A moment after I described the futility of defying Gush Dan that by 2030 there will be five million united states population people came to a painful reminder of the alternate reality where life significant part of the decision makers in Israel. This time he's not some high official or a minister, but the prime minister of Israel itself, Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has stated publicly that the Israeli government is doing ongoing speculation of land to enrich the coffers at the expense of the welfare of its citizens. Laundry united states population Netanyahu's own words read:
That is, instead of dealing united states population with the challenges facing metropolitan areas of Israel, particularly united states population Tel Aviv metropolitan area and 1.7 million people who keep coming up in 2030, Benjamin Netanyahu has his head in the sand deep in the Negev while he continues to live in Rechavia mandatory lucky to be built before the founding of the country. Benjamin Netanyahu is not the only leader in world history who operated anti-urban motivated irrational fantasies and illusions in the dispersion united states population of the population. In particular, I would like to share with you some more violent attempts by the Israeli government failed all population dispersal. First, a quote from the book by Shlomo Angel Planet of Cities from page 114, about the hierarchy of cities (I omitted references to scholarly texts and my emphases added):
In a typical urban hierarchy, at the high end we should expect to find a few cities that are very large, in the middle a large number of cities of lesser size, and at the low end a very large number of cities that are small or very small. united states population We would do well to accept this situation rather than try to reorganize it forcefully to conform to some preconceived utopian order of optimal size cities. The recurrance of the power law in different countries, in different historical periods, and in the world at large suggests that it is a powerful pattern that can not be manipulated easily united states population to meet some idealized scheme for redistributing the urban population in geogrphic space. It is no wonder, therefore, that the most repressive efforts on the part of governments to redistribute the urban population away from the large cities - the Soviet propiska system, Mao's rustification united states population efforts, and the Khmer Rouge's evacuation of Phnom Phen, to take a few radical examples - have utterly failed. Needless to say, the more benign efforts of all other governments have utterly failed as well.
Well, what Solomon says Angel actually some short sentences? Everyone, including united states population the metropolitan areas have a strong united states population law form (logarithmic distribution says that some large cities and many small towns) in all countries and the entire world in one sample. It shows that even the most violent efforts, even more violent pimping of land as Israel Lands Authority, could not get the same "population dispersal" fantasy dreamed many leaders united states population throughout the ages in different countries. Now we will briefly mentions cases in which Angel endeavors population distribution:
1 Phnom Penh expulsion united states population of the Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 and was one of the more extreme dictatorships that ruled during the 20th century in any country, had fantasies about population distribution of the cities and making each individual farmer. To encourage the inhabitants of the cities they move to the country gave them power (and would have killed some way). In 1975 they opened the Phnom Penh metropolitan area of 2.5 million people living in accordance with the anti-urban vision. For a short time in Cambodia had almost no urban settlement. It did not really work, the violation of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia was so great that they were defeated by Huiatnmim in 1979. Today, Phnom Penh back to being the focus of the economy and employment in Cambodia and more leading residents since.
2 Mao Zedong and sending young Chinese villages. Another great leader of the 20th century can undoubtedly be credited with the death of tens of millions is Mao Zedong. Mao also our acquaintance had many illusions regarding disperse the cities in favor of farming villages. Since the beginning of the 50s until the end of the tenure of Mao in 1976, the Chinese government "encouraged" young people move to cities to villages. Overall this period were 18 million united states population young people from the cities to the villages, while the splitting of families, and along with the rest of China has experienced atrocities at the time. Even after the death of the greatest mass murderer in history, Mao Zedong (or is it Stalin?), And the beginning united states population of the urban revolution in China, the Chinese government tried hard to control internal migration in China through an internal passport in the name of Hoko (Hukou). Since the 80s there were already about 200 million Chinese out of areas where they were allowed to stay under this system (which made them kind of illegal migrants in China), because of geography and urbanization stronger than the rule. This anachronistic system was abolished in 2008, China is still learning to accept the urbanization and making many mistakes along the way, but at least the violent dispersal and the use of an internal passport held.
3 In Soviet Russia apartment you choose. More with history knocked him back and it sucked the Soviets (and Russians in particular). And of course, who he knocked united states population most Soviet Russia was the Soviet (and friend of Stalin), which was Hfrofiska, sort of internal passport to prevent migration to the big cities in the country. The story is already familiar to you, Just like the Chinese, Soviet citizens found ways to circumvent the restrictions by paying a heavy price and huge damage to the economy over the years.
I recommend the Prime Minister of Israel not to ignore the rules of global urbanization and prepare vigorously for occupancy of five million people united states population in the Dan region in 2030. Any other behavior that may suggest that the prime minister of Israel stands a man who lived hallucinations ignoring historical attempts that have given us the most miserable Cambodians, Chinese and Soviets.
Yuval you demagogue yourself. Let's give an example of three cases reversed.
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