Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SozBlog Notes for Blog Posts Information for reviews Product Sex, Gender and Diversity act, practic

SozBlog Notes for Blog Posts Information for reviews Product Sex, Gender and Diversity act, practice, interaction and communication body, mind, emotions crises, upheavals and change how many dimensions are there the culture and history of art, film and music migration norms, values and identity of regions, cities and regions Sociological Technology and media discourse theories and classic environment and natural economy, labor and consumer reviews Conference reports Interviews & Presentations "Five how many dimensions are there minutes sociological" with Hartmut how many dimensions are there Rosa Sociological month rearview Magazine Issue 10: Emotions: How social are our feelings? Issue 9: crises and upheavals how many dimensions are there in Issue 8: Crime and Social Standards Issue 7: Sex, Gender, Diversity and reification Issue 6: economy - labor - markets special edition 2: Complex New World Special Edition 1: Social participation Issue 5: death and dying Issue 4 : freedom Issue 3: Between madness and normality Issue 2: Community how many dimensions are there and society Issue 1: Sociology how many dimensions are there - Quo Vadis? Online shop Call4Papers Current Call4Papers "education, knowledge and elites" Notes Autor_innen review Would Call4Pictures YouTube channel Interviews & Presentations DGS Congress 2014 in Trier Interview with Thomas Kron: terrorism interview with Udo Thiedeke: Sociology of Love Interview with Wolfgang Schluchter: To 150th birthday of Max Weber Interview with Michael Hartmann: elite theory Interview with Reiner Keller: action, practices, actors, subjects Interview with Hubert Knoblauch: subject of Communicative Action Interview with John Angermüller: how many dimensions are there Discourse Tagungungsmitschnitt "(loading) interpretation claims in qualitative research "Video Lecture" Sociological theories of today and diagnoses how many dimensions are there "(Hubert Knoblauch) Links & Tools Participate as Blogger_in as Autor_in the editorial team as a (promotional) member as (advertising) Partner_in how many dimensions are there About Herausgeber_innen editorial & Contact Scientific Advisory Board of Friends Imprint Apps magazine as App
Next year comes - the census. One way or another like this, with some justification, to be reminded of the protests against the census in the 1980s. But it also has consequences for the social sciences. Censuses are actually full surveys of all Einwohner_innen or Bürger_innen a state. Its central justification it receives with the need to collect data required how many dimensions are there by the state to control. It is less about the safeguarding of civil rights, as to their obligations. The official reporting statistics accomplishes this task only partly because the quality of their data over the years deteriorated. A census - so the essential how many dimensions are there idea - could serve to balance the official data and accordingly they provide a reliable, solid basis for political decisions.
As part of an EU-wide census round in the coming year is also Germany a census - the "Census 2011" - carry out. However, it involves no census since only one sample is drawn at least in the Bürger_innen. Currently already running the first phase, the "building and housing census" in which all land lords of housing for this, for example. Of living space and the name of the Bewohner_innen, must provide information. Not least on this basis under the "household survey" draw a sample that comprises 10% of the German population. There are thereby drawn addresses. All Bewohner_innen these are then interviewed in person, even if a personal filling out the questionnaire should also be possible. As a comparison with other data collected state is to take place, anonymity how many dimensions are there can not be guaranteed. The data requested are socio-demographic (ie, for example. Of education, employment, gender, ...). The mention of religion should be voluntary. Parallel send another government agency, for example. The Federal Employment Agency, transmit personal data to the Federal Statistical Office.
Especially when it is voluntary but exciting: In general, how many dimensions are there the (truthful and complete) participation in the census under penalty of a fine of up to 5000 Euro is mandatory. As in the 1980s, therefore, formed a protest movement that has remained relatively unnoticed. You look especially the right to informal self-determination under threat, which was first formulated itself within the census judgment of 1983 judicially (see. Wikipedia). They fear a, by the civil uncontrollable, disclosure of personal data between offices. In a time in which the sensitivity of own data is repeatedly stressed and citizens on the conscious protection of their own data e

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