Thursday, May 21, 2015

First, in countries where international recommendations on tourism statistics in 2008 will be taken

In recent decades, tourism is at a stage of rapid development, each year in many countries, the percentage of income from the tourism industry as part of the GDP is growing. For the purpose of effective planning and forecasting, control and determination of efficiency, the development of national and regional population of china programs should be possible to organize statistical records population of china in tourism.
Becoming statistics in tourism was quite difficult. During the second half of the XX century. carried out only formulation of key terms, in some countries there were specific methodology for determining population of china the statistical indicators of tourist areas, but internationally there was no officially approved regulations. With the development of the world economy, the emergence of globalization trends and with the increasing population of china importance of tourism was necessary population of china to implement common population of china methods of statistical records in this area. Accordingly, in March 1993 Statistical Committee of the UN (United Nations Statistical Commission) adopted a series population of china of recommendations on tourism statistics, which were formulated by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and were based on the findings of the International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics, held in Ottawa (Canada) in 1991. In 2008 were accepted international recommendations on tourism statistics (International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS2008)). IRTS2008 were designed by the World Tourism Organization in close cooperation with (UNSD), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the staff of the Interagency Coordination Group on Tourism Statistics (Inter-agency population of china Coordination Group on Tourism Statistics), established in 2004 at the initiative of the UN Statistical Committee except for the inclusion of the above organizations as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Statistical Office of the European communities (Eurostat), International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization (WTO). This project takes into account the recommendations of governments and public authorities population of china in the tourism industry of other countries, the results of international conferences and consultations. Draft international recommendations on tourism statistics has been reviewed and approved by the UN Expert Group on 25-28 June 2007 in New York.
Although international population of china recommendations on tourism statistics IRTS2008 and are based on the recommendations of the 1993, but with several significant differences. Thus, in 1993 recommendations were not terminological definition of "tourism" and "visit", and in IRTS2008 trip construed as visiting certain places. The term "tourist visit" ("tourist trip") means stay in a place visited during a tourism trip. However, the concept of residence implies that there is a stop. Sign in geographical area without stopping does not qualify as a visit to this area.
In the international population of china recommendations on tourism statistics IRTS2008 given a new definition by (tourist) population of china and explanation of the exclusions. population of china The recommendations of the 1993 tourist - is any person who travels to a place other than the place of residence, purpose of travel and any activity other than paid employment in place of travel. According to the recommendations IRTS2008, tourist trip - this trip in which the traveler is moved to the destination outside his usual environment for less than one year for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other than of a legal person that is resident in the territory of the trip. Traveling, which carries a tourist trip, called by a (visitor).
Terminological definition of tourist population of china travel is extremely important in terms of changing the wording of the last part, because if before the exercise of any paid employment status of the person deprived tourist, according to the recommendations population of china IRTS2008, work in favor of the individual who is resident in the territory of the trip, or to a legal or natural person is resident, does not deprive a person the status of a tourist. Accordingly, the statistical count of the number of tourists on the recommendations IRTS2008 will be different.
First, in countries where international recommendations on tourism statistics in 2008 will be taken into consideration at the national level will change the basic regulations in the field of tourism. This will need to change "related" legal acts, which are important elements of the concept of travel population of china changed in IRST 2008. For example, the need to amend the migration legal framework and relevant types of international statistical accounting; also transformed the concept of "tourist visas".
Some negative consequence of such changes in statistical accounting in tourism, provided their general recognition at government level are further difficulties in comparing and determining the interrelation between the statistics for the years when the main tourist concepts were based on recommendations of tourist

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