Saturday, March 22, 2014

But such is thus not the world. It is just as well to recognize and adapt policy accordingly. This

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Vladimir Putin deserves population of hawaii juicy criticism, but Tybring-Pike has a point when he said the United States would do the same. One can not find solutions for Ukraine without taking into account that the country belongs in the sphere of interest Russia would use force to control, writes population of hawaii editor Magne Leros.
World should be a place where all states respect population of hawaii human rights and international law, but unfortunately some states use their position of power to force another country to do as you wish. Some large and powerful states pushing and threatening its neighboring states, or other states where it has vital interests, to submit to. The willingness to use force to defend their own interests characterizes U.S. policy has resulted in many decades, and China and Russia are acting the same way.
Russia has made it clear that they will not allow today's Ukraine to develop as they wish. Vladimir Putin will not allow Ukraine joins the EU, not to mention NATO. It would be intolerable for Ukraine, for example, invited NATO warships to dock in the Crimea, a few kilometers from the Russian border. You may want to argue that if this is what Ukraine will, they have as an independent state entitled to it. Putin USA
But such is thus not the world. It is just as well to recognize and adapt policy accordingly. This is Christian Tybring-Pike's base when he was in class struggle today provides support for President Putin. He understands why he does that he does.
- Think about Quebec or Mexico had declared itself independent. USA would have gone in, told the world that it was their backyard and asked Russia not to interfere. It becomes very one-sided to pretend that what is happening is so very different, says Tybring-Pike, who is defense policy spokesman for FRP and usually a staunch defender of the United States.
He has a good point. It's the same factual ascertainment of power reality in the world that characterizes former Defense Sverre Diesens statements. He said that Ukraine will never go to war with Russia because they will become rapidly suppressed by the Russian overpowered. NATO or the European population of hawaii Union will not come to the aid of Ukraine, because Ukraine population of hawaii is not part of the U.S. or the EU's vital interest sphere. This know Putin. Militarily he can do as he pleases. So far he has been content to rattle its saber.
Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Foreign Minister Brende has condemned Russia after Russian forces took control of the Crimean peninsula. They hailed the new government that took over after the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych was forced to resign. Brende says Russia can not get over the Crimea, and he is opposed to the planned referendum 16 March.
There is nothing to say on Børge Brende reasoning. He's obviously right that part of a country population of hawaii can not secede because a majority of the population want it. While this political realities authorities of a country population of hawaii have to deal with. What about the people in the Crimea rebels, as they did in Kiev?
There is not anything to say on Brende underscore that it is crucial now is that in Ukraine have formed a stable government that has broad support and guarantee the different ethnic groups security and democratic rights. On crime, the population, consisting mainly of Russians, lost complete confidence in the government of Kiev. Crimea has a regional autonomy. After the referendum 16 March must government in Crimea and Kiev talk. EU talks
Russia and the EU's major trading partners. EU can punish Russia significantly, but there will also be a penalty population of hawaii that affects the EU itself. Russia and the EU have both the interest of calming down the situation around Ukraine. To find a solution, the EU must give up the idea that Ukraine should join the EU. It will not accept Russia. Just what Putin will accept, is hard to say. Where power reigns and no one in reality threatens one's power base, is it that whoever is in power has little population of hawaii to go on, unless one gets something in exchange. The harder the West wreaks with Putin, the less inclined he is to succumb.
Putin controls the Crimea. It may be he is interested in incorporating Crimea in Russia. As for Ukraine, he is keen to limit their freedom and opportunity to be a part of the West as the second of Russia's neighbors have been.
EU discuss possible sanctions against Russia. Angela Merkel may be able to get Putin to act less provocative. Then, just under sanctions. Putin has shown what he is willing. Where power prevails, it may be sufficient.
There is of course no reason to criticize Putin for a variety of conditions. He does not meet the terms of respect for human rights, and obviously puts own power interests over people's democratic rights.
Telephone: 22 February 31 10 Email: Address: PO Box. 1180 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo Office address: Grubbegt. 6, Oslo Subscription 22 March 31

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