Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The chemtrail theory that the contrails we see in many cases, chemical or biological substances tha

In the category konstipasieteorieë (conspiracy theories) is one of the major contenders certainly the so-called "chemtrails". The word is a combination of the words "chemical" and "trail" and a version of "contrail" a combination of "Condensation" and "trail". Contrails are kondensasiestrepe that is often found on a sunny day to see if a plane passes overhead urban area at a great height. It arises from the hot exhaust emissions of aircraft at altitudes between 8 and 10 km where the temperature is less than 40 degrees below zero.
The chemtrail theory that the contrails we see in many cases, chemical or biological substances that by "they" (In this case it is anyone from Idi Amin to the CIA) about our ejected. The chemicals that "their" about us squirt usually one of the following objectives: Influence of weather or climate Disruption of military tracking systems Influencing and submission of certain population urban area groups Export of natural selection in humans (Eradication of poor individuals)
The theory has its origins in 1996 when the U.S. Air Force was accused them the U.S. population with chemicals sprayed from aircraft. The charges arose after a strategy of the American army called "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" leaked. The piece went on ways to America in the future through weersbeïnvloeding their military dominance over the rest of the world was retained. From the time the theory gained fans worldwide and in nearly all Western countries from time to time the governments of besluldig they try to manipulate urban area the population of culling through them with chemicals from the air spray.
The fans of the chemtrail theory claims that the drugs in the sky spraying consists of substances such as barium, aluminum salts, polymers, thorium, or silicon carbide. Some believe that the sky is irrigated with electrically charged materials urban area as part of a very large electromagnetic super weapons program based on the "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)".
Of course, like any good konstipasieteorie it behooves authorities denied urban area all secret societies and the existence of chemtrails. This is of course only added more fuel to the fire of the adherents of the theory in the sense that it is more evidence that chemtrails really exist.
And this is not just any Tom, Dick and Harry in the existence of chemtrails believe. Pop star Prince in an interview mention of chemtrails and he saw that an unexplained increase in aircraft stripes over his neighborhood accompanied by an increase in fights and arguments in the neighborhood. Well, if it believes Prince, who is you and I to argue with him.
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