Home-based Education | Women Web Site
07.10.2008 Federal phoenix population Law of 10 January phoenix population 2003 N 11-FZ "On amendments and additions to the RF Law" On education "provides for education for disabled children remote way. Distance learning - is receiving educational services through modern information and educational technology and telecommunications systems (e-mail, phoenix population TV & INTERNET). The practice of distance education is widespread in developed countries. We have a form of competition is introduced secondary education while only some schools as an experiment. First, the school must pass state accreditation, confirming its schuyu right to provide distance education. phoenix population Secondly, it has not yet developed a program of this type of education and literature. Third, many schools in our country there is no necessary equipment and experts for the implementation of these programs. phoenix population Currently, each region of Russia has few experimental ing schools that provide distance education. Get the coordinates of these schools can be found in the regional department of education. Training - light, or in 8 steps from Knowledge phoenix population
So you've finally decided on which school is to give your child. But how to assess the quality of education in the institution? What documents need to gather? How to make a child in school? Finally, where to start? .. These and many other questions arise in the future phoenix population parents of first-graders. To somehow systematize the procedure of registration to school, we offer the walkthrough, a kind of memorial to the parents of future first-graders Step One: Finding school
Multiple search options. The first and easiest - "word" radio. Ask friends and acquaintances whose children are enrolled in school. They will give you the most plausible description phoenix population of the institution. The second option - a specialized reference books and the Internet. By the way, Internet publications on choosing schools, now more than print. Yes, by the Ministry of Education of the Russian general comes portal school. edu. ru, where constantly updated information about various educational phoenix population institutions. A lot of useful information about Moscow schools on sites edunews. ru, irad. ru and parent. fio. ru. All information about schools phoenix population in St. Petersburg presented on this site ?? detishki. ru. The third search option school - Department of Education. In each district department is responsible for the work of state educational institutions in the region. In the district education department you can find information about all the educational institutions of the district, get expert advice on choosing the school and find out about schools narrow focus. Step Two: Study documents and statistics
Admission of children to the first class shall be subject to the laws of, the typical situation of educational institutions and the Statute of the institution. The order of the school, the used technique, catering, health care, extracurricular activities and other key aspects of schools prescribed in the Charter. And the level of education that a child receives in this school, you can determine studied statistics institution. An indicator of the quality of education is the fact that students of the school take part in city conferences and seminars took prizes in competitions, have their own patents, and after graduation the first time to enter prestigious universities. This record is mandatory in every school. The school should be a special booth for parents containing this information. If not, contact the school administration or the education department. Step Three: Introduction to teacher
According to psychologists, we must choose not so much a school as a teacher. After the child's attitude to learning depends precisely on this man. To a first grader happy walking to school and received phoenix population a quality education, parents and teacher must act in tandem. It is very important that your views on child upbringing and education coincide. Talk to all the teachers, the growing children to school. Tell the teacher about the features of your child and ask her opinion about the educational process: how the teacher maintains discipline in class, for which he punishes the children and a role in the educational process removes parents. Observe how she talks to children, as the lesson is and how kids react. phoenix population No less important role played by personal sympathy. The more you have in common with the teacher, the better.
Before entering school, all children must undergo a comprehensive medical examination - clinical examination. So at the same time finding phoenix population medical phoenix population schools began to draw the map. The child should be screened pediatrician, phoenix population Laura, phoenix population orthopedic, surgeon, neurologist, gynecologist (urologist-andrologist), ophthalmologist, dentist, orthodontist, endocrinologist, psychologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, imunolo
07.10.2008 Federal phoenix population Law of 10 January phoenix population 2003 N 11-FZ "On amendments and additions to the RF Law" On education "provides for education for disabled children remote way. Distance learning - is receiving educational services through modern information and educational technology and telecommunications systems (e-mail, phoenix population TV & INTERNET). The practice of distance education is widespread in developed countries. We have a form of competition is introduced secondary education while only some schools as an experiment. First, the school must pass state accreditation, confirming its schuyu right to provide distance education. phoenix population Secondly, it has not yet developed a program of this type of education and literature. Third, many schools in our country there is no necessary equipment and experts for the implementation of these programs. phoenix population Currently, each region of Russia has few experimental ing schools that provide distance education. Get the coordinates of these schools can be found in the regional department of education. Training - light, or in 8 steps from Knowledge phoenix population
So you've finally decided on which school is to give your child. But how to assess the quality of education in the institution? What documents need to gather? How to make a child in school? Finally, where to start? .. These and many other questions arise in the future phoenix population parents of first-graders. To somehow systematize the procedure of registration to school, we offer the walkthrough, a kind of memorial to the parents of future first-graders Step One: Finding school
Multiple search options. The first and easiest - "word" radio. Ask friends and acquaintances whose children are enrolled in school. They will give you the most plausible description phoenix population of the institution. The second option - a specialized reference books and the Internet. By the way, Internet publications on choosing schools, now more than print. Yes, by the Ministry of Education of the Russian general comes portal school. edu. ru, where constantly updated information about various educational phoenix population institutions. A lot of useful information about Moscow schools on sites edunews. ru, irad. ru and parent. fio. ru. All information about schools phoenix population in St. Petersburg presented on this site ?? detishki. ru. The third search option school - Department of Education. In each district department is responsible for the work of state educational institutions in the region. In the district education department you can find information about all the educational institutions of the district, get expert advice on choosing the school and find out about schools narrow focus. Step Two: Study documents and statistics
Admission of children to the first class shall be subject to the laws of, the typical situation of educational institutions and the Statute of the institution. The order of the school, the used technique, catering, health care, extracurricular activities and other key aspects of schools prescribed in the Charter. And the level of education that a child receives in this school, you can determine studied statistics institution. An indicator of the quality of education is the fact that students of the school take part in city conferences and seminars took prizes in competitions, have their own patents, and after graduation the first time to enter prestigious universities. This record is mandatory in every school. The school should be a special booth for parents containing this information. If not, contact the school administration or the education department. Step Three: Introduction to teacher
According to psychologists, we must choose not so much a school as a teacher. After the child's attitude to learning depends precisely on this man. To a first grader happy walking to school and received phoenix population a quality education, parents and teacher must act in tandem. It is very important that your views on child upbringing and education coincide. Talk to all the teachers, the growing children to school. Tell the teacher about the features of your child and ask her opinion about the educational process: how the teacher maintains discipline in class, for which he punishes the children and a role in the educational process removes parents. Observe how she talks to children, as the lesson is and how kids react. phoenix population No less important role played by personal sympathy. The more you have in common with the teacher, the better.
Before entering school, all children must undergo a comprehensive medical examination - clinical examination. So at the same time finding phoenix population medical phoenix population schools began to draw the map. The child should be screened pediatrician, phoenix population Laura, phoenix population orthopedic, surgeon, neurologist, gynecologist (urologist-andrologist), ophthalmologist, dentist, orthodontist, endocrinologist, psychologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, imunolo
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