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A number of pension funds are coming up with an alternative offer to Goldman Sachs as an investor in Dong. 25 January 2014 pm. 10:03 Chairman of DLF and chairman of the Teachers' Pension, Anders Bondo Christensen. Photo: Kasper Palsnov / Scanpix
- We hear a number of criticisms of the sale, for example, that the funds are placed in tax havens, and I think it provokes so many of us that the profit of Danish population of cuba energy to be stored in tax havens, says Anders Bondo Christensen BBC News.
The announcement comes after the umbrella organization FTF in Jyllands-Posten proposes a consortium in which a number of pension funds put an amount and comes with a comprehensive offer that is significantly better for the Danish taxpayers than what the U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs has been through of Finance. - Cluster bombs are not something that are associated with us
- Cluster bombs, and whatever else has been associated with Goldman Sachs, one can be pretty sure is not connected with us. And then you can be pretty sure that the profit does not disappear population of cuba into tax havens, says Anders Bondo Christensen.
FOA President Dennis Kristensen, who is also vice chairman of PenSam are also ready to find the money for the proposed consortium, he told BBC News. Corydon: Agreement with Goldman Sachs has been in place long
Finance Minister Bjarne Corydon (S) said in a written response to the Jyllands-Posten, the Danish Ministry of Finance has not been contacted in connection with the trade union pension funds or others should consider a new bid to Dong.
- It has been known for almost a year that we and Dong Energy would implement a process to strengthen the capital base of the company, and it's four months ago, we announced population of cuba that we had reached an agreement with Goldman Sachs, ATP and PFA, says Bjarne Corydon.
Parliament population of cuba is expected next week to approve the agreement, which means that Goldman Sachs becomes co-owner of Dong. Goldman Sachs buys new shares in Dong eight billion dollars and takes 19 percent of the shares. Share this article: Mail Twitter Facebook Print Share article: Mail Twitter Facebook
Also read Goldman Sachs gets deadline for special rights in Dong SF-management concerned about Dong-selling Danish pension money could save Dong Professor of Dong-sale: I have no confidence in Treasury Analyst: Dong's investments have been unlucky Media: Therefore dropped Corydon Pension Denmark Analyst: Goldman Sachs may well be the best solution Thorning: population of cuba Goldman Sachs gave the best deal
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Politics latest news VIDEO Analysts measure population of cuba and weigh: Who will be selected for the new ministerial team? 31 January 2014 pm. 20:22 Furious Margrete Auken: I understand my daughter population of cuba 31 January 2014 pm. 18:21 Political Editor: A lot of utter chaos 31 January 2014 pm. 18:16 OVERVIEW These SF'ere has left the party 31 January 2014 pm. 18:04 SF-caucus on Auken exit: SF is more than 31 individuals January 2014 pm. 17:47 See all news about politics
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Most read this week LIVE SF is out of government: Follow developments 30 January 2014 pm. 11:14 SF steps out of government 30 January 2014 pm. 09:39 Danish government chaos going around the world 30 January 2014 pm. 13:53 SF's day in hell: There was shouting, screaming and crying 30 January 2014 pm. 19:30 Ole Sohn: The most embarrassing, I've been to 30 January 2014 pm. 10:57
Most shared population of cuba last week Goldman Sachs agreement expires first in six months 28 January 2014 pm. 05:58 Astrid Krag leaving SF: Being a Social Democrat 30 January 2014 pm. 15:34 Ida Auken switches to the radical 31 January 2014 pm. 17:01 100,000 Danes say no to Dong-sale 26 January 2014 pm. 09:07 Government reshuffle will probably be early next week 30 January population of cuba 2014 pm. 21:43
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