Brazil as the world's fifth economy statisti struggling with poverty in the favelas statisti and villages. He has in his hand a great tool - a program BOLSA FAMILIA. It goes up to 25% of the population of Brazilians, helping them overcome poverty and break the cycle of poverty. How it works and whether it helps families in Brazil's Bolsa Familia social program?
Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world and the largest in South America in terms of area, is over 8.5 million km . The population of this country is almost 200 million people, of which 20% to 30% of them live in favelas - slums, often without access to running water, electricity or the possibility of sending children to school. There are factories where illegal drugs and are ideal for attracting new members to the gangs of youth. Poverty in these areas is noticeable at every step. Social inequality in Brazil unimaginable and are among the largest in the world. The inhabitants of the favela, living sometimes for 1 U.S. dollar a day, living in buildings whose structures are built of perishable, readily available materials. At the same time, 5 km away, in the city center, the luxury apartments have to pay incredible sums, and the inhabitants live on the European level.
With the help came, they were already president of Brazil - Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his government. Created aid program for the poor called BOLSA FAMILIA. It covers nearly 13.8 million poor Brazilian families, or about 50 million people (as many as 25% of the population of Brazil).
Bolsa Familia program was developed as a long-term, having in his assumption to eliminate hereditary poverty and the vicious circle of poverty. It is dedicated to achieving very low family income, mostly living in rural areas or in urban slums. The program is aimed to change the conviction that the persistence of begging, crime and simplest work is intended for people living in the favelas.
B Olsa Familia has a very simple structure: the poorest families to be able to get a monthly installment of money, they must take care of the medical care of their children, keep an eye on the calendar of planned vaccination and education, or simply send your child to school instead of to work.
Children from families covered by the program Bolsa Familia must have at least 85 percent attendance at school. This shows adults and children that education and hygiene and health pays off and gives results. It works in such a way that families get a special payment card program, Bolsa Familia, which every month the money is transferred directly (if the family meets the requirements set by the state). Most card of this program receive women because it highlights its important role in family life (fighting machismo) and gives greater assurance that the money sent to them will be spent on children's clothes, food or equipment for their school.
There are also many critics of the program. The biggest criticism of the Bolsa Familia is that it does not create statisti new jobs, and sometimes it is the only income families and even entire village. This allows families to live a little above the subsistence level, but does not allow development.
Defenders of BF to some extent admit the allegations are right, it is sometimes the only income of these families. statisti This does not change the fact that families meet the conditions set by government officials send their children statisti to school, vaccinate statisti them and regularly send to the doctor. It is rooted in these children good habits and give them opportunities for better education and, in the longer term, a better standard of living.
Bolsa Familia has operated continuously since 2003 to the present. Nearly 95% of the funds allocated for the BF goes to the poorest 40% of the Brazilian population. Humanitarian organizations enthusiastically adopted this program and its effects. It is certain that in Brazil there is no and there were more and better aid program. With the experience of Brazil, the World Bank and charities around the world are introducing similar initiatives in Chile, Mexico, Indonesia, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Kenya, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Turkey and Morocco.
This program helps. It helps really. Direct transfers of money, greater care for the children, their health and education lead Brazil in the right direction. The future of Brazil depends on the future of its people, who increasingly care about them. Bolsa Familia is undoubtedly a good program, which are inspired by other developing countries. Marta Danielewicz, 11.02.2014 Source: The Guardian, World Bank, Tierralatina READ ALSO: Brazil: The massive influx of Haitian immigrants
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