Wednesday, October 15, 2014

On 16 December 1963, the Ministerial Committee for dispersing population of Jerusalem; Tel Aviv May

So after seeing the forecast of growth at Dan five million people by 2030, and examined several attempts to disperse the population in Cambodia, China and the Soviet Union, it is time to engage in a bit of the history of Israel's population distribution from its establishment to the present day. Here are some of the materials imported are based on reading the book by Eran Eldar "The forces of self: urban development in the Tel Aviv at the end of the Mandate period and the first decade of independence" total countries in the world (published by wrestling). To understand the ethos of the population distribution of an independent Israel should go back to the government's guidelines first established in 1949 and told them under the section "Development Plan" (emphasis mine):
Quick populated areas and a balanced state of low-concentration Population and preventing excessive volumes; Diligence in the development of Jerusalem by the concentration of cultural institutions, national and state it; Implementation of irrigation plants Negev valleys and plains, mountain total countries in the world forest, swamps, land reclamation throughout the country; Nationalization of water resources, natural resources, land desolate areas and services that depend on state security. No expropriation or seizure shall be made without adequate total countries in the world compensation; Diligence in perfecting the phone relations, telegraph and radio and developing modes of transport by land, sea and air; Systematic total countries in the world war against the cost of living, while preserving decent living conditions of the workers and the masses; Removing barriers total countries in the world sectarianism in society and the state; Raising concern birth, grants and special breaks for large families.
Note that the first line that appears is the policy of population dispersal, swamps before perfecting total countries in the world the telegraph connections. It shows how this issue was by consensus. You could even say that it is the only thing that has remained the consensus by our political elite, total countries in the world especially the Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu total countries in the world party, the Jewish total countries in the world Temple total countries in the world and the Labor Party.
But the story does not end here. Over the years, the State of Israel fought furiously healthy development of the city of Tel Aviv, and then the development of the Tel Aviv metropolitan area to this day really. In the early 60s there was a ministerial committee for population dispersal (so right), among other The works resulted in a freeze of construction in particular areas within the municipal boundaries of Tel Aviv. This did not cause population total countries in the world distribution throughout Israel but engine was used even more rapid suburbanization of Tel Aviv during those years and was the focus of intense friction between the municipality and the government. The story of the struggle around the housing development, north of the river Eldar's book appears on page 116-121. Of this section, I want to get a short paragraph describing the spirit of things then as now:
On 16 December 1963, the Ministerial Committee for dispersing population of Jerusalem; Tel Aviv Mayor Namir, who was invited to appear before it, gave the reasons for the municipality for the purpose of thawing soils north of the Yarkon River in the area of government "to plan". total countries in the world After a heated discussion developed speech about the matter. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, who was head of the committee, expressed his opinion excreted matter, but occasionally made remarks which implied that he favored thaw land. Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir and Housing Minister Joseph coral expressed their support for a general total countries in the world thaw clear all the land for construction total countries in the world and development. Agriculture Minister Dayan told explicitly that he opposes government's land rezoning "plan to", depending total countries in the world on population distribution policy and the government's total countries in the world decision to freeze the coast. Minister of Agriculture held contention that prevent excessive concentration of population in this region, preventing the establishment of housing and industrial areas and direct measures of capital development and other development zones in the country. Labor Minister Yigal Allon proposed to re-examine the problem of "the plan" and announced that at this point he has reservations about the possible release of government land. Interior Minister Haim Moshe Shapira brought the office of the principal reasons, which opposed the rezoning of land for reasons of national planning, and proposed an interim proposal - to allow only the construction of villas in the area of "program to" north of the Tel Baruch.
And on and on discussions focussed on and allowed to build up a center for some time. But the wise guys in Jerusalem did not stop for a minute exchange advice how to "dissolve" and destroy Tel Aviv many years later. In 1995, 35 out of the world Tama, also known as suburbanization in Israel., And hallucinatory wrote it not so long ago still thought they could have put the population in accordance with some sort of a utopian vision they had in mind.'s What it says in the program for population distribution (page 103 of this document) :
To achieve the objectives of the program and to bring rational and efficient utilization of land resources in Israel total countries in the world set Tama 35 goals normative unwanted deployment of the national space population (Chapter 6.1). Layout is different normative according to forecast trends and continued it seeks to balance a greater extent the distribution national total countries in the world population, particularly by increasing the proportion of Sub Barsba total countries in the world from 7.0% in 1995 to 10.8% in 2020 considerable growth plan also designates the northern total countries in the world region of the country (North). region's relative share should total countries in the world rise from 17.3% in -1995 to 21.24% in 2020 accelerated growth in both the peripheral areas of Israel at the expense of a significant decline in its relative share of the central region. lived in this area in 1995 about 3.6 million people, representing 64% of the Israeli population. according to the normative recommended deployment plan will increase the population region to 4.9 million, an increase of only 38% by 2020 in accordance with less relative weight of this region in the general population to about 57%, compared to 60% of the scenario continued trends.
Indeed, the Maoist vision they had something total countries in the world there NMP 35 but it obviously did not work and she broke no population, because socio-economic laws that maintain complex relationships between fixed and metropolitan areas within states Dan continued to surprise total countries in the world act under these rules. Then It was not enough for our Stalinist bureaucrats. one of the most important articles published recently, Avital Lahav dares to raise the issue on the pages of the Israeli mainstream: "Cry

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