Thursday, April 2, 2015

Poor care and widespread diseases such as cholera caused the inhabitants of Angola live to an avera

A small sovereign state of Monaco has the area 1.95 square kilometers abnormally large population to 30,586 inhabitants. World record represents its population density, which is an awesome 15,685 people per 1 km2.
The Chinese territory of Macau, however, is even more crowded! Approximately 567,957 population pyramid people share the land with an area of 29.2 square kilometers. Record in this country got an incredible density, which is up to 19 450 people per km2.
Poor care and widespread diseases such as cholera caused the inhabitants of Angola live to an average of just 38.76 years. Women live to an average of 39.83 years, while men only 37.74 years.
On the contrary, wealthy residents population pyramid of Monaco live an average of 89.78 years, while men live longer on average to 85.81 years and women 93.9 years. The average population pyramid length of Monaco population represents only 2.5 times the life expectancy of the Angolan population. The southernmost inhabited place
The village of Puerto Toro on Navarino Island in Chile's southernmost permanently populated human base. It is used as a research station and it occupies only 36 people. The largest annual human migration
The human population of Antarctica is not standing there at research stations throughout the continent. Within one year, the population increased about five-fold, from about 1,000 in winter to about 5,000 during the summer months.
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