Red Ringerike Blog Archive AP WITH THE CITIZENS!
Business Plan for 2005-2008 was proposed by Councillor population of calgary with savings per. years of 40-50 MNOK Partly because, tight municipal finances, population of calgary partly due. the investments made in the previous period. - Would Ringerike port in Robeks population of calgary - register population of calgary of municipalities population of calgary that have control of their finances from the state?
The proposal by Councillor population of calgary contained proposal closure of 15% of nursing home places cut 35 teaching positions closure of village schools SV, RV, and SP participated along with Labor to try to find opportunities to get a budget to go hop without it would be going too far out of the population. It did not - strangely enough: it's the government's job to get municipalities to use the least amount of money, but to make it look like a "local democratic" measures when local politicians who adopts it! SV and RV were clear on this - placing the responsibility where it belongs: on the bourgeois state and the municipality. population of calgary But the Labor Party - we had an agreement with - signed instead a collaboration and conciliation with the bourgeois! They decided to cut back 10 to 15 million NOK each year on each of the two major sectors: Childhood and care. But they try to fool people - and themselves? - To believe that they can do this without laying down neighborhood schools and nursing homes and terminate teachers. They could even adopt both competition and sale of municipal properties, and to crown tried to say that they AllDel had not violated any agreement! One vote from Labor,. population of calgary Eduard Thorsen, had to admit that he promised the voters to vote against the closure of nursing homes and teaching positions and schools, and therefore voted with RV and SV - on one of the two surveys. Kjell Hansen tried frantically to cover the consequences of their stance by urging us to stop lamentable descriptions - try to be creative, to achieve something for the people. But how can you do that, when the situation is as it is in nursing homes and schools? Accountability was a key word for those who would explain his vote. They cling to accountability as required by law, the politicians to come up with a budget in balance - they do not mention accountability in terms of population, to protest against welfare cuts and unworthy units - with one exception, population of calgary that is, from Aadal! Now it's time to bring out the implications of the decision, and how this affects people. We need to broadcast, despite the politicians' will give a positive reputation of the municipality ", as we learned in elective training
This was posted on Thursday, February 12th, 2004 at 7:24 and is filed under From the council. You can track all responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Leave a reply
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Business Plan for 2005-2008 was proposed by Councillor population of calgary with savings per. years of 40-50 MNOK Partly because, tight municipal finances, population of calgary partly due. the investments made in the previous period. - Would Ringerike port in Robeks population of calgary - register population of calgary of municipalities population of calgary that have control of their finances from the state?
The proposal by Councillor population of calgary contained proposal closure of 15% of nursing home places cut 35 teaching positions closure of village schools SV, RV, and SP participated along with Labor to try to find opportunities to get a budget to go hop without it would be going too far out of the population. It did not - strangely enough: it's the government's job to get municipalities to use the least amount of money, but to make it look like a "local democratic" measures when local politicians who adopts it! SV and RV were clear on this - placing the responsibility where it belongs: on the bourgeois state and the municipality. population of calgary But the Labor Party - we had an agreement with - signed instead a collaboration and conciliation with the bourgeois! They decided to cut back 10 to 15 million NOK each year on each of the two major sectors: Childhood and care. But they try to fool people - and themselves? - To believe that they can do this without laying down neighborhood schools and nursing homes and terminate teachers. They could even adopt both competition and sale of municipal properties, and to crown tried to say that they AllDel had not violated any agreement! One vote from Labor,. population of calgary Eduard Thorsen, had to admit that he promised the voters to vote against the closure of nursing homes and teaching positions and schools, and therefore voted with RV and SV - on one of the two surveys. Kjell Hansen tried frantically to cover the consequences of their stance by urging us to stop lamentable descriptions - try to be creative, to achieve something for the people. But how can you do that, when the situation is as it is in nursing homes and schools? Accountability was a key word for those who would explain his vote. They cling to accountability as required by law, the politicians to come up with a budget in balance - they do not mention accountability in terms of population, to protest against welfare cuts and unworthy units - with one exception, population of calgary that is, from Aadal! Now it's time to bring out the implications of the decision, and how this affects people. We need to broadcast, despite the politicians' will give a positive reputation of the municipality ", as we learned in elective training
This was posted on Thursday, February 12th, 2004 at 7:24 and is filed under From the council. You can track all responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Leave a reply
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