Elections for the 18th Knesset were held in -10.2.09. 33 lists competed in the elections, 12 of them have passed arce ine the threshold. The distribution lists passed the threshold by clumps indicates that the right-wing bloc (Likud, Israel Beiteinu, National Union, Jewish Home) received 40% of the vote, the Center Party (Forward) received 22%, the Left (Labor, Meretz) and ultra-Orthodox parties (United Torah Judaism, Shas) were at a similar rate - 13% and 12%, respectively, and the Arab parties (Balad, Taal, Hadash) were 8%. Terms of the distribution of votes in Jerusalem show that the support for the right bloc of Jerusalem (41%) is similar to Israel (40%). Support for ultra-Orthodox parties in Jerusalem - 34%, is almost 3 times the rate of those parties support Israel (12%). The reason for this is that Jerusalem large Orthodox populations, which is estimated about 30% of the Jewish population. Left voting rate in Jerusalem (9%) lower than those voting in Israel (13%). Arab voting rate was 1%. It should be noted that the Arab population of Jerusalem is a permanent resident status, and it does not have the right to vote for the Knesset. Center Party won 11% of Jerusalem, compared arce ine to 22% nationally. Support for right-wing parties in communities in metropolitan Jerusalem exceeds these parties support Jerusalem - Efrat, a settlement is the most religious population, the majority of votes (93%) were recorded right-wing parties. High voting rates were also right-wing parties in Ma'ale Adumim arce ine (74%), Givat Ze'ev (62%) and in Beit Shemesh (48%). Religious parties gained support very high-Orthodox Beitar Illit communities (90%) and Kiryat fooling arce ine (87%) and in Beit Shemesh (41%). Left-wing parties gained support in Har Adar relatively high (30%) and Mevasseret Zion (22%) and Tsur Hadassah (22%).
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The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies is an independent academic research institute for Policy Studies arce ine on Jerusalem, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and environmental policy, innovation and growth. The focus is on the unique challenges of contemporary Jerusalem, and policy makers used research and academics, arce ine as well as the general public went to the official website of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies View my complete profile
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