not vote like the views of those who do vote. This assumption can be very problematic if I were performing the test the city or county level, but as I make it to the polling station level, the neighborhood level, is somewhat less problematic. Discounts and other problems: not be deemed as consent surpluses of various kinds of parties, and therefore numbers of MKs about the true results of the election are wrong (for example, work has 13 seats, and March 3, and 12 and 4 - as shown in the table below), the results are the results of previous elections . the political map current bit different, so it is unclear how much can learn from the increase in the percentage of voting leads to the polls to 100% vote. This is not necessarily population of england realistic. example, a campaign 80% runs mainly on Facebook, and so is likely population of england to affect users of Facebook in the lower population than the upper which will affect some members of a Bedouin tribe in the Negev
Number of mandates received rounding, so the results for a few different than the results in percentages (column number of seats by the simulation comes down to not - but the MK 120 - 119, for the same reason.) Shows that the gain from an increase in the minimum threshold are Arab parties , Lieberman's population of england party, and the Front. Main losers are Kadima, Labor and United Torah Judaism. These somewhat surprising results; I expected that it was the ultra-Orthodox will be the losers move, but voter turnout among Shas voters apparently not so high. Overall picture does not change dramatically the vote, suggesting that the distribution of votes at the polls with a low voter turnout was not very different population of england from the distribution percentages polls high vote (when you factor in the numerical size of the polls).
Whether, in light of these data, we are interested in the percentage of the vote? There are people who representativeness and democratic values are superior to them, and for them the answer is positive regardless of the consequences. Others might be a little more concerned that the voting percentage growth population of england mainly increases the power of the far-left parties and the power of Lieberman (perhaps because voter turnout was low in the polls with a majority Russian). Despite the problem of the calculation, I think the results of which are still interesting, and contribute to the discussion on voter turnout in the State of Israel. Personally I of course support a zero percent vote and an absolute dictatorship under my leadership, but I have the feeling that the citizens of Israel are not yet ready to such a plan.
First, by simulation, the main beneficiaries are (except Lieberman, too) Hadash, United Arab List and Balad. It makes sense that the main reason is to reduce the percentage of the vote the least participation of Israeli-Palestinian elections, since the events of October in a sense, Since the election, they are relative to the sounds kosher, anyone population of england who suggests "giving voice" to all parties equally passed the threshold, so yes, indicate when it detracts from all the other parties.
Secondly, as you mentioned, there is a problematic assumption, the vote by city remains unaffected by 100% vote. This assumption the opposite assumption-not-an-based leftists of encouraging voting, non-voters that tend to the center and left. So if they do vote, vote by city changed as well.
Third, my conclusion remains larger participation can indeed change the results, "left", but only if the change will come M"hmgzr Arab. " To this end, the campaign needs to get out from Facebook Ha

