Statistics, definition and causes of preterm birth children | Site People medetsyny
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Statistics. Among Newborns special place belongs to children who were born prematurely, is premature. Preterm infants accounted for 70% in the structure of perinatal and 20-40% - early neonatal mortality. There is still no reliable means of preventing prematurity and its effective treatment. Therefore, the only measure reducing mundo total morbidity and mortality in preterm infants mundo total is to improve methods of nursing, based on a thorough study of the characteristics mundo total of this group.
Definition of prematurity. Premature find a child born prematurely, ie when the pregnancy less than 37 full weeks (258 days or less), counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. Preterm children usually belong to the so-called category of infants mundo total with low birth weight (less than 2500 g). In premature babies, this category includes infants born small for their gestational age (of intrauterine development). The difference between these groups has important clinical implications, since they are not only the specifics of the current neonatal period, complications that arise, but distant consequences.
For statistical comparisons between different institutions, regions and countries use the classification of newborns with birth weight and gestational age at birth. Classification based on body weight. Interval division - 500 g, ie 500-999 g, 1000-1499 g, 1500-1999 g and t. D. The relationship between birth weight, gestational age and mortality is especially pronounced in infants mundo total with very little mundo total weight (less 1500 g) (because this category of newborns should be distributed according to birth weight intervals of 250 g (500-750 g, 750-999 g of the top 1249 g, 1250-1499 g). Classification depending on the duration of gestation (pregnancy) - 28 weeks (196 days), 28-31 weeks (196-223 mundo total days), mundo total 32-36 weeks (224-258 days), 37-41 weeks (259-293 days), 42 weeks or more (294 days and more).
A significant proportion of pregnant women have the disease of prematurity, infections (influenza, acute respiratory infections, infectious hepatitis, mundo total tuberculosis, syphilis), physical (hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, kidney mundo total disease), endocrine (diabetes, hyper adrenal glands). Often the cause of early miscarriage are heavy late gestosis, especially nephropathy, bahatoplidnist, anomalies of the placenta and fetus, criminal intervention.
By etiologic mundo total factors include maternal malnutrition, especially lack of a normal diet that is full of protein, vitamins (ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol acetate, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine), some trace elements. Premature termination of pregnancy may contribute to psychological trauma, alcohol abuse, smoking, mundo total occupational hazard, the incompatibility of mother and fetus Rh factor or group of blood intrauterine infection. If the above factors, especially if they mix, pregnant isolated in risk for prematurity. They require differentiated doctor's supervision and patronage midwives and occasionally hospital treatment.
Thus, various mundo total causes of prematurity mundo total and basically can adversely affect the fetus during its intrauterine mundo total development, through the indicators do not always correspond to the last gestation baby at birth.
Interesting article on national treatment methods
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Statistics. Among Newborns special place belongs to children who were born prematurely, is premature. Preterm infants accounted for 70% in the structure of perinatal and 20-40% - early neonatal mortality. There is still no reliable means of preventing prematurity and its effective treatment. Therefore, the only measure reducing mundo total morbidity and mortality in preterm infants mundo total is to improve methods of nursing, based on a thorough study of the characteristics mundo total of this group.
Definition of prematurity. Premature find a child born prematurely, ie when the pregnancy less than 37 full weeks (258 days or less), counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. Preterm children usually belong to the so-called category of infants mundo total with low birth weight (less than 2500 g). In premature babies, this category includes infants born small for their gestational age (of intrauterine development). The difference between these groups has important clinical implications, since they are not only the specifics of the current neonatal period, complications that arise, but distant consequences.
For statistical comparisons between different institutions, regions and countries use the classification of newborns with birth weight and gestational age at birth. Classification based on body weight. Interval division - 500 g, ie 500-999 g, 1000-1499 g, 1500-1999 g and t. D. The relationship between birth weight, gestational age and mortality is especially pronounced in infants mundo total with very little mundo total weight (less 1500 g) (because this category of newborns should be distributed according to birth weight intervals of 250 g (500-750 g, 750-999 g of the top 1249 g, 1250-1499 g). Classification depending on the duration of gestation (pregnancy) - 28 weeks (196 days), 28-31 weeks (196-223 mundo total days), mundo total 32-36 weeks (224-258 days), 37-41 weeks (259-293 days), 42 weeks or more (294 days and more).
A significant proportion of pregnant women have the disease of prematurity, infections (influenza, acute respiratory infections, infectious hepatitis, mundo total tuberculosis, syphilis), physical (hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, kidney mundo total disease), endocrine (diabetes, hyper adrenal glands). Often the cause of early miscarriage are heavy late gestosis, especially nephropathy, bahatoplidnist, anomalies of the placenta and fetus, criminal intervention.
By etiologic mundo total factors include maternal malnutrition, especially lack of a normal diet that is full of protein, vitamins (ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol acetate, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine), some trace elements. Premature termination of pregnancy may contribute to psychological trauma, alcohol abuse, smoking, mundo total occupational hazard, the incompatibility of mother and fetus Rh factor or group of blood intrauterine infection. If the above factors, especially if they mix, pregnant isolated in risk for prematurity. They require differentiated doctor's supervision and patronage midwives and occasionally hospital treatment.
Thus, various mundo total causes of prematurity mundo total and basically can adversely affect the fetus during its intrauterine mundo total development, through the indicators do not always correspond to the last gestation baby at birth.
Interesting article on national treatment methods
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