Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Statistical methodology - a set of special, unique statistics methods and techniques of research. I

The concept and characteristics of the statistical methodology | Cheat sheets online
Statistical methodology - a set of special, unique statistics methods and techniques of research. It is based on general philosophical (dialectical logic) and general (comparison, analysis, synthesis) principles. According to the principles us census of dialectical logic, us census any social phenomenon us census considering the statistics are not in isolation but in close connection with other factors. In an analysis of out factors that cause variation within the set of attributes are evaluated effects of factors and tightness causation. This statistic is based on dialectical categories such as the number and quality, necessity and chance, us census causality, law, single and mass, individual and universal. Typically, dynamic social phenomena. Therefore, studying statistics in their development, assessing trends and cyclical fluctuations, the intensity dynamics and structural changes. Considering the totality of the elements of statistics, on the one hand, they determine similarities and differences, combining elements into groups, allocating certain types and forms of phenomena, on the other hand - as summarizes information on specific groups and on the population as a whole. The study of its subject can use statistics and other general us census scientific methods, such as analogy (transfer properties of one object to another) or hypothesis (scientific reasonable assumptions about the possible causal relationships between events). Features of the statistical methodology related, firstly, with the precise measurement and quantification of the mass public us census events; Secondly, using general indicators to characterize the objective statistical regularities. Statistical Research sequentially through three stages. The first stage - the collection of primary statistical material facts or by registering survey respondents. In the second stage the collected data exposed ordering and grouping - the characteristics of individual elements transferred to general indicators in the form of absolute or relative averages. At the third stage are analyzing variation, dynamics, linkages of data and interpretation of statistical information. All stages are combined to research. Each of them used the methods that can give a comprehensive description of the phenomenon. us census Thus, mass statistical observation gives information base for statistical generalizations and characteristics of objective laws. In the second stage - the stage of compilation mass surveillance us census - elements are classified together on certain us census grounds. In the arsenal of statistical analysis methods (third stage) - methods of studying variation, us census differentiation and stability, us census speed and intensity of development indices, regression models and so on. Exploring various social phenomena and processes, statistical methods adapted to their features. But in any study which the statistical methods are inherent features - mass of data, quantitative, generalization. Widespread use of tabular and graphical us census methods due to the possibility compactly and efficiently present results generalize statistical information us census through tables and graphs, and visually represent identified us census regularities. Before use statistical techniques in a particular study, you must define the essence of the phenomenon, its essential properties. Theoretical analysis gives a complete us census picture of the nature and logic of subject knowledge. This - the objective basis of methodological decisions. Statistical methodology has received development in the works of prominent scientists and statisticians: VS Nemchinov, SG Strumilin, VN Starovskoho, VI Khotimsk, BS Yastremskaya, AY Boyarsky, T. In . Ryabushkina, NK Druzhinin and many others.
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