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Sigmoid function (Sigmoid function) is a mathematical function living alone that the form of the English letter "S" (sigmoid curve). Often, sigmoid function refers to the special case of the logistic function living alone is shown in the first figure is defined by the formula
Another example is the Gompertz curve. Focaccia sigmoid living alone models used in systems that have a value which expanded rapidly in the field of initial t but then reach saturation when t increases. living alone Another example is the ogee curve as used in the spillway of several dams.
A wide range of the sigmoid function is used for describing functions of the operating system of artificial neurons, including logistic and hyperbolic tangent functions. Sigmoid curves are also common cumulative distribution statistics as functions as integrals of the logistic distribution, normal distribution and density functions of the distribution of t.
Sigmoid function similar functions that occurs in many cases where there is positive feedback loops initially causes a rapid growth of some value, and then we went into action feedback loops weaken slowing growth. These examples include: Physics and Chemistry
Response speed of the many chemical reactions similar function sigmoid process Aotoktliti - initially have many reactions between different molecules, and the reaction itself increases the probability of comments from other molecules in the sample due to the emission of byproducts, electronic keys undermine or heat helps post, below a concentration Hmoloklot drops and speed Examples decreasing population biology of bacterial growth in a petri dish - initially have rapid growth of the bacteria, and then there is an accumulation of waste materials and food restrictions are slowing the growth of bacteria. The growth of animals or plants of a species invades a new ecosystem - the species is expanding at the expense of other species to the limitations of food sources or predators begin to slow down population growth. Maximum running speed as a function of a person's age - first learn to crawl, walk and then run. The greater living alone the age of lengthening limbs and muscles living alone are growing and so can run faster. Then start the old processes affecting the heart, lungs and muscle living alone that cause slow decrease in maximum speed Rizzi. The growth of the human population before the Industrial Revolution in the sigmoid functions that a similar failure - initially the population is growing rapidly with the arrival to the island, and then resource constraints maintained a stable population. Examples economics of new product sales - initially just eager buyers buy the product and its sales are slow. Then if the product is good word of mouth marketing reach masses of people, or that the company has enough money to advertise the new product at this time accelerating sales. At this point you may also demand induced the increased demand with supply Lmmotzr. Then there is a slowdown in sales as almost all of the demand is covered. Average travel speed as a function of car town car number - initially slow cars have accelerated the speed, the more cars there are more problems with traffic jams and parking living alone slowed speed. Economies of scale economies of scale in many cases very helpful in a certain area, and then their benefits are weakened by the disadvantages of scale. Social welfare and economic growth. According to a number of philosophers (eg The Spirit living alone Level) and social welfare studies weakening in countries with higher economic output. That rich countries continued economic growth does not affect living alone social welfare, life expectancy and a great range of health living alone and social parameters.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

On 16 December 1963, the Ministerial Committee for dispersing population of Jerusalem; Tel Aviv May

