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We İsatik: defined as the science of techniques and methods used in the scientific study of the stack formed george zimmerman ethnicity by the collected digital data processing related events observed in the direction of the stack event or incident george zimmerman ethnicity specific purpose or purposes. Stack Event: george zimmerman ethnicity An event is called such incidents do not represent the masses events other events in one event set in the set. Each unit is called Mass events events in nature. An event must be suitable to be measured or counted for the unit to be. Unit Types: george zimmerman ethnicity If the units are called to have the physical presence of live or dead bodies have material existence of such units. george zimmerman ethnicity For example, people, the volume of statistics that can be observed at any time in a given time interval, such as building units are given permanent name. In other news, traffic accident, occurring in the form of verbs such as sudden marriage units are called units. If forming a whole in terms of quality or fragmentation causes people to lose their qualifications for such combinations are called natural unit volume. Characteristics of the unnatural display unit characterized in that it is called all in terms of units. In fact, those units are called real units. On the other hand, it called hypothetical units to units that can be created theoretically. Variable or Attribute: Statistics properties owned by units of the variable, called the elegant features of the variables they take. Variable george zimmerman ethnicity Types: Embodiments of the variable if you place these types of variables occurs according to space variables, variable time based on the time, the outside is called the physical variable. Statistics Mass: Mass statistics unit in the stack to the community of the same sex or the nature of the event is called the population. Mass Types: If the actual mass consists of real unit has not yet occurred but called hypothetical mass to the mass as possible. If a finite number of units in a mass finite mass, is not to count are called infinite mass. Discontinuous masses of natural unit generates continuous bulk masses consisting of unnatural unit. Compilation: measuring units to be observed in accordance with the specified purposes or considered in determining whether the then fashionable compared to what they have to include interest and recording of process variables. Determination of Unit selection should be made according to the classification variables and stylish purpose of the mass. Compilation Type: Instantaneous Continuous Partial general statistics Definitions of probability and statistics Statistics 2015-02-22
Thank Ozan CEM
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