Saturday, May 16, 2015

Interference ratio enabling vocational training was 33.9% of the employees in Turkey vocational tra

Interference ratio enabling vocational training was 33.9% of the employees in Turkey vocational training courses or vocational other types of education (at work guided training, rotation and displacement, study visits, quality and learning circles, self-directed wausau wisconsin learning, seminars, workshops, trade fairs, participation in seminars), while the proportion of enterprises that provide 32% of all attempts in 2007, was 33.9% in 2010. Vocational training cost per participant ratio and cost per participant of enterprises that provide vocational training courses in 2007, while 284, 296 was in 2010. The distribution of the most important skills in courses targeted by size of enterprise, 2010 figures in the table may not sum due to rounding. Turkey targeted technical skills in the vocational training in general practice or work-oriented skills ranks first with 38.5%. DESCRIPTION The main objective of the Vocational Education Research Initiative, to compile detailed information about the scope of vocational training wausau wisconsin given to employees of lifelong learning initiatives. In our country, first elected in the 2007 reference year 20 economic activity wausau wisconsin group (NACE Rev. 1.1) and three venture-sized wausau wisconsin group (10-49, 50-249, 250+) for Vocational Education Research in made Venture in 2010, economic activity classification NACE REV.2 'eating and initiatives size groups wausau wisconsin were administered a second time subtracting from 3 to 6. Research group of 20 selected economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) and 6 initiatives size group (10-19, 20-49, 50-249, 250-499, 500-999, 1000+) located in the initiative was conducted with face to face interviews . The research; The cost of the vocational training provided in the initiative, as well as detailed statistics about the type and content of information on education policy initiatives with pre-vocational training is obtained.
Information: Süheyla tulumbacı Phone: +90312410 06 20 e.mail: is "title =" Send to a friend "> Newsletter Homepage - Vocational Training in Enterprises Table 1: Percentage of enterprises that provide vocational training by size of enterprise and vocational training type of activity from 2007 to 2010 Table 2: economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and vocational training according to vocational training type of activity the proportion of initiatives that, in 2010 Table 3: Enterprise wausau wisconsin size and the inside or the proportion of enterprises that provide vocational training courses by outsourcing wausau wisconsin state, 2007- 2010 Table 4: economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and inside or vocational according to outsourced status training courses providing wausau wisconsin the ratio of enterprise, 2010 Table 5: Initiative size and total the number of employees ratio of participants in vocational training courses by gender, 2007-2010 wausau wisconsin Table 6: Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and gender based on the total number of employee participants in vocational training courses wausau wisconsin rate 2010 Table 7: Participation in time to vocational training wausau wisconsin courses by size of enterprise (hours), 2007-2010 Table 8: Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) by duration of participation in vocational training courses wausau wisconsin (hours), 2010 Table 9: Initiative vocational training costs depending on the size, 2007-2010 Table 10: Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) based vocational training costs, 2010 Table 11: Distribution of the target of the most important skills in vocational training wausau wisconsin by size of enterprise, 2010 Table 12: economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) by targeted distribution of the most important skills in vocational training courses, please wausau wisconsin select to see the old 2010 initiative in the number of vocational training bulletin. 2010
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