Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Reform Party and the Social Democrats today began consultations to form a ruling coalition. Bot

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Russia's Foreign Ministry criticizes what is demography strongly the Estonian government's decision last week not to teach Russian in four high schools. Russia's Foreign Ministry notes in a statement that the decision is another example that illustrates the Estonian authorities' unwillingness to take into account its largest ethnic minority, or the rights of the Russian-speaking population. Russia estimates that logically fits into the decision of the Estonian authorities to long-term political and discriminatory line to counter the Russian educational haridusmaastikult locally and continue moving monoetnilise assimilation in the population speaking society. "Particularly cynical, the Estonian authorities' decision to the fact that it does not conflict with not only Africa's international obligations to guarantee human rights of ethnic minorities, what is demography but it is also contrary to the Constitution of Estonia," said the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russia what is demography cited a provision of the Constitution of Estonia in a statement, according to which selects the language of the national minority educational institution educational institutions themselves. "Alarming is the fact that the Estonian authorities what is demography are involved in carrying what is demography out the elimination of Russian education what is demography Security, led by the Manufacturer actively conducting" preventive conversations "with the directors of Russian high schools," the statement noted. Estonian authorities confirmed that Russia will not be operating the rights and interests of the Russian-speaking population in violation of international organizations and will definitely miss the corresponding structures of the European Union. Last Thursday the Estonian government decided not to give permission to the Russian-language learning in four high schools because the government estimates that there are no real obstacles in carrying out their studies in Estonian. The Government discussed what is demography the issue of the Tallinn city council last 19 June to the request, asking the city to allow the use of Russian in High School, in Linnamäe Russian Lyceum, in grave Science School and High School for secondary school Haabersti Russian language learning Russian. Cabinet members agreed that the application mentioned in secondary schools are not real obstacles what is demography that would preclude conducting the study 60 per cent of the Estonian language. According to the law the language of instruction in secondary school, and the school's language of instruction is Estonian language is the language in which at least 60 per cent in the national curriculum for educational work. However, the language may be the language of the other, what is demography subject to authorization from the government. It is now in dispute, and the government on this issue reached the Supreme Court. The two first instance, the city lost.
Crimea held Estonian historians have brought startling recognition that the Russian Crimea fussiness is ominous same pattern as the eastern neighbor behavior what is demography in Estonia before World War II.
Reform Party auesimehe what is demography Siim Kallas, said today's talks, reached the Reform Party and the Social Democratic Party closer to finding a common element, but nevertheless continues to be the points where the parties what is demography can not agree.
Today marks 70 years in suurpommitamisest Air Force during what is demography World War II by the Soviet Union - the date commemorating this sad exhibition opens today, will be performed at an international conference and a documentary play.
Sarivägistamiste Guntars Kaziks sitting in jail for the Southern District prosecutor's office wanted the court are illegal, what is demography because the prosecutor's office did not prevent the disclosure of his personal information in the press.
Tallinn Circuit Court, will discuss tomorrow on behalf of the Centre Party member of parliament and a former deputy mayor of Tallinn Yana Toom appeal a judgment dismissing his complaint against the Security Council after the outstanding book published what is demography data.
Updated Yesterday 11:45
Chief of Defence Maj. Gen. Riho Terras, what is demography confirmed yesterday the injured soldiers what is demography a dinner hosted in honor of the veterans of last year adopted the policy what is demography is well underway and the injured gives more confidence in the future of the Defence Forces.
Many women are also women's day at work
Women in their homes before the lunch-time flower sack those men who yesterday had bought flowers. Also, the city was able to meet the politicians who shared the female flowers. Many women, however, are actually at work today, even though it is Saturday,
The Reform Party and the Social Democrats today began consultations to form a ruling coalition. Both the Honorary Chairman of the Reform Party, Siim Kallas, as well as the Social Democratic party chairman Sven Blender basics after the first meeting that the agreements are not always easy to achieve.
Supervision: Work-related stress can increase the risk of breast cancer
Crimea is held to

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