So after seeing the forecast of growth at Dan five million people by 2030, and examined several attempts to disperse the population in Cambodia, China and the Soviet Union, it is time to engage in a bit of the history of Israel's population distribution from its establishment to the present day. Here are some of the materials imported are based on reading the book by Eran Eldar "The forces of self: urban development in the Tel Aviv at the end of the Mandate period and the first decade of independence" total countries in the world (published by wrestling). To understand the ethos of the population distribution of an independent Israel should go back to the government's guidelines first established in 1949 and told them under the section "Development Plan" (emphasis mine):
Quick populated areas and a balanced state of low-concentration Population and preventing excessive volumes; Diligence in the development of Jerusalem by the concentration of cultural institutions, national and state it; Implementation of irrigation plants Negev valleys and plains, mountain total countries in the world forest, swamps, land reclamation throughout the country; Nationalization of water resources, natural resources, land desolate areas and services that depend on state security. No expropriation or seizure shall be made without adequate total countries in the world compensation; Diligence in perfecting the phone relations, telegraph and radio and developing modes of transport by land, sea and air; Systematic total countries in the world war against the cost of living, while preserving decent living conditions of the workers and the masses; Removing barriers total countries in the world sectarianism in society and the state; Raising concern birth, grants and special breaks for large families.
Note that the first line that appears is the policy of population dispersal, swamps before perfecting total countries in the world the telegraph connections. It shows how this issue was by consensus. You could even say that it is the only thing that has remained the consensus by our political elite, total countries in the world especially the Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu total countries in the world party, the Jewish total countries in the world Temple total countries in the world and the Labor Party.
But the story does not end here. Over the years, the State of Israel fought furiously healthy development of the city of Tel Aviv, and then the development of the Tel Aviv metropolitan area to this day really. In the early 60s there was a ministerial committee for population dispersal (so right), among other The works resulted in a freeze of construction in particular areas within the municipal boundaries of Tel Aviv. This did not cause population total countries in the world distribution throughout Israel but engine was used even more rapid suburbanization of Tel Aviv during those years and was the focus of intense friction between the municipality and the government. The story of the struggle around the housing development, north of the river Eldar's book appears on page 116-121. Of this section, I want to get a short paragraph describing the spirit of things then as now:
On 16 December 1963, the Ministerial Committee for dispersing population of Jerusalem; Tel Aviv Mayor Namir, who was invited to appear before it, gave the reasons for the municipality for the purpose of thawing soils north of the Yarkon River in the area of government "to plan". total countries in the world After a heated discussion developed speech about the matter. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, who was head of the committee, expressed his opinion excreted matter, but occasionally made remarks which implied that he favored thaw land. Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir and Housing Minister Joseph coral expressed their support for a general total countries in the world thaw clear all the land for construction total countries in the world and development. Agriculture Minister Dayan told explicitly that he opposes government's land rezoning "plan to", depending total countries in the world on population distribution policy and the government's total countries in the world decision to freeze the coast. Minister of Agriculture held contention that prevent excessive concentration of population in this region, preventing the establishment of housing and industrial areas and direct measures of capital development and other development zones in the country. Labor Minister Yigal Allon proposed to re-examine the problem of "the plan" and announced that at this point he has reservations about the possible release of government land. Interior Minister Haim Moshe Shapira brought the office of the principal reasons, which opposed the rezoning of land for reasons of national planning, and proposed an interim proposal - to allow only the construction of villas in the area of "program to" north of the Tel Baruch.
