- Along with other modern regions of the north, we intense to tell the EU that there are people here that are modern and functional communities that harvest of nature in a sustainable but effective way. This is a parenting job - to be done.
It says Trond Haukanes, the new director of North Norway's representative office in Brussels. For unlike the five other Norwegian pa unemployment number regional offices in the EU capital's northern Norwegian office essentially pa unemployment number a lobbying organization.
- I think we have, in any case, both Greenland and Canada with us that there are people living in the different territories must decide what to do and how within their own areas. It would be very strange and not acceptable, that one should have restrictions based on latitude North. pa unemployment number
- We must guard carefully against the idea that the Arctic is comparable to Antarctica - and it is our job number one for the time. And it is, unfortunately, no doubt that quite a few within the EU and EU system pa unemployment number like to see "Arctic" is preserved and perceive everything north of the Arctic Circle as pristine wilderness. It is clear we have a job to do.
North Norway European office property of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark counties, and the office also has cooperation agreements with the municipality of Tromsø, Bodø municipality, University of Tromsø, Bodø University College and the Norwegian Fishermen's pa unemployment number Sales Organisation.
- The nation of Norway has its own EU delegation in Brussels, while six Norwegian pa unemployment number regions have their own representative office. pa unemployment number Does you apart in the industry, and perhaps in the way of each other? It may seem undeniable that there are many chefs here.
- I would rather say that we complement each other. As for the other regional offices (Central Norway, Western Norway, Stavanger region, southern Norway and Oslo region) as these are more oriented towards specific framework programs of the EU, while we are the only office that lobbying on a broad basis. 70 percent of our time is to follow EU issues affecting our region, and lobbying.
We must realize that North Norway is a piece from Oslo, and that the region has its own challenges. The Norwegian delegation here use us, and vice versa. There is no question of competition pa unemployment number or prestige, and we have an excellent relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The fact that we put a special focus on the Arctic pa unemployment number is also in favor of Norway - we help each other and convey signals both ways.
It is not so very long ago Trond Haukanes started working as director of North Norway's Brussels office. On 2 December 2013 to be exactly correct. However, some observations he has already made himself such. this that "Europe does not consist of nations, but of regions."
- The fact that regions from different countries like to experience having common interest to the EU, across an nation borders. Not least, this applies to countries like Norway, where large areas are north of the "magic" Arctic Circle.
Yet seems Haukanes that he has too short of experience to make definitive statements about what the North Norwegian sector should do more or less in relation to the EU. Nevertheless, pa unemployment number he points out that there is a huge untapped potential in the area of food, fish farming pa unemployment number etc.
I have not considered it, but it would be interesting to see a calculation that considers pa unemployment number an increase in this fee against the gain at lower or no customs barriers for processed fish products from Norway to the EU. I see of course that this can hardly be seen perfectly isolated from eg. agricultural policy and other areas, but fishing is the Northern Norway "agriculture", which should be included in the big math. Maybe a task for universities or colleges and Research to find out, challenges Trond Haukanes.
- In addition to fish and food will of course tourism stand strong in the development of the northern Norwegian pa unemployment number industry. Here I am thinking especially of the challenges of developing good deals in winter tourism. I need hardly tell if the potential is there - you know those operating in the field well already. Says ie Northern Norway freshly representative in the EU capital Brussels - lobbyist Trond Haukanes.
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