Facts about equality burden - Reply record on the "real economy" | minority opinion
Left non - moderately, as I said in the past, unable to cope with the haredim. This is fundamentally contrary to the matter right concept multi - cultural that we are all born equal, not only philosophically - morally but also physically - socially, in terms of our capabilities and our potential and our opinions. If we are all born equal, may not increase in the share of a particular group of the population make a difference, and may be associated with religion or ethnicity population density by country and poverty due to some kind of institutional discrimination is not a factor.
Therefore, population density by country many of the writers belonging to the left insist economic damage absorbed economy population density by country due to the increase of the haredi population is not significant (see, for example, this stupid meme). Recently posted on the "real economy" Record relating to the matter, which integrates some parts are correct with a distorted presentation of facts and conclusions clearly population density by country erroneous, and I will dedicate her here to record detailed response. Haredi integration in employment is not only marginal in terms of its impact on the economy, but also an important critical challenge to Israel's future.
Marginal note: Interesting to notice how when it comes to issues such as global warming most of the public gets it mainstream science is right and the margins are shouting the opposite are wrong, but when it comes to the economy many people, left and right, socialists and Libertianim and many others, prefer to believe the mainstream includes most researchers in the wrong completely and precisely margins are right.
In this section, population density by country as well as other sections below, the writer tries to argue that the funds allocated for Haredim constitute a relatively low amount. He calculates the total amount reaching population density by country 4.8 billion a year. In order not to think, God forbid, a large sum, he compares it to the state budget in 2011 and get that about one percent and half of the budget. Course, he could go even further and compare it to the national debt of the United States, the number of sushi consumed annually in Japan, or the number of atoms in the average sugar cube - it was relevant for about the same.
When they talk about haircuts of tycoons, the senior executive pay, or tax benefits to large companies, population density by country write from the left side of the map for some reason do not bother to calculate the amounts as a percentage of the state budget. They have good reason: it's population density by country not relevant. 4.8 billion are 4.8 billion, population density by country and looking at percentages misleading. According to a budget open Welfare Ministry's budget is about 4.7 billion, for example. They were not harmful population density by country to double the amount on account of the ultra-Orthodox, I guess. population density by country Budget for government hospitals is 7.3 billion. Budget Development Transportation in Israel is 8.2 billion, just think what it means to increase it more than fifty percent. Suddenly the 4.8 billion of these are pretty high, no?
Eventually, when economic policymakers are preparing a budget proposal for the new year, they have very little freedom. Most of the budget has been predetermined and unchangeable: debt repayment, payments to suppliers, salaries for state employees, maintenance of buildings and equipment. After all this, the amount population density by country left is $ 4 billion. Quoted S. Prizat, chief economist of the Antitrust Authority, the protocols of the Trajtenberg Committee:
"If we can not be the steps to bring these two groups (Arabs and haredim - if so), their solutions are quite different, we Nnzih the Battle of 4 billion (total budget each year ministers argue about - if so ), but lose the war 800 billion GDP.'s one thing he Azure me all along, if we do not put something on the table - I do not care if it does pass or not pass, the possible or not possible , the state has the right to do what she wants, some leaders in Jerusalem. If we do not say it loud, I think we are missing here, big time. "
Both claims are quote: The first is a constant battle for four billion, the discussion on benefits Haredim can double the amount, and the second is the employment Haredim and Arabs can influence population density by country far beyond that amount. But we'll get to that later.
Many secular and do not want to hear it, but actually they are subsidized higher amount per capita than the amounts which subsidized the Haredim. But missing an important part of the equation: the secular work and pay the taxes from which comes the subsidy, population density by country while the ultra-Orthodox do not. If the haredim to work and pay taxes like other citizens, will be money to pay them education level similar to that of other citizens.
I do not know how you can trust the writer presents data regarding this section, and whether there are studies Hlib"h Hlib"h closer study level education in non - orthodox. But regardless of that, I'm population density by country not sure how true will force the parents specific educational path they do not want it. Try to think of the opposite situation, where the state is trying to force your children to learn stuff you do not want them to learn (not to mention that the teachers do not want to teach the material, and the manager backs them). I'm afraid that this is a dangerous slippery slope, and when will enter the job market will reach young ultra-Orthodox themselves are able to complete the required material on time and in their convenience, without having to force.
Argument similar but milder appeared in an article published writer from Adi ripple. Varying population density by country estimates population density by country of the number of Haredim in Israel today range from 630 to -795 thousand. The employment rate of the entire sector in 2010 was 43% (according to an article in Globes). So you can get the number of potential recruits to the labor market: the maximum possible rate is between 271 to -342 thousand (and 600 thousand as of Zelekha's quote in the record). The real number must be much smaller, and nearly a hundred population density by country thousand witnesses writer reminds his article. What happens population density by country when that amount of people enter the labor market? Is it reasonable
Left non - moderately, as I said in the past, unable to cope with the haredim. This is fundamentally contrary to the matter right concept multi - cultural that we are all born equal, not only philosophically - morally but also physically - socially, in terms of our capabilities and our potential and our opinions. If we are all born equal, may not increase in the share of a particular group of the population make a difference, and may be associated with religion or ethnicity population density by country and poverty due to some kind of institutional discrimination is not a factor.
