Upraszczajc, kamstwo a denial of the truth. However, the matter is more Zoon. In a broader look we see that due to the limited knowledge of our zmyswi - We live in a large extent in the rallies uudy.
But I'm not here for the considered truth, and so widely. I mean okamstwo intentional - because that Skame should know the truth. If you do not know the truth, you better stop up from hasty osdw, and the pretense of competence to manipulate others is already serious abuses.
This is a visionary them in politics, in history, in the financial urbanized system (eg. www.facebook.com/notes/tajemnice-z ota/nie atwe- ycie-doradc w-finansowych-i-nowe-mo liwo ci/231506770308503 ), And this in medicine (last rozpisaem out about it here http://lepszezdrowie.info/nieuleczalne.htm, http://lepszezdrowie.info/ukryte_terapie__recenzja.htm), the customs and traditions even (when cast I was so reflection: http://lepszezdrowie.info/tradycja__druga_strona_medalu.htm) mediw methods etc.
Sometimes kamstwo is so blatant that no one believes that this kamstwo, sometimes gently due to the unproven urbanized and duplicated rumors. So creating a myth AD. He likes to be tracking, as an e book to known the truth, or at least up to her approaching. The same issue is Tread philosophical truth and it will not be here roztrzsa. It's the age-old question: urbanized What is it? Sometimes people call the truths of fact. But wyodrbniony fact only part of the truth. urbanized
There are a lot of books on these subjects. Philosophically and comprehensive approaches to this Wojciech Chudy in their studies as monograph "F ilozofia kamstwa. Kamstwo incl phenomenon know as osbi spoeczestw "(Publishing House Volumen 2003, pp. 564) or" Kamstwo As a method of spoeczestwie essay. "
Already with the same account of these items wyania a kamstwa zgbokim POWIZ zem. This Dostrzegay religions (Satan - 'father kamstwa', 'm not faszywego certificate urbanized ", ...), sees the psychology and sociology - in szczeglnoci known ekamstwo kills friendship . This leads to the largest sin (though said Dante) - betrayal - not only in relation dwch osb, but zwaszcza relationship: trust czowiek like a politician, teacher, doctor, boss parent ... - the victim of fraud.
But go now to ublish obszarw, KTRE me interesting - to books powiconych zwaszcza (largely) health. In sposb popular and directed urbanized practically writes okamstwach example. Zbigniew Wojtasiski in "101 Mitwo health" (2009), "Myths, kamstwa and zwykagupota" - John Stossel (Laurum, 2010) or Anahad O'Connor in "Facts and myths about our health and the world" (Bookmarket, 2008).
After all, there arises urbanized a reflection. Stossel is a journalist-working for a large television stations (ABC), which he has become rather not allow itself to mess with large corporations, KTRE s or may be customer advertising.
Thus, the author of the fences in this way to a not expose too much. Part of his opinion as a biased judge. One of the methods is to take what aspect of the matter and its cao uoglnianie. Sometimes this results in a too hasty to deny what phenomenon or pogldu and on this basis it to Mituva credit. Want to work like a well-poured child zkpiel not zauwaajc (can tendentiously) that the pogld, method, opinion, ... is in many cases suszna or poyteczna .
Overlapping is mitwi unproven theory in the popular press and tabloids zwaszcza on websites reklamujcych AD Products - when no reliable information counts and sales. Similarly, these O'Connor is a full-time wsppracownikiem large editorial (New York Times) and subject to the same restrictions 'poprawnoci' ('political' corporate).
The fact is that it is sometimes difficult to figure out, because no one has the monopoly of knowledge or penej really. The attitude but fair do adequate pleural orders. There is no conformism, choosing a lower value, convenience urbanized benefits of laziness in the search for truth.
When you watch the political 'gadajce officer' hits (skdind I understood because of the classes of the political class) to limit the horizon to bring their own doctrines and even niemerytoryczna scuffle. Obiektywnoci discussion sprzyjaaby empathy for ordinary interlocutor. Wins manipulation.
When mwimy about politics urbanized - often takes kamstwo SOCIAL post gbokiej hypocrisy. This characterization of a real communism, and now include. Tolerating and even fueling and draining urbanized pijastwa by weight, although the official combat this phenomenon. Struggling urbanized up smoking, but pijastwo brings SOCIALLY DUO For larger losses and dramas.
Says out social phenomena, but they often rdo is located not only in the lack of knowledge, but the self-righteous urbanized samozakamania, a trait of character. urbanized Then he sees
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