Wednesday, May 6, 2015

August 8, 2014 FRIDAY Official Gazette No: 29082 Development Ministry (Turkey Statistical Institute

August 8, 2014 FRIDAY Official Gazette No: 29082 Development Ministry (Turkey Statistical Institute) in terms of: TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE OF EXPERTISE REGULATION PART ONE Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions Purpose ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of this Regulation; Turkey Statistical Institute Assistant Expert and Turkey Statistical Institute qualities to look for those to be assigned to the expertise, input and the manner in which their qualifying statics exams and applications, training of help professionals and experts, duties, and to regulate the working procedures statics and principles of its responsibilities. Scope ARTICLE 2 - (1) of this Regulation, Turkey Statistical Institute cadres Turkey Statistical Institute Assistant Expert and Turkey Statistical Institute include those appointed as Expert. Basis ARTICLE 3 - (1) These Regulations, dated 10/11/2005 and numbered 5429 dated 14/7/1965 with Turkey Statistics Law of Article 46 and 657 officers are based on additional provisions of Article 41 of the Law. Definitions Article 4 - (1) In this regulation; a) The President: Turkey statics Statistical Institute President, b) Presidency: Turkey Statistical Institute, c) Training documents: in-service prepared for the Authority's remit training documents, d) Entrance exam: Turkey Statistical Institute Assistant Expert Exam, d) Introduction Examination statics Commission: Turkey Statistical Institute Assistant Expert Examination Commission, e) Guide: Institutions prepared by / fit his thesis on preparation and evaluation guidelines, f) KPSS: Public Personnel Selection Examination, g) Organization: Turkey Statistics Institution, i) SSPC: Measurement, Selection and Placement Center, h) Thesis: Expert help prepared by the expertise thesis, i) Thesis Jury: Expert aides, to evaluate their theses for expert may be official jury, ii) Applied Statistics basic education: Institution's central or regional organizations in charge of specialist foundation of helping statistics To strengthen the infrastructure and training programs designed to provide learning application areas, j) Expert: Turkey Statistical Institute Expert, k) Expert help: Turkey Statistical Institute Assistant Expert, l) YDS Foreign Language Proficiency Exam, p) Proficiency Exam: Turkey Statistical Institute Specialization competency exam, n) Proficiency Examination Commission: Proficiency statics Examination of that commission, o) prepare the Proficiency Exam Training: Proficiency Examination Prior to the training, d) Executive Committee: the training of the specialist help of the competency exam entrance exam responsible for carrying out the organization and coordination of activities Commission refers. SECTION Executive Committee, and the Special Entrance Examination Appointment of Deputy Executive Commission ARTICLE 5 - (1) Entrance exam Proficiency Examination of the planning process, the Executive Committee will be formed to carry out the organization and coordination. (2) The Executive Committee, the Chairman of one of the vice presidency, is composed of five members. (3) The Executive Committee members; department heads, statics regional managers, consultants statics or experts selected by the President of Statistics. In addition, two alternate members to be determined. In case any reason unable to attend the Executive statics Committee meeting of the permanent members attend the meeting in order to identify alternate members. (4) Each member has one vote on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee takes decisions by a simple majority vote by a majority statics and collected. Decision shall enter into force upon the approval of the President. (5) The Executive Commission, Entrance Exam and Proficiency Exam secretariat services of the Commission conducts Human Resources Department. Article 6 The tasks of executive committee - (1) The tasks of the Steering Committee include: a) the approval of the Head of Staff and by determining the number and the area with the help of expert examination process needs to be based on the situation. b) The entrance examination commission members to provide for the approval of the President. c) Training of question banks and to prepare documents and update. d) expert help to determine the basic training program of applied statistics. d) Experts and consultants help determine the thesis topic. e) submit statics to the President's approval to create the Thesis jury. f) Proficiency exam preparation statics training and proficiency test by determining the commission to present the President's approval. g) To perform other duties assigned by the President. Login announcement of exam ARTICLE 7 - (1) Expert assistant staff number of the entrance examination will be held for staff, application requirements, location, type, dates, should be seen in case study and quotas; The shape of the exam, ad text that contains other information deemed necessary by issues of assessment, at least one month before the exam date in the Official Gazette and Turkey's highest circulation newspaper, published throughout the first five

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