And on and on discussions focussed on and allowed to build up a center for some time. But the wise guys in Jerusalem did not stop for a minute exchange advice how to "dissolve" and destroy Tel Aviv many years later. In 1995, 35 out of the world Tama, also known as suburbanization in Israel., And hallucinatory wrote it not so long ago still thought they could have put the population in accordance with some sort of a utopian vision they had in mind.'s What it says in the program for population distribution (page 103 of this document) :
To achieve the objectives of the program and to bring rational and efficient utilization of land resources in Israel total countries in the world set Tama 35 goals normative unwanted deployment of the national space population (Chapter 6.1). Layout is different normative according to forecast trends and continued it seeks to balance a greater extent the distribution national total countries in the world population, particularly by increasing the proportion of Sub Barsba total countries in the world from 7.0% in 1995 to 10.8% in 2020 considerable growth plan also designates the northern total countries in the world region of the country (North). region's relative share should total countries in the world rise from 17.3% in -1995 to 21.24% in 2020 accelerated growth in both the peripheral areas of Israel at the expense of a significant decline in its relative share of the central region. lived in this area in 1995 about 3.6 million people, representing 64% of the Israeli population. according to the normative recommended deployment plan will increase the population region to 4.9 million, an increase of only 38% by 2020 in accordance with less relative weight of this region in the general population to about 57%, compared to 60% of the scenario continued trends.
Indeed, the Maoist vision they had something total countries in the world there NMP 35 but it obviously did not work and she broke no population, because socio-economic laws that maintain complex relationships between fixed and metropolitan areas within states Dan continued to surprise total countries in the world act under these rules. Then It was not enough for our Stalinist bureaucrats. one of the most important articles published recently, Avital Lahav dares to raise the issue on the pages of the Israeli mainstream: "Cry

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

About the Media Archive - Publishing Dr. Shapiro, Atlases Historical Maps wars Israeli War of Indep

About the Media Archive - Publishing Dr. Shapiro, Atlases Historical Maps wars Israeli War of Independence, atlases, maps and other publications services / products scans color rendering and retouching proofs color pattern (Iris) run films Boards of offset Cartography and Maps services unique / other bars, grids and scoring tools security graphics file conversion Downloads average age of death Order Form Instructions for preparing files for burning two-sided contact average age of death utilities
Cartography is the law of creation, editing, reading, processing and Printing Maps. Description planar map is reduced, measurable and directed average age of death Schematic of geographic phenomena on Earth. For the most part, distinguish between physical maps that are involved in the surface (mountain, plain, sea, lake, river, etc.), and policy maps, which mark the boundaries between states according to defined standards and excellent. There are also thematic maps that indicate climate, rainfall, population size, distribution religions etc.. (From Wikipedia).
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Statistics concluded: Description which is used to infer the characteristics of the population, not

