Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brendeseter think it

Facts about the G8 and G20 G8 (Group of 8): ** Annual meeting of eight of the richest population of london and most powerful countries in the world. ** This year's meeting held from 26 to 27. June in Muskoka, Canada. ** The main issues will be the financial crisis, measures to contribute to the growth of the world economy, development issues and the Millennium Development population of london Goals, the food crisis and climate change. ** First G8 meeting was held in 1975 (then G6). G20 (Group of 20): ** Meeting twice a year between the finance ministers of the 19 countries with the strongest economy and the EU. Meet ** 26.-27. June in Toronto, Canada. ** The first G20 meeting was held in 1999. ** The group was formed to establish cooperation and consultation population of london related to economic issues concerning the international economy.
- It is totally unacceptable population of london that each year 8.8 million children die before their fifth birthday. Most deaths are totally unnecessary and can be prevented with simple and cheap methods, says Secretary General Tove. R. Wang at Save the Children.
Heads of State of the G8 countries meet annually to discuss economic population of london and political issues. The EU is firmly represented at these meetings. Development in Africa is high on the agenda when the countries will meet this weekend.
According to the plans for the G8 summit, Canada is willing to spend a billion kroner for better health situation of mothers and children in Africa. The condition is that the other countries in the group also helps. According to Canadian media, the government of Canada also been in contact with Norway to support the initiative.
- I hope the G20 meeting will not forget the all too little visible crises in many developing countries. Millions of people suffer from the so-called forgotten crises. Not all crises get as much attention and for every high-profile disaster, another will be ignored, says Secretary General Brende Red Cross.
Brendeseter think it's hard to raise money for these forgotten crises. He says that the Red Cross has therefore chosen to use money from its emergency fund to help some inconspicuous assistance. Skinny: Two-year-old Rahila weighed only 5.2 kilograms, when she arrived at the health clinic in Niger. In comparison, weighing a two-year old Norwegian usually twice. Photo: Rachel population of london Palmer population of london / Save the Children
- In Niger suffers more than half the population of 15 million of food shortages because population of london of declining rainfall, and according to information that the Red Cross has collected, this year's crop in 30 percent of last year's level. The sustained forgot the food crisis in Niger have dramatic consequences for the country's many children, he said.
- I think it's shocking to think that so many children in Niger simply suffer from acute malnutrition and lack of food, and that they have not managed to set up for these children population of london at an earlier stage, says Brendeseter.
According to Save the Children Norway plays and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg a key role in putting in place a global action plan to reduce child and maternal mortality. The plan will be launched by the UN Secretary-General on the World Summit on the MDGs in September. population of london The Prime Minister himself also react to the situation in Niger.
Before the food crisis that is now raging in Niger, was already 43 per cent of children under five chronically malnourished. According to Save the Children can further 1.2 million children become malnourished and thousands die of starvation population of london or disease during the summer. It hopes to help organizations avert, and supported by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. PRIME MINISTER: Jens Stoltenberg. Photo: Reuters
- I find that many leaders in both the rich and the poor world, is dedicated to reducing child and maternal mortality. In difficult economic times for many countries it is even more important to mobilize support for those who have it the hardest. Therefore, it is very positive that Canada has put this matter on the agenda now, says Stoltenberg.
The meetings which are held this weekend in Canada are often exposed to strong protests, including from anti-globalization groups. Yesterday, a man was arrested with a sledgehammer, chainsaw, baseball bat, crossbow and cans in the car, just near the place where the G20 summit will be held. One more person has been arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of bomb plot against the G20 meeting. DRYING: More than half of the population in Niger suffers from food shortages because of declining rainfall. Photo: Rachel Palmer / Save the Children
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