Wednesday, March 26, 2014

All seven Swedish activists belonging Nazi group Svenska motståndsrörelsen who were accused takers

All seven Swedish activists belonging Nazi group Svenska motståndsrörelsen who were accused takers 2010 were convicted by a rightwing attack on a demonstration in antirastisk Kärrtorp last December. The Nazis threw ... 03/26/2014
Africa activism efforts asylum democracy demonstration EU European trade unions fascism poverty feminism health immigration imperialism Israel capitalism class struggle climate war women Latin America equality media critique takers 2010 Middle East military environment, NATO nazism neoliberalism occupation oil monitoring Palestine privatization protest racism revolution Roma socialism U.S. education election 2013 welfare economics
Imagine for a moment that the Island is a small island inhabited by peace-loving takers 2010 people with inclinations of literature and music, but a huge area where money almost flowing out of the ground and where a president with a power crazy self gets it into his head he is clean cut the King.
While the King reigns he points against Norway and says, "This is my country." "Our ancestors were even forced out of there, but we and the Norwegians ere a nation. We have the same religion, same ideology and we are descended from the same ancestors. Admittedly, the Norwegians radbrukket our language, but it's no big deal, and we shall soon teach them to speak properly again since Scandinavian friends should takers 2010 help each other. "
After the king came to power, has his opinions become national and official doctrine in Iceland. Every TV channel is broadcasting the schizophrenic his ideas, and they are defended by his ever so biased historians, linguists takers 2010 and political scientists. Since 1999, as well as all broadcast media in Norway constant chanting the following mantra: "A takers 2010 Norwegian nation takers 2010 does not exist. There is only one unified Scandinavian nation with a heart of Reykjavik and sooner or later we will all stand together as one under the authority of our wise and invincible King. "
The relations between Ukraine and Russia has always been problematic. For centuries Ukraine has been enslaved under the Russian Empire, and many an observer in Russia looks increasingly on an independent Ukraine as a ridiculous historical episode. Vladimir takers 2010 Putin is no exception, referring to the Soviet Union's collapse as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.
As you know the logic of a poor tool to explain takers 2010 the dictator behavior. What would Yanukovych, Ukraine's former president, takers 2010 with billions of dollars he stole from the state budget? Not even if he spends the rest of his life he will be able to use up all the money, even though he had been a young man. He just stole and never asked themselves these tough questions. On his estate (which hardly has time to go through takers 2010 the course of one day) cost curtains alone about as much as the state under his leadership allocated to the treatment of children with cancer (and it's not a joke or an exaggeration). He stole so much that when we were able to control the public accounts, it emerged that there was nothing left. A Treasury zero is the dictator Yanukovych left. Zero and one ruined economy with broken small and medium enterprises, a broken takers 2010 health care system, a demoralized security police and a handful of hungry soldiers we out of habit sometimes still call an army.
So began our protest protests began in November 2013. It was not a radical protest and it was also not a right-wing or nationalist protest. Rather takers 2010 began as a protest movement among intellectuals and students who were dissatisfied with the sudden takers 2010 geopolitical u-turn to Yanukovych - from West to East.
We were fully aware of the fact that the regime was corrupt and that it destroyed the very foundations of the state. We knew this long ago, but the widespread dissatisfaction with Yanukovych was bridled by the hope that he would sign the cooperation agreement with the EU, and this give our country a historic opportunity to drop off from the Russian geopolitical sphere. Instead, Yanukovych did the opposite, and thus signed takers 2010 his own death warrant. For most Ukrainians, the fact that Yanukovych agreed to cooperate with Putin and join the Customs Union (a kind of new Soviet Union, concocted by the Russian Federation), that we no longer have anything. Ukraine is no longer a country that for centuries has fought for its independence. The Ukrainian language is unnecessary. Ukrainian culture does not exist. We simply disappear. Yanukovych did not just millar ends from us, and not just the right to live in a European country. He stole our very subjectivity from us in exchange for the right to steal even more.
Violent Gangs In many weeks did not protest any of our results, but the entire time people stood outside in the cold (and our winters are not very different from theirs), there were no protesters smashed windows or came into conflict with the order of the authorities. In

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