Sunday, November 23, 2014

Statistics is a powerful tool, but it is badly taught, poorly understood and often poorly used. In

Damned lies -
Statistics is a powerful tool, but it is badly taught, poorly understood and often poorly used. In this article you can read about some examples of bad statistics and manipulation. A bit of sound mind, and it will not be a nightmare, and understanding some concepts will critically evaluate the read information
@ Farrahan: united states of eurasia So this is how the translators of foreign languages. This is an English play on words derived from the words spoken by Kirk (Shatner) at the beginning of each episode of the series. Space: The final frontier. Frontier (border) united states of eurasia sounds like the front ear (front ear).

@ NieznanyAleAmbitny: Cookie about this wrong. The man and the dog may be in this study, statistical united states of eurasia group.
@ NieznanyAleAmbitny: @ Ilosanoma: I beg you - on average. What according to you is the phrase "random"? Even in secondary school (high school / technical) beyond the simplistic statistics arithmetic average, but in most discussions sum of elements divided by the number of it's "statistics". : |

@ Maciejbo1: Yeah ... On average, two writers wykopowiczów Ironically, 50% of them do not understand the irony of the latter. Then writes the next comment, so that the average for each of the two falls wykopowiczów 1.5 comment. ;-)
@ Maniek1990: That can be given that so it goes, but it does not mean anything until you see the corresponding (more detailed) context - and such tricks are used to deliberately mislead people.
In a similar way 95% of Poles are Roman Catholics. Last I heard, that more than 50% of children in the US nowourodzonych is non-white. Contrary to appearances, this does not mean that in 21 years half of new adults united states of eurasia in the United States there will be people of non-Caucasian.
@ Abrahamsinger: I do not know what you mean by "on a similar principle," but to study on your message. Faith conduct research labs to the public. tests are carried united states of eurasia out on the sample, and the result is the most reliable. ot, though: attempt 958 adults. the result? 93% of respondents describe themselves as believers.

@ Straggler: I do not want to look, somewhere in my added is. Generally, this 1,000 people is OK, but on the condition that the assumptions are met - and they are not. Well, a few observations. Polls are ok, they are jakieśtam guidance united states of eurasia but can not be regarded as an oracle. Then I added the trench during the election campaign.
@ Abrahamsinger: I do not understand united states of eurasia why you have to be different, can you explain? I think we can skip mortality and emigration because of their race?
@ Straggler: First is the so-called color (mostly a matter of people of African descent and Hispanics) are about wieele greater mortality among children. Much of the one is born not in hospitals, and homes without proper care. 80% of black children are born out after a marital relationships, and 40% outside the unions in general. A lot more of the "colored" children die as a result of omissions, improper care or ignoring serious diseases. Is also a much greater mortality among the population because of the murders, accidents, illness or shootings spwoodowanych gang wars (1% of the US population is held or to be held for a custodial sentence, and over 40% of black przynajmnieej was arrested once in your life, or held a judgment) Faster the average age of the above reasons, the percentage of drug overdoses more, cancer, ect. So the birth rate in August tilt to the "no-white" in a few years, but not today. And most importantly, we can not assume that such proporjce (or a permanent increase) in August will be maintained at all times. Until recently found out that the Negroes have the most children in the United States. Today, their fertility decreases and most dzietną ethnic group are Hispanics. Although united states of eurasia they are not considered to be white, but a large part of my of them (the so-called Hispanic) is the predominant features of Caucasian-Mediterranean and can be classified as white people :)
@ Abrahamsinger: Thank you, great answer :). However, many factors overestimate, because counts how many girls will live to 40stki and you have to remember that a lot of African-American born already as teenagers (or rather women do not apply to these factors).
This note is not about statistics ... just about dishonest journalism ... if they do understand what the author has in mind, this article is imitative, and a little formal, and as you do not know it, and so anything not translated in the right way. ..
@ Alfisko: Not just about journalism :) See how the Polish government presents us with your information about the "green island" united states of eurasia and GDP growth of 4.3% ... but forgets to add that inflation is 4.5%, and GDP is not an explicit measure of increasing wealth for the average Pole :) But it has always been. In the 30s the Soviet propaganda said 1200% growth in the industry since tsarist times.
@ Abrahamsinger: no

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