Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A friend and fellow church from Romney, Grant Bennett, the media runs about Romney

Romney talk about his faith | Kerkbode
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USA. - Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate in America, apparently afraid of speaking his faith. He belongs to the Mormon Church, or The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints.
A friend and fellow church from Romney, Grant Bennett, the media runs about Romney's faith, and want them in the run-up to the U.S. presidential election at all cost find out more.
Bennett says he finds it unfortunate that the presidential candidate not more about his church and faith would say. He said it would be a more humane image of his creation. "He has an image that he is rich and strange world, but it is not really the case. In our church we come up with all kinds of people in contact: the unemployed to illegal immigrants and those with marital problems. "
The Mormons believe there hundreds of years before Christ, a lost tribe of Israel crossed the ocean to a new promised land - America. This is also true in the Mormon Bible. There are about five and a half million Mormons in America, it is the fourth percentage increase largest religious community in that country. - Source: CNN
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