Applied Statistics - Lesson 3 - Descriptive statistics + Statistics concluded | BA Social Work
Statistics concluded: Description which is used to infer the characteristics of the population, not just the sample. Statistics concluded. The ability to infer from the sample to the population. Testing hypotheses.
Researcher has a hypothesis about the population. He could not sample the entire population because of the problem of resources (time, money, access to all of the population). Then he samples a sample, a subset of the target population. Checks the data sample (Statistics Teorit- describes what you see in the sample) and try to draw back the sample results to the population (Statistics concluded).
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Sunday, October 12, 2014

While medicine is a science, but art is a healing process. And to science and art meet - you have t

While medicine is a science, but art is a healing process. And to science and art meet - you have to think outside the box. This blog is dedicated to medicine in its broadest how many people live in the world sense, unusual, sometimes very unusual. It connects the worlds. Welcome to Tomorrow's Medicine - personalized medicine and human eye some alternative
Do you count the countless sheep before you get to sleep? Are you turned and forth before you drift off sweetheart? how many people live in the world Is insomnia is a disease to be treated with medication? Before I answer the questions, easy to open academic debate on "what is normal and what is normative."
Academic discussion? This question is not a purely academic discussion, but the practical basis for the definition of health and illness. Now, when each and every one of you the possibility to access on-line (with a password) the results of laboratory how many people live in the world tests your, you can easily see the results of various tests (expressed as numerical values such others. Each test and its units, as the weight how many people live in the world is measured in kg and height in cm). And you can see more than that: your results are displayed along with the range of values considered L"tkinim ". But is any deviation from normal values means a disease? Well - not.
Why not? To explain this important point recall the famous bell curve. Curve describes the 'normal how many people live in the world distribution' of any variable (eg hemoglobin) states that the population and 95% of the population will be within two standard deviations +/- the average of the general population. This means that when we examine a particular laboratory value among a large population of healthy individuals, we get such a distribution of values, so one person has to be a value that is slightly above Norma "Valmont - a value that is slightly less Norma", and in all, all the people we tested how many people live in the world , the dispersion of the laboratory will be such that 95% of the population will be in the range of "normal." It follows that the definition itself will be 5% off Norma "(far how many people live in the world more than +/- two standard deviations of the total population) and do not necessarily wrong. For example, a person rises to 2.15 m is completely normal, but it just is not normative.
Simple, is not it? Well, when it comes to deciphering lab tests, how many people live in the world we use a statistical distribution to define "normative" assuming that it relates to health. But what we do when we want to value does not necessarily numbers and therefore not subject to the soft charms of statistics tough (for statistics, as saying, "reveals and conceals posture")? Take, for example, behavior. Obviously its extreme forms easy to distinguish between normal and pathological freak - we all (the last president of the citizens to the state ...) are required to distinguish between good and evil. But not only that behavior is culture-bound, and therefore what is considered normative in one place may be considered abnormal in another and vice versa (see the value of our children's behavior ...), it also depends on expectations, for example, the expectation that we will be happy all the time. My previous blog had already pointed out the problems of waiting for perfection that the medical context, and another blog more than hinted who might benefit from a change in the definition of abnormal normative range. But do we all really need medication?
And how does this relate to sleep disorders? In a landmark study published recently how many people live in the world helped by a team of researchers from the United States data on outpatient visits between 1993 and 2007 to examine the possibility that sleep problems also underwent a similar how many people live in the world process of moving natural how many people live in the world difficulties (and therefore normative) pathological disorders (abnormal) requiring treatment. According findings, the proportion who complain of sleep difficulties doubled during this period, and the percentage of those diagnosed with sleep problems has increased sevenfold., but these growth rates became less important compared to the increased number of prescriptions sleep - 30 times!
There is no doubt that sleep is important to health, and therefore sleeping difficulties how many people live in the world (which can be expressed how many people live in the world difficulty falling asleep and keep asleep, early awakening or fitful sleep) can cause lasting damage to health, not to mention the emotional frustration mounting. But is this is not an attempt to solve a problem with drugs stemming from something "other", which, how many people live in the world according to studies in most cases is not the result of physical illness but mental stress?
It turns out that many people who suffer from insomnia are characterized by a tendency to repeated reflections, a "increases stimulated" I thought, before they went to sleep, which contributes both delay Bhirdmotm how many people live in the world and sleep quality and disturbances during sleep.
Other studies indicate that compulsive Reflections stressful situations arising reduce the intensity of the first phase delta waves of sleep, making sleep, physiologically, easier and more timely manner arousal. Additionally how many people live in the world it was found that people who sleep well while not focusing on something specific Not yet Hirdmotm, how many people live in the world people who suffer from insomnia bothering themselves as they lay in bed thinking and solving problems originate concerns, stimuli are their sleeping environment (such as noise from the house or from the street), or the results may be the lack of sleep the next day. "
What is the recommended way to treat insomnia? One way to handle these situations is by using drugs. Another way is to purchase a cognitive coping skills how many people live in the world to prevent stress. Chi here, was the Yellow Emperor's physician, said the doctor's role is to assist the individual to realize how many people live in the world himself. Sleep medications are unacceptable helped me. But the realization of these important human capabilities. Sleep disorders are common in today's disease. Are a product of our lives, and do well to take responsibility for them.
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Definition: the equivalence - a way to measure the reliability of a psychological test is to measure the reliability equivalence. Reliability measurement based on the correlation between the two parallel versions of the same test. These versions should fulfill population of singapore two Tnaim- questions must measure the same thing, and both of them have the statistical characteristics population of singapore Zhutz other words, when you move those two alternatives to the same population, given the distribution of similar grades.
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Saturday, October 11, 2014