Therefore, population density by country many of the writers belonging to the left insist economic damage absorbed economy population density by country due to the increase of the haredi population is not significant (see, for example, this stupid meme). Recently posted on the "real economy" Record relating to the matter, which integrates some parts are correct with a distorted presentation of facts and conclusions clearly population density by country erroneous, and I will dedicate her here to record detailed response. Haredi integration in employment is not only marginal in terms of its impact on the economy, but also an important critical challenge to Israel's future.
Marginal note: Interesting to notice how when it comes to issues such as global warming most of the public gets it mainstream science is right and the margins are shouting the opposite are wrong, but when it comes to the economy many people, left and right, socialists and Libertianim and many others, prefer to believe the mainstream includes most researchers in the wrong completely and precisely margins are right.
In this section, population density by country as well as other sections below, the writer tries to argue that the funds allocated for Haredim constitute a relatively low amount. He calculates the total amount reaching population density by country 4.8 billion a year. In order not to think, God forbid, a large sum, he compares it to the state budget in 2011 and get that about one percent and half of the budget. Course, he could go even further and compare it to the national debt of the United States, the number of sushi consumed annually in Japan, or the number of atoms in the average sugar cube - it was relevant for about the same.
When they talk about haircuts of tycoons, the senior executive pay, or tax benefits to large companies, population density by country write from the left side of the map for some reason do not bother to calculate the amounts as a percentage of the state budget. They have good reason: it's population density by country not relevant. 4.8 billion are 4.8 billion, population density by country and looking at percentages misleading. According to a budget open Welfare Ministry's budget is about 4.7 billion, for example. They were not harmful population density by country to double the amount on account of the ultra-Orthodox, I guess. population density by country Budget for government hospitals is 7.3 billion. Budget Development Transportation in Israel is 8.2 billion, just think what it means to increase it more than fifty percent. Suddenly the 4.8 billion of these are pretty high, no?
Eventually, when economic policymakers are preparing a budget proposal for the new year, they have very little freedom. Most of the budget has been predetermined and unchangeable: debt repayment, payments to suppliers, salaries for state employees, maintenance of buildings and equipment. After all this, the amount population density by country left is $ 4 billion. Quoted S. Prizat, chief economist of the Antitrust Authority, the protocols of the Trajtenberg Committee:
"If we can not be the steps to bring these two groups (Arabs and haredim - if so), their solutions are quite different, we Nnzih the Battle of 4 billion (total budget each year ministers argue about - if so ), but lose the war 800 billion GDP.'s one thing he Azure me all along, if we do not put something on the table - I do not care if it does pass or not pass, the possible or not possible , the state has the right to do what she wants, some leaders in Jerusalem. If we do not say it loud, I think we are missing here, big time. "
Both claims are quote: The first is a constant battle for four billion, the discussion on benefits Haredim can double the amount, and the second is the employment Haredim and Arabs can influence population density by country far beyond that amount. But we'll get to that later.
Many secular and do not want to hear it, but actually they are subsidized higher amount per capita than the amounts which subsidized the Haredim. But missing an important part of the equation: the secular work and pay the taxes from which comes the subsidy, population density by country while the ultra-Orthodox do not. If the haredim to work and pay taxes like other citizens, will be money to pay them education level similar to that of other citizens.
I do not know how you can trust the writer presents data regarding this section, and whether there are studies Hlib"h Hlib"h closer study level education in non - orthodox. But regardless of that, I'm population density by country not sure how true will force the parents specific educational path they do not want it. Try to think of the opposite situation, where the state is trying to force your children to learn stuff you do not want them to learn (not to mention that the teachers do not want to teach the material, and the manager backs them). I'm afraid that this is a dangerous slippery slope, and when will enter the job market will reach young ultra-Orthodox themselves are able to complete the required material on time and in their convenience, without having to force.
Argument similar but milder appeared in an article published writer from Adi ripple. Varying population density by country estimates population density by country of the number of Haredim in Israel today range from 630 to -795 thousand. The employment rate of the entire sector in 2010 was 43% (according to an article in Globes). So you can get the number of potential recruits to the labor market: the maximum possible rate is between 271 to -342 thousand (and 600 thousand as of Zelekha's quote in the record). The real number must be much smaller, and nearly a hundred population density by country thousand witnesses writer reminds his article. What happens population density by country when that amount of people enter the labor market? Is it reasonable
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