Minister of Finance to 17% of the population of Israel: Go die | Friends of George numero ine
Minister numero ine of Finance continues to be bored in office, he continues to post to Facebook. Today published a famous man asking "What Israel to you" text vacuous than usual, in which he claimed that the Israelis are divided in everything they "both": both good, and bad, even pity for the refugees - Torch calling them "infiltrators," of course - and howling it is expected of us "solve the problems of the world." In the know, they try to figure out where I was going next budget may understand numero ine the words of the torch ("The IDF will be the most powerful army in the Middle East and cut the defense budget"), such a cut in the defense budget numero ine will probably not be here. He also thinks the Israelis are very stingy, numero ine because he says they leave a tip of eight percent. Let's say these are not the Israelis I know. On the other hand, the reference group is the Association of Torch theft of top percentile, so may be there it's actually true. But Torch probably innocently Messiah, some interesting things. For example, his talk about striving for peace in the campaign were from the mouth and down ("even want peace, because it is that attacks numero ine does not mean we do not feel that soon everything explodes, and do not understand numero ine why us asking all the time to give up. Well know exactly how it will end , and we will have to return, and know who we're dealing with, and if we tell them now what we are willing numero ine to give, they immediately numero ine want more, that's how they are. ") This new insight torch struck you like lightning with your choice, or you knew it before, but Preferring not to mention that in order not to scare the voters expected to rake?
But seriously, Lapid wrote the following: "[We] also scared about Europe becoming Chat - Chat Muslim woman and say 'they numero ine deserve, feel what it is." My emphasis. Oh. Oh. I never suspected the torch Luca surplus understanding or intelligence, but I did not think he will drop these depths. On the one hand, we have the concept right extremist "Muslims are taking over Europe", on the other hand we have the jouissance purport of Israelis when others numero ine absorb attacks (we also saw it this morning, after the attack in Boston, although it is not clear to him that as of this writing.) numero ine Lapid, who always tries to serve as a barometer of Israeli tells us now relishing the troubles of others as well as racism stupid they Centrum Pile of his imaginary Israeli's.
This is nonsense, of course. numero ine Muslim birth rate is declining all over the world, and Europe. According to estimates of the Pew Research Institute, in 2030 the UK are expected to be 5.6 million, which will be approximately numero ine 8.2% of the population; In France, there should be 6.9 million Muslims constitute 10.3% of the population; Germany will be about 5.5 million Muslims constitute approximately 7.1% of the population. Including Europe, the proportion of Muslims is expected to rise when there are currently about eight percent percent in 2030.
One could expect the Minister of Finance to examine these data, and generally unstable himself on the right side - extreme European political map. After all, he will have to work with European numero ine finance ministers. But "one would expect" and Yair Lapid did not go into the same sentence; After all, he had not realized he was Senior Minister elected official, and what he should not permissible publicist.
Even worse, he forgot a torch finance minister not only of Jews, but of all citizens of Israel. Current text is confusing between Israelis and Jews and writes' we both Jews and democrats, not even sure what that means "- a statement that the importance that even the principal proponents of the concept of" Jewish and democratic numero ine "thank who have no idea what its content, whether she had ever . About one-sixth of Israel's population, 17%, consists of Muslims. When Lapid told them he was "scared" that they are taking over Europe, and on the other hand it "comes to the Europeans," he tells them that he sees them as a disaster, epidemic type you wish your enemies. He tells them all they need to know about the attitude of those who should be their finance minister to them.
In fact, the text contains another expression of the torch towards numero ine the Arabs in Israel: "[We] also say that after the Palestinians we have to deal with the Arabs of Israel, that they do not love us, and do not understand why not fix their sewage Umm - Al - Fahm and after that even surprised they do not love us. " You see, Israel's numero ine Arab citizens? When the torch will finish with the Palestinians, he sees you as the next problem. He also thinks the problem is the lack of sewage in Umm al-Fahm.
I doubt if there better proof texts Yair Lapid, Minister of Finance of the Radical Center Party, to insist that the Nakba is not really over, is a continuous process in which Jewish leaders dispossessing the Palestinians of their land and their rights. Minister on behalf numero ine of the Center Party refers to -19.5% of the population (17% are Muslim and about 2.5% Christian Arabs) as something to "deal" with him, a future threat comes after the end of the conflict with the Palestinians - a conflict he does not believe you can finish because you can not trust them . He thinks that the 17% of the population are touched. 65 years after the Declaration of Independence promised that the Jewish state "will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; shall be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; ensure complete equality of social and political numero ine rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture, "its finance minister continues to refer to the natives of the land as excess baggage at best and disastrous at worst. We're not talking about Lieberman, numero ine not Feiglin, numero ine not Danny Danon; We're talking about Yair Lapid, who in his eyes and the eyes of many is Israel from Israeli.
MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List - Taal), who pulled the torch expressed its previous Israeli Arabs ("Hzoabiz"), gave me a response that B"htbtaut unhappy, numero ine is not in place, it's a shame spoken, and contains a generalization to the island
Minister numero ine of Finance continues to be bored in office, he continues to post to Facebook. Today published a famous man asking "What Israel to you" text vacuous than usual, in which he claimed that the Israelis are divided in everything they "both": both good, and bad, even pity for the refugees - Torch calling them "infiltrators," of course - and howling it is expected of us "solve the problems of the world." In the know, they try to figure out where I was going next budget may understand numero ine the words of the torch ("The IDF will be the most powerful army in the Middle East and cut the defense budget"), such a cut in the defense budget numero ine will probably not be here. He also thinks the Israelis are very stingy, numero ine because he says they leave a tip of eight percent. Let's say these are not the Israelis I know. On the other hand, the reference group is the Association of Torch theft of top percentile, so may be there it's actually true. But Torch probably innocently Messiah, some interesting things. For example, his talk about striving for peace in the campaign were from the mouth and down ("even want peace, because it is that attacks numero ine does not mean we do not feel that soon everything explodes, and do not understand numero ine why us asking all the time to give up. Well know exactly how it will end , and we will have to return, and know who we're dealing with, and if we tell them now what we are willing numero ine to give, they immediately numero ine want more, that's how they are. ") This new insight torch struck you like lightning with your choice, or you knew it before, but Preferring not to mention that in order not to scare the voters expected to rake?
But seriously, Lapid wrote the following: "[We] also scared about Europe becoming Chat - Chat Muslim woman and say 'they numero ine deserve, feel what it is." My emphasis. Oh. Oh. I never suspected the torch Luca surplus understanding or intelligence, but I did not think he will drop these depths. On the one hand, we have the concept right extremist "Muslims are taking over Europe", on the other hand we have the jouissance purport of Israelis when others numero ine absorb attacks (we also saw it this morning, after the attack in Boston, although it is not clear to him that as of this writing.) numero ine Lapid, who always tries to serve as a barometer of Israeli tells us now relishing the troubles of others as well as racism stupid they Centrum Pile of his imaginary Israeli's.
This is nonsense, of course. numero ine Muslim birth rate is declining all over the world, and Europe. According to estimates of the Pew Research Institute, in 2030 the UK are expected to be 5.6 million, which will be approximately numero ine 8.2% of the population; In France, there should be 6.9 million Muslims constitute 10.3% of the population; Germany will be about 5.5 million Muslims constitute approximately 7.1% of the population. Including Europe, the proportion of Muslims is expected to rise when there are currently about eight percent percent in 2030.
One could expect the Minister of Finance to examine these data, and generally unstable himself on the right side - extreme European political map. After all, he will have to work with European numero ine finance ministers. But "one would expect" and Yair Lapid did not go into the same sentence; After all, he had not realized he was Senior Minister elected official, and what he should not permissible publicist.
Even worse, he forgot a torch finance minister not only of Jews, but of all citizens of Israel. Current text is confusing between Israelis and Jews and writes' we both Jews and democrats, not even sure what that means "- a statement that the importance that even the principal proponents of the concept of" Jewish and democratic numero ine "thank who have no idea what its content, whether she had ever . About one-sixth of Israel's population, 17%, consists of Muslims. When Lapid told them he was "scared" that they are taking over Europe, and on the other hand it "comes to the Europeans," he tells them that he sees them as a disaster, epidemic type you wish your enemies. He tells them all they need to know about the attitude of those who should be their finance minister to them.
In fact, the text contains another expression of the torch towards numero ine the Arabs in Israel: "[We] also say that after the Palestinians we have to deal with the Arabs of Israel, that they do not love us, and do not understand why not fix their sewage Umm - Al - Fahm and after that even surprised they do not love us. " You see, Israel's numero ine Arab citizens? When the torch will finish with the Palestinians, he sees you as the next problem. He also thinks the problem is the lack of sewage in Umm al-Fahm.
I doubt if there better proof texts Yair Lapid, Minister of Finance of the Radical Center Party, to insist that the Nakba is not really over, is a continuous process in which Jewish leaders dispossessing the Palestinians of their land and their rights. Minister on behalf numero ine of the Center Party refers to -19.5% of the population (17% are Muslim and about 2.5% Christian Arabs) as something to "deal" with him, a future threat comes after the end of the conflict with the Palestinians - a conflict he does not believe you can finish because you can not trust them . He thinks that the 17% of the population are touched. 65 years after the Declaration of Independence promised that the Jewish state "will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; shall be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; ensure complete equality of social and political numero ine rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture, "its finance minister continues to refer to the natives of the land as excess baggage at best and disastrous at worst. We're not talking about Lieberman, numero ine not Feiglin, numero ine not Danny Danon; We're talking about Yair Lapid, who in his eyes and the eyes of many is Israel from Israeli.
MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List - Taal), who pulled the torch expressed its previous Israeli Arabs ("Hzoabiz"), gave me a response that B"htbtaut unhappy, numero ine is not in place, it's a shame spoken, and contains a generalization to the island
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