French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace proposed in automation solutions nowadays -1810

Search Search for: Links Trust Me, I'm a Statistician mother's chinese population cakes Israeli skeptics organization web statistics Statistics in the era of big data and the data scientist danah My name is and I'm a stats addict Big Data is Helping Us Explore Space Like Never Before A Statistics-centric curriculum IMS Presidential Address: Let us own Data Science Belief, bias and Bayes A randomized trial in a massive online open course shows people do not know what a statistically significant relationship looks like, but they can learn Statistician Creates Mathematical Model to Predict The Future of Game of Thrones The 22 Skills of a Data Scientist The Odds, Continually Updated -
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The second meeting of the discussion group in the history of the history of business statistics normal distribution. The discussion was mainly based on Chapter 13 of Ian Hacking book, "The Taming of Destiny" [1], and to a lesser extent Lorraine Daston's chinese population article [2], who has followed the history of the distribution chinese population between 1770 to the 1870s. However, this list follows the path outlined by Daston. The list I used in writing the section 2 Stigler's book [3].
Normal chinese population distribution, that distribution is famous chinese population bell, probably first appeared when French Huguenot ancestry mathematician Abraham de Muebr study of the distribution of the number of "heads" obtained in a series of coin flips, when the number of tosses is growing. In 1733 de-Muebr proved that when the number of tosses goes to infinity, then the distribution is approaching chinese population a bell shape that special
The bell suddenly appeared a completely different place - astronomical measurements. Who caused the uproar is the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, at the end of the 16th century decided to make multiple measurements of celestial objects and the distances between them. Measurement results were not identical. Tycho showed that not only that there is a possibility of measurement error, but also that the measurement errors are perhaps inevitable. Attempts were made to improve the quality chinese population and accuracy of measurement devices, but the problem remained. Until the mid-18th century, accumulated piles of astronomical measurements and geodetic, and got into a fierce debate among astronomers what to do about it: Did you take the average of the observations, chinese population select the measurement of the "best", or dismiss the research assistant, his calculations chinese population were particularly different from those on colleagues?
French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace proposed in automation solutions nowadays -1810 "Bayesian" [4] - is assumed that the measurement chinese population errors chinese population have a certain distribution, and accordingly built a procedure giving a combination of measurements to minimize the overall measurement. Moreover, Laplace showed that if the distribution of the measurement error distribution is bell then average the measurements will minimize the overall measurement error. A year earlier, Carl Friedrich Gauss taken the opposite approach: he assumed that the right thing is to calculate the average of measurements, ie the average of measurements will minimize the overall measurement error, and based on this assumption has calculated that the distribution of the measurement chinese population error distribution should be the same bell. Bluebell distribution, which first appeared in the context of gambling and coin flips, caught herself a central place in science of astronomy. Gauss even recognized the link between chinese population gambling and coin flips and astronomical measurement errors. He distinguished chinese population between systematic errors, which can be treated and to minimize the effects, and the random error ("chance errors") derived from the senses is not sharp enough, atmospheric conditions, and the like. Gauss and Laplace believed that there are many factors of random errors, some measuring tilt upwards and some downwards. In a sense, I think, they understood the idea of the central limit theorem. However, the link between the boundary normal distribution of the results chinese population of gambling / coin flips, and the distribution of measurement errors, yet formally made only by identifying their common function. The normal distribution chinese population is called to this day as the "Distribution Lflsianit" in France, and the name "Gaussian distribution" in Germany and in several professionals (physicists, engineers, etc.), to mark the contribution of these two mathematicians discovery.
Hacking emphasizes that appeared normal distribution in the context of real values: chinese population the probability of a coin falling on the head, the probability of a particular Luck win the game, or the distance between the two stars. Distribution itself, and its parameters (mean and standard deviation) values chinese population were ideal, only mathematical parameters. Belgian astronomer Adolphe summed [5] changed the game. At the beginning of the 30s of the 19th century published a series of articles in which KILLED showed that the normal distribution curve also appears when looking at biological and social phenomena. At -1835 is presented to

Friday, October 10, 2014

Genetics researchers did not know at first that there is a difference between the family and the po

