Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Emotional stress, cause belbzimit to Children!! Kohve to a recent report shows that the fmijve have

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STRESS TO CHILDREN Children are victims of stress as well as adults, but as he goes invisible. In our days the pace of life is faster and the changes occurring in a more frequent and more speed. There are numerous factors which increase the stress in the life of childhood. David Elkind author of the hurried child supports the idea that stress is inherent in life. He adds that one of the most important factors of stress in children is hastening to be prepared, to go from one place to another, to succeed, to grow. Concerns that appear in the family in case of death, divorce, health problems, tension and bring brawl fear, anxiety, and affective stermundim contribute to chronic stress. According to Harold Minden - Prof. Psychoanalytic, and specialist in the field of stress, stress can damage the physical well-being, emotional, social, intellectual and academic performance in childhood. It can also affect motivation, attention, perception, memory and learning process. Every child reacts to stress in its way. As adults it possesses different capacities to mitigate the phenomenon. Additionally what is a source of stress population of usa 2013 for a child may not be for another. Some symptoms of stress to a child: 1. Neck pain, headaches, stomach repeating. 2. Irritability, sadness, panic, fury increased. 3. 4 unusual calm. Barriers to sleep or to relax 5. Lethargy, dreams, participating in activities 6. Great energy or nervousness population of usa 2013 7. Return to less mature behavior. Nervous habits: nail biting, hair sprain, thumb sucking or drawing heavy sigh. 8. Intelligent reactions, found as a sardonic glance or view ngrysyr. 9. Are difficult to understand with friends
Emotional stress, cause belbzimit to Children!! Kohve to a recent report shows that the fmijve have prballojn t m t Hardly emotional stress, often stutter. Whereas population of usa 2013 scientists say 50 up to 80 percent population of usa 2013 of fmijve ktyre to pass this stage until age five years old, There is no where for belbzimin ksaj NSE continues beyond age. There gojs shrim for maintaining and nobody knows from that caused, although it is believed that trashgimia temperament and now play a role. The International Foundation for belbzimin evaluates that up to 60 million in all its botnet have kt problem. Paaftsia komunkuar ability to properly bring dshprim and outrage and even trheqje Sometimes, says Professor Edward Conture Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to "I can not t want to communicate population of usa 2013 when, or at q will say and how to love. And everyone can understand how hopeless you feel a k t bnt the till ". Doctor Conture 111 Children attended from age two to 5 years old. m is the age when becomes clear that someone stutter. Although the study is br in the United States, Children follow rutin At the same play, learning and Efforts in the entire botnet. M boys are 3 times more likely than girls t q t belbzojn. Although the family has a genetic link, Conture doctor also reached completion in that many of kta Children bhen m very emotional during kmbimeve to a normal situation population of usa 2013 game. In general had much time q t m winding down after being angry. Belbzimin then trigger emotional reactions. Doctor says that Conture Teachers and parents can help by creating an environment m qetsues, population of usa 2013 fmijs that gives sufficient time for expression. They must also not to criticize or zmrohen when The child is not able to remove the words and require too ndihmne a speech therapist t t q t work with Children. With the hope that these measures The child has to pass this problem.
Stress, the leading cause of neurological gravity adjustments and consequently the degree of stress to his action on the organism depends rndsia, duration, shpeshtsia, shumllojshmria, t k ndrlikimit rate The man that set requirements, etc.. As m n prolonged stress time t jet, so m r Stress, the leading cause of neurological adjustments Written by Elberta Spaho Diseases caused by neurological settings and psychological worries, but in some nerve cases. Some of these neurological disease are frequent m t stinss hot startup, but not absent even cases which appear only to Kohn in humid or stin we cool. Neurological diseases are frequent m t m

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