Equilibrium principle Hardy-Weinberg | lists from white box
Gregor Mendel discovered the laws of heredity After observing several features of information has not yet been crossbreeding them, and follow Htbtautn biggest countries in the world offspring. Since Mendel's laws regarding the crossing of hereditary characteristics from generation to generation, that is, in families, biggest countries in the world the genetic makeup if you know the parents, it will be possible biggest countries in the world to know also what is the genetic makeup of their children. These laws were forgotten after publication and only re-discovered in 1900 in the meantime accepted theory of Charles Dro'in and Alfred Russel Wallace that the evolution of the species occurs through a process of natural selection, and then scientists sought biggest countries in the world to unify the theory of evolution with the theory of heredity, and apply the rules Mendel all species populations.
Genetics researchers did not know at first that there is a difference between the family and the population, in terms of the distribution of phenotypes. They believed that if a family where both parents, showing the dominant phenotype biggest countries in the world are heterozygous (Aa), the distribution of phenotypes should be among the offspring biggest countries in the world 3: 1 in favor of the dominant phenotype, and in any case should be the distribution of phenotypes in the population as well. Therefore expected to see that for each inherited trait, 75 percent of individuals (AA + Aa) shall be the dominant phenotype, and 25 percent carry the recessive phenotype (aa).
British mathematician Godfrey Hardy (Godfrey Hardy) and German physician Wilhelm Weinberg (Wilhelm Weinberg) who did not know each other, argued in 1908 that there is no connection between the distribution of phenotypes in the family and the distribution of phenotypes in the population. While the distribution of phenotypes in the family fits the expectations biggest countries in the world under the laws of Mendel, the distribution of phenotypes in the population depends only on the same population alleles frequencies. That is to say, the prospect biggest countries in the world allele from the father, whether allele A or allele a, will meet with the allele from the mother, whether allele A or allele a, is determined solely by the relative Scihoiotihm Halliim of these two genes in the population. The principle also independently discovered by Russian geneticist Tz'tbricob Sergei (Sergei Chetverikov).
What was the explanation of the three? biggest countries in the world Population of each species breeding diploid fertilization strange way, made up of individuals bearing genes Alliim, for example, allele A and allele a, and therefore each individual in the population belongs to one of three genotypes: AA, Aa, aa. The relative frequency of allele A in a given population, their frequency depends on the relative information with genotypes biggest countries in the world AA plus half drastically underestimate the relative information with genotype Aa. This incidence of allele A can be marked with the letter p. Similarly, the relative frequency of allele a given population, their frequency depends biggest countries in the world on the relative information with aa genotype relative drastically underestimate plus half of the individuals biggest countries in the world with the genotype biggest countries in the world Aa. This is the allele frequency of a signal can be marked q.
Can be seen from the table that the relative biggest countries in the world frequency of genotype AA is p 2, the relative frequency of genotype Aa is 2pq, and the relative frequency of genotype aa is q 2. Since the sum of the three relative abundances of all individuals is one, it is evident that the sum of p + q is also a first, as p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1. From this it follows that although there has been no change to frequency alleles represented biggest countries in the world by p and q, since p 2 plus pq is equal to p, and q 2 is equal to pq plus q. Result that the values p 2, q 2, 2pq, indicate the relative Scihoiotihm of genotypes AA, aa, Aa, the next generation and in fact, in all the generations that will follow.
1 couplings between the different genotypes are done completely randomly. That is, all males in the population has an equal probability of mating with a female population and vice versa. 2 any of the genotypes no advantage in terms of natural selection, and they all equally contribute gametes to the next generation. We can assume that selection is acting on the population, or it works equally to all phenotypes. 3 of the population is not mixed with other populations. It can be assumed that the population is closed to migration from within biggest countries in the world and to, or no difference in migration of individuals from the population not out and from the outside into the population. In other words, there is no possibility that the A allele carriers Details will leave the population or be added to it from the outside, more than the number of individuals carrying the allele a. 4 a very large population, and therefore the occurrence biggest countries in the world of random fluctuations in the different alleles frequencies are negligible 5 no effect of random genetic drift. Ie, there is no random variation of gene frequencies from one generation biggest countries in the world to the various Halliim - a phenomenon that is more common as a smaller population. 6 No mutation pressure. In other words, there is no unfolding of a single gene allelic form different alleles form, for example from A to a. 7 There is no bias Beauty. All heterozygosity produces the same amount of gametes A and a. 8 males alleles frequencies equal proliferation in females. 9 The origin of a population sample. 10 it is possible to distinguish between individuals in the population genetically. 11 There is no overlap between generations. In other words, there is no intergenerational pairings, for example, between parents and their offspring.
It is clear that these conditions can not fully exist in any natural population. Nevertheless, the principle of Hardy-Weinberg great importance, since it describes the theoretical distribution of the frequencies biggest countries in the world of genotypes in the population, which can serve as a basis comparable to contrast the actual observations. If researchers could not make such a comparison, then the observations were meaningless.
The principle of Hardy-Weinberg is also valuable in that it teaches us that Mendelian heredity itself, there is no inherent mechanism that may lead to changes in gene frequency in populations. Such changes, when they occur, should be hanged activity of other factors such as genetic variation, natural selection, genetic drift and migration; In fact, all the factors that drive the evolution.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

GraphJam (6) the father general (1) Avi Koren (1) Aviv Geffen (2) Avishai Milstein (1) Eviatar Bana

In our yard, in the shade of olive trees
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